Music by The Refusers

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Good News Directly From Florida And The CDC


Above picture is of Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida.

So why are there still lockdowns and news outlets are still showing old figures proven to be false?

Bravo to the Governor of Florida, Ron De Santis for acting in the best interests of the citizens of Florida. 

To learn more about the above, view the video below:

Described Art - A Poem by KiBLS with Graphics by Darren Atherton


If you wish to read more poems by KiBLS, there are links below:

German e-book list: 

English e-book list: 

01. Poems of the new time (47/51 published poems) 

02. Newspeak (R)evolution (28/43 published poems)

03. Neurolinguistic hacks (20/35 published poems) 

04. Let me say; Thank you! (07/?? published poems) 

05. The appearance of IO (06/06 published poems) 

06. Experimental poems (21/21 published poems) 

07. Prophetic poetic (16/?? published poems)

08. Choosen community poems (27/?? published poems) 

09. Wisdom speaks! (11/?? published poems) 

10. This is my way! (17/?? published poems) 

11. Praising my reality (07/?? published poems) 

12. New poems in german (07/?? published poems) 

13. More new era poetry (06/?? published poems) 

14. Prophetic poetic part 2 (will be added soon!) 

15. Level up! (will be added soon!) 

16. The return of IO (will be added soon!) 

17. Masterminds align (will be added soon!) 

18. Tuning of the minds 

19. The hidden sun 

Articles about KiBLS

Poems from KiBLS on other channels 

Copyright and license informations 

Link to the old english list: 

Link to the old german list: 

Link to the old overview: 

Sunday, September 27, 2020

We Will Plan For The Now - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

 The past habit of creating out of non-realities that lead to a chaos and confusion will no longer exist.  Now will Humankind discuss and plan systems that are suited to the realities of that time and the environments that exist
We will plan for the now and past and future will take care of themselves. We will live in harmony and balance with the Earth and each other. You will have no choice but to change your archaic methods that no longer work.  Education will be as it was intended to be.  A way to adapt and adjust one's thinking to the task at hand in the time and place at hand.  The Elders and those with true skills and knowledge will lead the way and all will prosper in this system.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Friday, September 25, 2020

Respect Is Rare - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Respect is rare as all good and positive concepts have become rare within the world of Man. This was not always so, but was a result of a weakness within the human personality structure, which allowed ego to take over, rather than that mature and loving Self that you call, the Soul. We just call this Self, You. Yes, you are this Self even though much of the time you are detached or lost from the better part of your human nature.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Respekt är Sällsynt - Ett Citat av M.N. Hopkins

Respekt är sällsynt eftersom alla bra och positiva begrepp har blivit sällsynta inom människornas värld. Detta var inte alltid så, utan var en följd av en svaghet i den mänskliga personligheten struktur, som tillät egot ta över, snarare än det mogna och kärleksfulla Jag som du kallar Själen. Vi kallar just detta Själv, Du. Ja, du är detta Själv även om du under en stor del av din tid är fristående eller förlorad från den bättre delen av din mänskliga naturen.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Respekt ist Selten - Ein Zitat von M.N. Hopkins

Respekt ist selten; sowie alles Gute und auch positive Konzepte sind selten geworden in der Welt der Menschen. 
Dies war nicht immer so, sondern resultiert durch eine Schwäche innerhalb der menschlichen Persönlichkeitsstruktur, die dem Ego erlaubt,  anstelle von dem erwachsenen und liebenden Selbst, das wir die Seele nennen, zu ĂĽbernehmen.  Wir nennen dieses Selbst einfach "Du". Ja, du bist dieses Selbst, obwohl dieses verloren gegangen ist oder abgesondert wurde von der besseren Seite deiner menschlichen Natur.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Pass The Narrow Gate - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Pass the narrow gate

Though, very few will enter

Those who do, instruct

©   2020   M.N. Hopkins

Note:    I wrote this poem yesterday in the haiku style of poetry and published it for the first time on my blog today, the 19th of September, 2020.

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Friday, September 18, 2020

Light Warriors Arise - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

 As the darkness grows

Those of Light take up the sword

Light warriors arise

©  2020   M.N. Hopkins

Note:    I wrote this poem yesterday and published it for the first time on my blog today, the 18th of September 2020 in the haiku style of poetry.

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Thursday, September 17, 2020

With Courage You Will...The Wisdom of Mark Twain

Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910).  Mark Twain, was an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Seek First....A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Seek first, your own contentment, then help others to seek and find their own. Be a patient guide and show a way. A way that you have already begun. Advise of their errors and warn of pitfalls. Keep the message simple and clear. For real change to occur, there must be a strong desire and willingness to go deep into their own dark areas and transmute and transform this locked up energy, so as to create an explosion of illumination.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Sök Först......Ett Citat av M.N. Hopkins

Sök först din egen tillfredsställelse, hjälp sedan andra att söka och finna sin! Var en tålmodig guide och visa en väg, en väg som du redan har börjat gå. Tillkännage dina misstag och varna för fallgropar! Håll budskapet enkelt och tydligt! För att verklig förändring ska ske måste det finnas en stark önskan och vilja att gå djupt in i sin egen mörka områden, transformera och omvandla denna inlåsta energi, för att skapa en explosiv upplysning.

©    M.N. Hopkins

To read the original in English, please click on the link provided below:

Zuerst, Suche....Ein Zitat von M.N. Hopkins

Zuerst, suche deine eigene Zufriedenheit, dann erst hilf andren, die ihre zu suchen und zu finden. Sei ein geduldiger FĂĽhrer, und Weise einen Weg. Ein Weg den du schon begonnen hast.  Weise auf ihre Fehler hin und warne sie vor Fallgruben. Halte die Botschaft einfach und klar. Damit wahrhaftige Veränderung stattfinden kann, mĂĽssen ein starker Wille und die Bereitschaft tief in deren eigene dunkeln Gedanken Vorzudringen vorhanden sein, Um diese verschlossene Energie zu formen und transformieren, um eine Explosion der Erleuchtung herbei zu fĂĽhren.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original in English, please click on the link provided below:

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Psychopomp Defined


First Thing In The Morning - The Wisdom Of Omraam Mikheal Aivanhov

Omraam MikhaĂ«l AĂŻvanhov (1900-1986) was born in Bulgaria and received French citizenship just before his death. At the age of 17 he became Peter Deunov’s disciple and stayed with him until 1937. It was at this time that Peter Deunov, founder of the White Brotherhood, asked him to leave Bulgaria for France in order to spread the teaching.

From 1938 until 1986 he gave some 4,500 talks in French, first of all in France (in Paris and its outskirts, and later at Fréjus in the Var region), and then in Switzerland, Canada, the United States, India, Sweden and Norway. He also visited many other countries.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Angels Of Mercy - A Poem by Dominic Windram

All night long they listen to my prayers.
They affirm me in my darkest hours.
They purify the cold, secular air.
And proclaim that Love's a higher power.

O those wise, swooping Angels of Mercy:
Who turn nightmares into radiant dreams!
O those sweet, sacred sisters of Beauty:
Their Visions unfold in silvery streams!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Leaders In The Future - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins


Leaders in the future will be true leaders with the gifts and talents necessary to lead Mankind back to Itself. 

No longer will Mankind be driven by lies and empty words, but by those of true inspiration and direction. 

No longer driven by fear, but directed by loving kindness which will be an outward expression of an inward hearts-light.

© M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Be Responsible And Part Of The Human Community - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Be responsible and part of the human community and have no concern for all the false ones who teach fear and lack of concern for their fellow humans. Live by example. Give your love freely. For, in freedom is grown a loving and kind heart.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Var Ansvarsfull Och En Del av Den Mänskliga Gemenskapen - Ett Citat av M.N. Hopkins

Var ansvarsfull och en del av den mänskliga gemenskapen och ha inga bekymmer för alla de falska som sprider rädsla och brist på intresse för sina medmänniskor. Lev som gott exempel. Ge din kärlek fritt. För i frihet odlas ett kärleksfullt och gott hjärta.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read the original in English, please click on the link below.

Sei Verantwortungsvoll Und Teil Der Menschlichen Gemeinschaft - Ein Zitat von M.N. Hopkins

Sei verantwortungsvoll und Teil der menschlichen Gemeinschaft und mach Dir keine Sorgen um all die Heuchler, die Angst und Mangel aus Sorge um ihre Mitmenschen verbreiten. Lebe als gutes Beispiel. Gib groĂźzĂĽgig Deine Liebe. Denn in Freiheit gedeiht ein liebevolles und gĂĽtiges Herz.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read the original in English, please click on the link below.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Rose/Martin London Real Interview on Monday, September 7, 2020 at 6 pm UK Time/1 pm EST



Until recently best known as the founder of M·CAM®, the international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance, David E. Martin is a modern day renaissance man, whose roles have included Professor, Lecturer, Chairman and CEO.

From the halls of parliament to HBO comedy and documentary films such as the internationally acclaimed and multi-awarded Patent Wars and Future Dreaming, Dr. Martin takes on some of the world’s most complex economic and social themes using solutions that he’s successfully deployed in his work with over 160 countries.

He recently appeared in Mikki Willis’ documentary, Plandemic: Indoctornation where he revealed the truth behind the vaccine agenda and how following the money had led him to a number of conclusions about what is really going on during the Coronavirus crisis.

With Plandemic: Indoctornation being viewed over 5.7 million times on the Digital Freedom Platform alone, David has become an important voice as part of informed discourse around Coronavirus and our response as a society, with his recent research continuing to focus on vaccines, patents and the role of companies such as Moderna.

David’s other work includes financial engineering and investment, public speaking and writing, he has also served as an advisor to numerous Central Banksglobal economic forums, the World Bank and International Finance Corporation and national governments around the world.

He has been instrumental in rebuilding lives and livelihoods in post-conflict, post-colonial, and environmentally devastated regions of the world. He is the architect for the world’s first public equity quantitative market index based on human innovation.

Dr. Martin has publications in law, medicine, engineering, finance, and education. He maintains active research in the fields of linguistic genomics, fractal financial-risk modelling, and cellular membrane ionic signaling. In a televised speech in 2006, David correctly forecast the U.S. housing financial crisis and identified it as a catalyst for the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.

His investment funds, banking businesses and global trade network return extraordinary results by measuring all the field effects of every endeavour. He is also the author of the novel Coup D’Twelve: The Enterprise that Bought the Presidency – now optioned for theatrical release.

Described as a futurist, fulcrum ninja, economist and global business executive, David disarms the most ardent pessimists, showing that with a flexible perspective, we can tackle any perceived problem and achieve extraordinary outcomes.

To register to see the interview, please use the registration link below.

Rose/Martin London Real Interview

Seek The Sound & Sun....The Wisdom of Rumi

Friday, September 4, 2020

We Will Rise Again - A Poem By M.N. Hopkins

We will rise again 

When the evil cult implodes

Justice will be served

©   2020  M.N. Hopkins

Note:   This poem was inspired and written in the haiku style of poetry yesterday.  If enough believe this and have faith in a positive outcome, then so shall it be.  The reset will not be as the global elites imagine but one that we have envisiobned and brought about into reality.  Remember, God helps those who help themselves.  I published this poem for the first time on my blog today, the 4th of September, 2020.

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Conveyors Of Lies - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Destroy them with truth

The red mirage marauders

Conveyors of lies

©  2020   M.N. Hopkins

Note:   I wrote this poem yesterday in the haiku style of poetry after learning of the red mirage scam to propagate a false narrative to prepare citizens for some probable fraudulent activities to steal an election in  November.  I published this poem for the first time today on the 4th of September, 2020.

To learn more about the Red Mirage scam, please view the video enbedded below.

Youtube link:

What Have We Become? - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

What have we become?

Cowardice and submission

American Up!

©  2020   M.N. Hopkins

Note:   This poem was inspired and written in the haiku style of poetry a few days ago after watching a few videos showing our rights being taken awy without any concern for rule of law or Constitutional rights while at the same time seeing huge protests in Germany and the UK of peaceful responsible citizens telling the truth and saying we will not submit whereas in the States people are bending a knee and cowering to criminals and thugs on the streets.  What is wrong with this picture?  Time to shape up, take back the rule of law and American UP!   I published this poem for the first time today, the 3rd of September, 2020.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

We Will Make It So - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

By the Grace Of God

Our republic will still stand

We will make it so

©  2020  M.N. Hopkins

Note:   I wrote this poem in the haiku style of poetry last week after watching some reports of the hatred and madness that has been unleased in the States by foreign meddlers and their weak, greedy and corrupted minions acting as a fifth column with an army of useful idiots who will be eliminated after they have succeeded in the destruction of the republic if they indeed, do so.  I published this poem for the first time on my blog on the 3rd of September, 2020.

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Those Who Will Censor - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Those who will censor

Are afraid of exposure

They're losing control

©  2020   M.N. Hopkins

Note:   The above poem was inspired and written in the haiku style of poetry about a week ago and published for the first time today, the 1st of September, 2020.

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below: