Music by The Refusers

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Goal of Evolution - An Insight by M.N. Hopkins

The goal of evolution is to integrate our humanity with the Divine.  Our humanity was created to be updated and uplifted gradually over time as to maintain balance within the human entity.  Over time the Divine will be permanently intregrated in the human system.  Neither Human or Divine shall take dominance over the other.  Both humanity and the Divine will be integrated and work together cooperatively in freedom.  Neither can impose their will fully upon the other since what drives evolution is what is best within the human system blended with or integrated into the Divine Consciousness..  It is a mutual arrangement or contract and can and will never be broken due to the inherent integrity that was built into the system from the beginning.  

©  2021   M.N. Hopkins

Note:   As I have seen it, those with their human dna intact will be the ones who will evolve.  The code for our evolution has been written within our dna.   The uplifting of our consciousness will be driven by the Divine.  This is done step by step. a little upgrading at a time so that balance can be maintained in the human entity.  To interfere with this process will only damage the human entity and possibly short circuit the connection between God and Man.  Those who submit to this experiment by madmen and their minions will become in a sense, the walking dead.

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