Music by The Refusers

Monday, March 5, 2012

Strong Woman Song by Raven Hart-Bellecourt and Lisa Muswagon

The Strong Woman Song is performed by Raven Hart-Bellecourt and Lisa Muswagon. This is one of the first songs that I learned as a young woman singing with other young women.

The Strong Woman Song

At a women's gathering a couple of years ago an Ojibwe Elder taught us the "Strong Woman Song". It was a powerful experience.

At that time those attending mumbled some sounds as we tried to participate in the song and then when the Elder sang, her voice boomed, full of confidence and strength. And then I understood the power of the song!

Yesterday at my drum-making workshop I learned that the origins of song come from the penitentiary. When women were sent to isolation the song rang out from the cells as the rest of women united with her, giving her strength and reminding her of her own strength as well as their support.

I was also told, at the original gathering that it is a wonderful song to sing to babies as the energy and the vibration of the chest/throat is very soothing for an infant. When my grandson was born I would sing to him, with him lying on my chest. Before long cries quieted and then he would hold his hand in front of my mouth, feeling the breath. Within seconds he would fall fast asleep. My son-in-law called me the baby whisperer.

Here is a version of the song that I found online.

Source of the above text explaining, The Strong Woman Song:



The Nature Jotter said...

amazing photo!

Pam Bickell said...

Love this, Mike. Freeing! Thanks.

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hello Pam & Nature Jotter:

Glad you liked both the music and the picture.

Kindest regards to both,