Music by The Refusers

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Request From Access Now - RightsCon Rio: Send us your questions!


RightsCon Rio: Send us your questions!

Here is your chance to help shape the debate on the future of your internet.

On May 31 and June 1, Access will be hosting the Rio de Janeiro Human Rights and Technology Conference (RightsCon: Rio), bringing together tech companies, government officials, and digital activists from around the world to explore and examine how the information and communications technology (ICT) industry can better plan for and manage the human rights implications of their technologies.

Submit your question or comment for one of these jampacked RightsCon: Rio panels listed below by filling out the form to the right. We'll make sure your comment is addressed to the right panel and get you answer.

1. The Power of Networked Political Movements - How digital natives are changing the world and what it means for democracy, human rights, criminality, and security

2. The Rise of the Internet CommunityThe battles against SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA have galvanized ordinary individuals to rise up and take an interest about what was once arcane internet policy. Why and how did this happen? 

3. Bridging the Digital Divide - Mobile, Telecoms, and the Future of the Internet in Latin America. How do we promote digital inclusion, through the expansion of access, capacity, and user rights?

4. Social Media in Times of Crisis - How revolutionary movements around the world were fueled by active participation on social media sites and why it is important to protect the existence of social networks, particularly during periods of unrest.

5. Net Neutrality in Latin America - Net neutrality is a policy that is both profit-making and rights-respecting. What are its effects in Latin America and beyond?

Access Now.Org

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