The fires of change burn now and will continue to burn as long as Man inhabits a human form.For you have entered the ring of fire by incarnating into human form.
The fire will burn away the sorrow of the ages and transform and transmute you all one day into Beings of Light.Once alight with the fire of creation you will see life as an adventure to be lived as a child plays.During play thevery young ones observe and reflect upon all that is seen with a joyous demeanor.This joy is what fuels the fire of knowledge and brings the answers to light or one might better say, brings the light of understanding to the child.
The child is open and honestly proceeds in a joy filled manner.This allows the child to easily access information that adults cannot due to their constant state of hypnotic distractions. The adult has been trained to look away from all that is true and self-evident whereas the child in his unknowing is open to all knowing unimpeded by his or her taught hindrances and fears.The child can see the world in a clear and open way, a way that has been lost to all but a few who have entered the adult world.
A child is born into freedom of thought and emotion and is led as quickly as possible into the slavery of imaginary thinking.Loosing the ability to think and reason for him or herself, the child begins to enter the world of dull mindedness and dull emotions.Those who resist are quickly vaccinated and medicated into submission.For drugs dull the senses and weaken the will of Man.
Medical science is nothing more than one of the many tools used to enslave the mind and emotions and weaken and sicken the human form.For Man was once a strong and healthy entity capable of advanced thought and feeling who has devolved into a semi or half conscious and aware individual that has been so poisoned in body and mind as to lack the will to evolve.
A few dare and a few make it out of their prisons due to the inherent strength of will that has never been broken by those of dark determination.More will awaken and revive their strength and good sense as they reconnect to Self.
Be bold and fear not.Arise and feel again yourSelf and reconnect to Heaven and Earth.See the beauty that abounds and transform back to your original intentions that directed all before this age of darkness came to be.
This is a video with beautiful music and many beautiful images. This one is well worth 6 minutes of your time. Enjoy.
This video is created to clear your subconscious of negative memories. While you are watching this video you will be erasing negative memories from your subconscious by using Sound, Images and Ho'o pono pono. What is Ho'o pono pono? Ho'o pono pono is an ancient hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.
In recent weeks the general public has mobilized to face US legislative threats to Internet freedoms. Far from a conclusive victory, however, the death of SOPA and PIPA only highlight the latest in a series of measures that are seeking to create a legal framework for government-administered Internet censorship. Find out more about this contentious topic in this week's GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV.
When legislators in the US abandoned their support of SOPA and PIPA in the wake of mass popular protest earlier this month, many of those who had been mobilized by the legislation–which would have granted the US government almost total power to block access to foreign websites accused of so much as linking to copyrighted material–did not have long to enjoy their “victory.” The very next day the New Zealand police swooped in to the million-dollar estate of founder Kim Dotcom, arresting him and three others at the US government’s request for alleged racketeering, copyright infringement and money laundering. The Department of Justice is now seeking the MegaUpload CEO’s extradition to the US.
Some amongst those who had been campaigning against SOPA and PIPA did not know that the US government already had the authority to shut down entire websites and in fact has exercised that authority on numerous occasions. What many are now learning is that, far from some potential future threat, internet censorship already exists in a variety of legislation that is already on the books in the United States and in nations around the world.
Although most commonly associated with China, which has implemented strict internet filters that prevent its citizens from finding politically sensitive material, various internet censorship programs have already been implemented by countries around the globe.
In 2010, Japan passed amendments to its copyright law making it illegal to download copyrighted material.
The move has yet to curtail file-sharing in the country, so the Japanese government recently announced that they are going to begin putting fake copies of popular tv dramas on file-sharing websites that, when opened, remind users that it is illegal to download such material.
In July of 2010, the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement seized the domains of 8 websites that it accused of hosting illegal copies of copyrighted material as part of an investigation dubbed Operation In Our Sites. The seizures came before any trial took place, and six of the websites did not actually host any of the copyrighted material in question, only linking to it. That November, ICE acted once again, this time seizing 82 domains. In December of 2011, over one year later, the agency returned one of the domains,, to its owner, after admitting that it had not in fact breached any laws.
In May of last year, the US Justice Department began seeking the extradition of one of the website’s operators, Richard O’Dwyer, from the UK. O’Dwyer is a British citizen who established in December of 2007. The DOJ is hoping to bring O’Dwyer to the US under the Extradition Act of 2003 to face charges of copyright infringement in the Southern District of New York.
Late last year, a number of nations signed a new global copyright agreement known as the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement or ACTA. Signatories include the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, South Korea, and, as of this past week, 22 member states of the European Union.
Purported to be a treaty against counterfeit goods, generic drugs and copyright, it threatens to fundamentally alter the internet as it has so far existed.
When the Polish government announced its intention to sign earlier this month, protests sprang up around the country.
While the public is only beginning to understand the implications of ACTA, which has already been signed by a number of countries, others are pointing to these types of agreements as only the thin edge of the wedge for the implementation of outright totalitarian control over the internet as a whole. Indeed, perhaps even more worrying than the existing legislation and agreements for internet censorship are the numerous proposals for even more restrictive measures that have been made time and again by political leaders in a variety of contexts.
In October of 2008, the Labor government in Australia proposed a mandatory filter for the entire Australian internet. The proposal, dubbed “Clean Feed” would ostensibly block any content deemed to break Australia’s media regulations. When a list of the websites supposed to be banned under the scheme was released in early 2009, it included the websites of numerous innocuous Australian businesses, as well as overtly political websites that had no illegal or offending material. The current government has said they would not vote for any such legislation, and the proposal would be unlikely to reach parliament until 2013.
In 2010 the UK passed the Digital Economy Act, which theoretically allows for the UK government to ban copyright violators from the Internet. In August of 2011, parts of the legislation proposing the blocking of sites believed to be linking to copyrighted material was declared to be unenforceable and were dropped from the legislation.
In March of 2009, Senator Jay Rockefeller opined during a subcommittee hearing that the internet is proving to be such a threat to America’s national security that it would have been better if it had never existed.
In June of 2010, Senator Joe Lieberman stated that he believed the US needed the same ability to shut down the internet as China currently has.
While these proposals are sometimes couched in business-friendly rhetoric about protecting intellectual property, sometimes as a national security question about defending cyber infrastructure from foreign enemies and sometimes as attempts to protect children or stop the spread of child pornography, the proponents of internet censorship are becoming increasingly honest about their real worry: the free spread of ideas amongst a public that is allowed to choose for themselves what information to believe and what to discard.
Last year, Bill Clinton advocated the idea that the US government create an agency for “fact-checking” websites on the internet.
Earlier this month, Evgeny Morozov of Stanford, who previously served as a Fellow of George Soros’ Open Society Institute, wrote an article calling on Google and other search engines to use banners to warn users about websites that are deemed to be pseudoscientific or conspiratorial. Perhaps realizing that the proposal sounds drastic, Morozov concludes: “such a move might trigger conspiracy theories of its own—e.g. is Google shilling for Big Pharma or for Al Gore?—but this is a risk worth taking as long as it can help thwart the growth of fringe movements.”
Here we see the real danger of the internet for those who seek to control the spread of information. The internet, like every other medium that has come before it, changes not just the way in which people create, distribute and receive information, but the information itself. Just as the printing press led to the widespread publication of the Bible in the vernacular and ultimately to the Reformation which forever transformed the power structure in European society, so too has the internet allowed the public to receive, correlate and distribute information that challenges official government narratives in a way that threatens to transform the power structure of our society. And as the traditional media has begun to bleed away the remains of its increasingly dissatisfied customer base, self-immolated on the fantastic failure to challenge the status quo on issues like Saddam’s WMD or the growing apparatus of the police state or the never-ending bailouts of the too-big-to-fails, a new, independent media has arisen to take its place, empowered by technologies that allow for the instantaneous and nearly costless transmission of ideas to the farthest corners of the globe.
When situated in this context, the recent struggle over the SOPA and PIPA bills are seen for what they are: one battle in a much larger war for internet freedom, and ultimately, the cognitive liberty of the American public. But it is possible to win the battle and yet lose the war, as the millions of MegaUpload users who just had all of their files seized by the FBI found out the hard way. The only hope is that the movement that has arisen to face this, the greatest threat to the rise of this new era of mental independence, does not wane in the wake of the SOPA and PIPA “victory,” but instead rises to meet the even greater internet clampdown that awaits. After all, all the authorities are waiting for is for the public to fall back asleep.
In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss the State of the Banana Republic, the blowout at Apple with its profits 'trapped' overseas and the gloomy State of the Stiff Upper Lip as UK family debts soar by nearly 50%. And, finally, Max and Stacy examine a proposal that bankers, like Goldman Sachs' Lloyd Blankfein and JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon, should compete like strippers on the open job market.
ACTA tramples on national sovereignty and personal freedoms
by Stephen Lendman
Global Research Canada, January 28, 2012
Worst of all, secret negotiations facilitate similarly drafted future international agreements, benefitting powerful interests at the expense of personal freedoms. For ACTA, heavy-handed Washington pressure forced through draconian provisions.
Internet freedom's on the line. SOPA and PIPA threatened Net Neutrality and free expression. So does ACTA. More on it below.
For now, the largest online protest in Internet history got Congress to abandon SOPA and PIPA for now but not permanently. Expect resurrection in modified form. Language may change but not intent. ACTA's worse.
Launched on October 23, 2007, America, the EU, Switzerland and Japan began secretly negotiating a new intellectual property enforcement treaty - the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA).
Other nations got involved, including Canada, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Jordan, Singapore, and the UAE. Ostensibly for counterfeit goods protection, it's about fast-tracking Internet distribution and information technology rules at the expense of Net Neutrality, privacy, and personal freedoms.
It establishes unrestricted supranational global trade rules. In the process, it tramples on national sovereignty and personal freedoms. Moreover, negotiations were secret until WikiLeaks reported in May 2008:
"If adopted, (ACTA) would impose a strong, top-down enforcement regime, with new cooperation requirements upon (ISPs), including perfunctionary disclosure of customer information."
"The proposal also bans 'anti-circumvention measures which may affect online anonymity systems and would likely outlaw multi-region CD/DVD players. The proposal also specifies a plan to encourage developing nations to accept the legal regime." Those opting out face retaliatory measures.
On April 22, 2010, Electronic Frontier Foundation writer Gwen Hinze headlined, "Preliminary Analysis of the Officially Released ACTA Text," saying:
"The text (leaves no doubt) that ACTA is not just about counterfeiting." It's far more. It covers copyrights, patents, and other intellectual property forms, including the Internet.
It's also about the ability of users to "communicate, collaborate and create" freely. In addition, it imposes obligations (on) Internet intermediaries (and), requir(es) them to police" cyberspace and its users. As a result, it raises serious questions about open affordable access, free expression, personal privacy, and "fair use rights."
On May 27, 2011, the Foundation for Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) said the European Commission published a final ACTA text with few changes from its last known version. Since introduced, major media scoundrels reported little about its destructive provisions.
Last October, Washington, Australia, Canada, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, and South Korea signed ACTA. US deputy trade representative Mariam Sapiro hailed the occasion, saying:
"As with many of the challenges we face in today's global economy, no government can single-handedly eliminate the problem of global counterfeiting and piracy. Signing this agreement is therefore an act of shared leadership and determination in the international fight against intellectual property theft."
Public Knowledge attorney Rashmi Rangnath called the deal the Obama administration's "attempt to foist US law on other countries."
It also broke another candidate Obama promise to "(s)upporte the principle of network neutrality to preserve the benefits of open competition on the Internet."
In fact, doing so lawlessly circumvented Congress. On October 1, 2011, Obama acted by "executive agreement." He falsely claimed ACTA's not a treaty requiring Senate approval. Constitutional issues remain unresolved.
By law, executive agreements apply only to sole presidential authority issues. Treaties must be ratified by a two-thirds Senate supermajority. As a result, a circulating petition demands Senate consideration. By February 21, 25,000 are needed. So far, thousands are recorded. Dozens of legal scholars support it
So far, the administration's stonewalling. It's circumventing the law like it always does and breaking a campaign pledge in the process. Post-SOPA/PIPA, Obama diktat authority rammed it through illegally.
In contrast, the Mexican Senate rejected it in a non-binding resolution. On January 26, Poland's Japan ambassador, Jadwiga Rodowicz-Czechowska, signed it. It's yet to pass parliament.
To read the rest of this article, please click on the link provided below:
European Parliament Official In Charge Of ACTA Quits, And Denounces The 'Masquerade' Behind ACTA
by Mike Masnick
This is interesting. Kader Arif, the "rapporteur" for ACTA, has quit that role in disgust over the process behind getting the EU to sign onto ACTA. A rapporteur is a person "appointed by a deliberative body to investigate an issue." However, it appears his investigation of ACTA didn't make him very pleased:
I want to denounce in the strongest possible manner the entire process that led to the signature of this agreement: no inclusion of civil society organisations, a lack of transparency from the start of the negotiations, repeated postponing of the signature of the text without an explanation being ever given, exclusion of the EU Parliament's demands that were expressed on several occasions in our assembly.
As rapporteur of this text, I have faced never-before-seen manoeuvres from the right wing of this Parliament to impose a rushed calendar before public opinion could be alerted, thus depriving the Parliament of its right to expression and of the tools at its disposal to convey citizens' legitimate demands.”
Everyone knows the ACTA agreement is problematic, whether it is its impact on civil liberties, the way it makes Internet access providers liable, its consequences on generic drugs manufacturing, or how little protection it gives to our geographical indications.
This agreement might have major consequences on citizens' lives, and still, everything is being done to prevent the European Parliament from having its say in this matter. That is why today, as I release this report for which I was in charge, I want to send a strong signal and alert the public opinion about this unacceptable situation. I will not take part in this masquerade.
Pretty rare to find such direct honesty in political circles. That's quite a direct and clear condemnation of the entire process. In terms of process, it will be interesting to see if this has an impact. While the EU did sign on to ACTA today, it still needs to be ratified by the European Parliament (more on that in a little while). Having Arif quit makes a pretty big statement, and hopefully makes it easier for Parliament Members to speak out loudly against ACTA... Still, this is an uphill battle. The supporters of ACTA have been working to get ACTA approved for years. To them, this is basically a done deal.
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA): The Corporate Usurpation of the Internet
by Nile Bowie
Global Research Canada, January 27, 2012
In the wake of a public outcry against internet regulation bills such as SOPA and PIPA, representatives of the EU have signed a new and far more threatening legislation yesterday in Tokyo. Spearheaded by the governments of the United States and Japan and constructed largely in the absence of public awareness, the measures of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) dramatically alter currentinternational legal framework, while introducing the first substantial processes of global internet governance. With complete contempt towards the democratic process, the negotiations of the treaty were exclusively held between industry representatives and government officials, while excluding elected representatives and members of the press from their hearings.
Under the guise of protecting intellectual property rights, the treaty introduces measures that would allow the private sector to enforce sweeping central authority over internet content. The ACTA abolishes all legal oversight involving the removal of content and allows copyright holders to force ISPs to remove material from the internet, something that presently requires a court order. ISPs would thenbe faced with legal liabilitiesif they chose not to remove content. Theoretically, personal blogs can be removed for using company logos without permission or simply linking to copy written material; users could be criminalized, barred from accessing the internet and even imprisoned for sharing copyrighted material. Ultimately, these implications would be starkly detrimental toward the internet as a medium for free speech.
The Obama Administration subverted the legal necessity of allowing to US Senate to ratify the treaty by unconstitutionally declaring it an “executive agreement” before the President promptly signed it on October 1, 2011. As a touted constitutional lawyer, Barack Obama is fully aware that Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution, mandates Congress in dealing with issues of intellectual property, thus voiding the capacity for the President to issue an executive agreement. The White House refused to even disclose details about the legislation to elected officials and civil libertarians over concern that doing so may incur "damage to the national security." While some may hang off every word of his sorely insincere speeches and still be fixated by the promises of hope offered by brand-Obama, his administration has trampled the constitution and introduced the most comprehensive authoritarian legislation in America’s history.
When Myrna and Earl Fincher married 53 years ago they started farming their yard "out of necessity". Today, the Finchers make a living selling their organic produce to restaurants and at the local farmers' market twice a week for much of the year. They had no experience as farmers, but learned by trial and error.
The skies over northern Europe have been illuminated with an intense display of the northern lights after a week of massive solar storms showered the Earth with radiation. Video shot last weekend in Norway showed the eye-catching effect of the Aurora Borealis in the skies above Birtavarre. The lights are a familiar sight for Scandinavians, but even experienced stargazers were stunned by the intensity of the aurora borealis that swept across their night's sky on Tuesday, after the biggest solar storm in more than six years. An aurora appears when a magnetic solar wind slams into the Earth's magnetic field, exciting electrons of oxygen and nitrogen. Even before particles from the solar storm reached the Earth on Tuesday, a different aurora on Monday night was dancing across the sky as far south as Ireland and England, where people rarely get a chance to catch the stunning light show.
This is a book I first read many years ago and found it to be truly inspirational and it's author a true visionary. It's the type of book that one can pick up and read through often and each time it opens up one to new insights.
I am including the link to the free download of this book along with the entire list of books being offered in English. If you wish to read it in hard cover, I have included contact information. This book has been published in English, Latvian, Russian and Spanish in hard copy.
I have ordered several books from the Agni Yoga Society in New York before and found them to be very pleasant to do business with.
I personally have read several of the books that they offer and highly recommend them to any seeker of wisdom.
Heart - A Book by Helena Roerich - 1932
After our daily labors, let us gather to discourse about the heart. It will lead us beyond the domains of Earth toward the Subtle World, in order to bring us closer to the sphere of Fire.
"To behold with the eyes of the heart; to listen with the ears of the heart of the roar of the world; to peer into the future with the comprehension of the heart; to remember the cumulations of the past through the heart; thus must one impetuously advance upon the path of ascent. Creativeness encompasses the fiery potentiality, and is impregnated with the sacred fire of the heart. Therefore, upon the path to the Hierarchy, upon the path of Great Service, upon the path of Communion, synthesis is the one luminous path of the heart. How can the manifested rays be radiated if the flame is not affirmed in the heart? It is precisely the quality of the magnet that is inherent in the heart. The highest creativeness is imbued with this great law. Hence, each consummation, each union, each great cosmic unification is achieved through the flame of the heart. By what meanscan the foundation of the great steps be laid? Verily, only through the heart. Thus the arcs of consciousness are fused by the flame of the heart. Thus, we shall keep in memory the beauteous attraction of the magnet of the heart, which links all manifestations. Verily, the silver thread that links the Teacher with the disciple is the great magnet of the heart. The union between Teacher and disciple affirms the essence of all evolutions."
Natural health physician and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola officially announcing the launch of Health Liberty which is an initiative to stand up for your right to take control of your health.
In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss killing Hollywood, poor Chris Dodd and how Mubarak's fall brought about the assault on the internet. In the second half of the show, Max interviews Mike Ruppert about SOPA, the NDAA and Iranian oil.
Protestera med Folkrörelsen "Nej till EU" mot Merkozypakten nu på fredag 27:e jan utanför Riksdagen.
Söndagen den 29 januari ska euroländerna vid ett EU-toppmöte i Bryssel försöka enas om en finanspolitisk pakt, vars arkitekter och främsta tillskyndare är Tysklands förbundskansler Angela Merkel och Frankrikes president Nicolas Sarkozy.
I stället för att hjälpa till och lösa krisande länders problem kommer Merkozypakten att entydigt förvärra dem, eftersom den stryper efterfrågan genom nedskärningar, lönesänkningar och andra åtstramningar. Pakten medför en institutionaliserad nyliberal politik.
EU:s finansministrar sitter i Bryssel och förhandlar om Merkozypakten, bland annat om vilka regler som ska gälla för icke-euroländer som vill delta. Förhandlingarna sker bakom lyckta dörrar och därför är det svårt att veta hur diskussionerna går.
Högeralliansen vill att Sverige ska vara med. Men enligt Reinfeldt och Borg kräver det Socialdemokraternas stöd. På fredag kommer Reinfeldt till riksdagens EU-nämnd för att förhöra sig om vilket "förhandlingsutrymme" han har inför toppmötet.
I samband med EU-nämndens möte fredag 27 januari arrangerar Folkrörelsen Nej till EU en protest mot Merkozypakten utanför Riksdagshuset, Skandiasalen, ingång Mynttorget 1.
Vi kommer att stå utanför riksdagshuset från klockan 08.30 med plakat och flygblad. Vi hoppas på stor uppslutning!
Mer om Sarkozypakten
Med EMU-krisen har det blivit alltmer uppenbart att det är EU:s stormakter Tyskland och Frankrike som dikterar villkoren för övriga EU-länder. Den finanspakt för euroländerna som Merkozy (Tysklands förbundskansler Angela Merkel och Frankrikes president Nicolas Sarkozy) med en dåres envishet försöker driva igenom innebär allt mer av precis det som hittills fungerat mycket dåligt.
I stället för att hjälpa till och lösa krisande länders problem kommer Merkozypakten att entydigt förvärra dem, eftersom den stryper efterfrågan genom nedskärningar, lönesänkningar och andra åtstramningar. Pakten medför en institutionaliserad nyliberal politik, till exempel innehåller den en regel om att ett lands budgetunderskott inte får överskrida 0,5 procent av BNP. I praktiken handlar det om att acceptera kraftiga nedskärningar i välfärden, försämringar för löntagarna och uppluckringar av de fackliga rättigheterna.
Merkozypakten innebär också ett tvång för länder som har euron som valuta att överge sitt demokratiska självbestämmande över finanspolitiken (offentliga utgifter och skatter) och acceptera en hårdare styrning på EU-nivå. Bryssel (alias för regeringarna i Berlin och Paris) intar en slags överförmyndarroll. Euroländer som inte inför reglerna kan dras inför EU:s domstol.
Demokratin försvagas i de deltagande länderna och själva inrättandet av systemet sker så långt från väljarna som över huvud taget är möjligt. Inom fem år ska pakten upphöjas till EU-lag. Ett av syftena (precis som valutaunionen som sådan) är att tvinga ihop euroänderna till en centraliserad och odemokratisk överstat, ett slags Europas Förenta Stater.
Sverige och andra EU-länder utanför euron kan ansluta sig till Merkozypakten på frivillig väg. Enligt regeringens tolkning skulle Sverige inte på något sätt vara bundet av de krav som ställs på euroländerna, men skulle genom att medverka kunna få inflytande.
Precis som i folkomröstningarna om EU och EMU får vi nu höra att vi ska vara med och påverka. Vi ska alltså ge ifrån oss makt över finanspolitiken till Bryssel för att sedan hoppas kunna påverka den där? Blir inte inflytandet större om makten ligger kvar i riksdagen?
Att gå med i Merkozypakten innebär ytterligare ett steg in i den valutaunion som svenska folket röstade nej till i folkomröstningen 2003 och som 88 procent av svenskarna skulle säga nej till om det vore folkomröstning idag.
Att EMU-omröstningens förlorare inte accepterar folkets vilja och vill smyga oss in bakvägen i euron är kanske väntat. Men Fredrik Reinfeldt, Jan Björklund och Göran Persson har minst lika mycket fel nu som de hade då.
RT's getting a new talk show - and world media's already in a spin over its host. It's the man who's exposed wrongs at the highest levels of government and military - the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Drowning In Hypocrisy: War Abroad, Austerity at Home
by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Global Reasearch Canada, January 25, 2012
The US government is so full of self-righteousness that it has become a caricature of hypocrisy. Leon Panetta, a former congressman who Obama appointed CIA director and now head of the Pentagon, just told the sailors on the USS Enterprise, an aircraft carrier, that the US is maintaining a fleet of 11 aircraft carriers in order to project sea power against Iran and to convince Iran that “it’s better for them to try to deal with us through diplomacy.”
If it requires 11 aircraft carriers to deal with Iran, how many will Panetta need to project power against Russia and China? But to get on with the main point, Iran has been trying “to deal with us through diplomacy.” The response from Washington has been belligerent threats of military attack, unfounded and irresponsible accusations that Iran is making a nuclear weapon, sanctions and an oil embargo. Washington’s accusations echo Israel’s and are contradicted by Washington’s own intelligence agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Why doesn’t Washington respond to Iran in a civilized manner with diplomacy? Really, which of the two countries is the greatest threat to peace?
Washington sends the FBI to raid the homes of peace activists and puts a grand jury to work to create a case against them for aiding a nebulous enemy by protesting Washington’s wars. The Department of Homeland Security unleashes goon cop thugs to brutalize peaceful Occupy Wall Street demonstrators. Washington fabricates cases against Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and Tarek Mehanna that negate the First Amendment by equating free speech with terrorism and spying. Chicago mayor and former Obama White House chief-of-staff, Rahm Israel Emanuel, pushes an ordinance that outlaws public protests in the City of Chicago. The list goes on. And in the midst of it all Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other Washington hypocrites accuse Russia and China of stifling dissent.
Washington’s grotesque hypocrisy goes unremarked by the American “media” and in the debates for the Republican presidential nomination. The corrupt Obama “Justice” Department turns a blind eye while goon cop thugs commit gratuitous violence against the citizens who pay the goon cop thugs’ undeserved salaries.
But it is in the War Crimes Arena where Washington shows the greatest hypocrisy. The self-righteous bigots in Washington are forever rounding up heads of weak states whose countries were afflicted by civil wars and sending them off to be tried as war criminals. All the while Washington indiscriminately kills large numbers of civilians in six or more countries, dismissing its own war crimes as “collateral damage.” Washington violates its own law and international law by torturing people.
On January 13, 2012, Carol Rosenberg of McClatchy Newspapers reported that Spanish judge Pablo Rafael Ruz Gutierrez re-launched an investigation into Washington’s torture of prisoners in Guantanamo Prison. The previous day British authorities opened an investigation into CIA renditions of kidnapped persons to Libya for torture.
Rosenberg reports that although the Obama regime has refused to investigate the obvious crimes of the Bush regime, and one might add its own obvious crimes, “other countries are still interested in determining whether Bush-era anti-terror practices violated international law.”
There is no question that Bush/Cheney/Obama have trashed the US Constitution, US statutory law, and international law. But Washington, having overthrown justice, has established that might is right. No foreign government is going to send its forces into the US to drag the war criminals out and place them on trial.
To read the entire article, please click on the link below:
David Cobb of Move to Amend vists Grand Rapids, David Cobb, Grand Rapids, move to amend, occupy Grand Rapids, move to amend grand rapids, fountain st church, corporate personhood.
The grassroots across the country are organizing and educating people about how corporate personhood and unlimited contributions distort and corrupt our political process. Our government needs to return to its constitutional roots. It is of, for, and by the "people", not the corporations. We can change it, but we need to stand up now. ProgressOhio has joined with national and local groups to mark the Citizens United anniversary and renew a call to end unlimited corporate influence in our political system.
January 25, 2012 at 3 pm at the Federal Courthouse in Columbus we rallied and protested in solidarity with other actions at Federal Courthouses in all 50 states and over 120 cities, including the Supreme Court in Washington, DC.
Dal momento che holettoriin Italia e Svizzeraealtri luoghinel mondo chesono di madrelinguaitaliana,ho pensato diincludere una fontedi notiziealternativain italiano.
A Source Of Alternative News In Italian
Since I have readers in Italy and Switzerland and others places in the world who are Native Italian speakers, I thought I would include a source for alternative news in Italian.