Music by The Refusers

Monday, December 9, 2024

Faith Returns To Light Your Way In The Days Ahead - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

There are those who pollute the environment with their thoughts of disaster and peril. Who have brought you these fear filled mental constructs that you have willingly accepted as truthful. Now, a shield of truth surrounds you and keeps you from all harm.  Feel it and revel in its' healing properties. For, it has come this day as a gift to be experienced and shared with others.  Doubt and worry have fled as faith returns to light your way in the days ahead.

© M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

To Be Guarded In All Your Ways - Inspiration from the Psalms


Saturday, December 7, 2024

Balancing Pride And Humility - The Wisdom of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Pride and humility - finding the right balance

Disciples must find the right balance between pride and excessive humility. They should not be completely self-effaced on the pretext of humility, or they will end up becoming idiotic and stupid. But neither should they be overly conceited on the pretext that they are following a spiritual teaching, for then they will become simply ridiculous. It is most difficult to strike the right balance. Even in the initiate schools of the past, very few disciples were able to avoid giving way to pride or excessive humility – which is often nothing but pride in disguise! So be careful not to make the same mistakes. You must know how to be dressed like a king while remaining a humble servant.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov was a Bulgarian philosopher, pedagogue, mystic, and esotericism. A leading 20th-century teacher of Western Esotericism in Europe, he was a disciple of Peter Deunov, the founder of the Universal White Brotherhood.


Friday, December 6, 2024

A Psalm of Encouragement And Restoration


Emotional And Mental Illness Is As A Plague - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Emotional and mental illness is as a plague upon the Lands. This is due to unnatural conflicts created when one begins to see reality through a haze of myth and images created and put into human minds by an evil priestly class.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

10 Clear Signs from Your Childhood Showed You Were Chosen by C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis Central is a channel devoted to sharing uplifting messages that aim to bless the days of our viewers and community. We offer daily videos inspired by the teachings of C.S. Lewis, an extraordinary author we deeply admire, and his insights are woven throughout our content. Some videos will focus exclusively on his writings. Yet, we always bring forward the Bible, where God's word is found. We are simply children of God, just like all of you.

A Psalm of Protection
