Music by The Refusers

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Pronounced Dead for 20 Minutes - What He Saw and How it Changed His Life.

See the Follow Up Here:
Scott Drummond shares his amazing experience of what he felt and saw when he was pronounced dead for 20 minutes. It is a very personal and tender moment in his life, a moment that drastically changed the rest of his life forever. He has decided to share this story now because of the events of the global pandemic, the corona virus / COVID-19. He hopes to help all of the people suffering and wondering about what will happen to them and their loved ones.  Thank you for watching and sharing, especially to those that have been impacted by COVID-19. The Prioritize Your Life series highlights experiences from amazing people to inspire us all to live a better life. A life where we are focused on what truly matters. Let's leave this world with no regrets. Subscribe and hit the bell to be notified of more incredible life changing stories to come. In association with UTR Media and Mustache Power Productions Music: Bytheway-May. Director of Photography: Clark Winegar. Created, Directed, Produced, and Hosted by Wesly Lapioli. Pronounced Dead for 20 Minutes - What He Saw and How it Changed His Life Forever (Share with those impacted by COVID-19). Near Death Experience.

Subconscious Dictates - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Subconscious dictates

Dished out by cowards, liars

We are on to you

©  2021  M.N. Hopkins

Note:  I wrote this poem in the haiku style of poetry yesterday and published it for time today, the 27th of February, 2021.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Misinformation - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins


Protected by fake checkers

You cannot fool us

©  2021  M.N. Hopkins

Note:  This poem was inspired and written in the haiku style of poetry and published for the first time today, the 26th of February, 2021 on my blog. 

To read more of my poems & quotations,  please click on the link below:

あなたの政府は権力を維持するために嘘をついている - 引用です M.N. Hopkins


©   M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

你们的政府为了维持对他人的权力而撒谎和欺骗 - 语录 M.N. Hopkins


©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Wasze Rządy Kłamią i Oszukują - A Cytat według M.N. Hopkins

Wasze rządy kłamią i oszukują, aby utrzymać władzę nad innymi. Bóg pragnie dzielić się mocą Ducha. Siłą dostępną dla tych, którzy szukają lepszego sposobu życia dla wszystkich. Bo Pan z pewnością nie lubi niesprawiedliwości i nierówności. Nieliczni okradają wielu, żyjąc w dążeniu do kontrolowania przepływu dóbr i usług dla własnego zysku. Ogromna nierównowaga sił ludzkich, negowanie wielu z umiejętnościami i talentami, które mogą ułatwić drogę tym, którzy są w potrzebie.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Ваши правительства лгут и обманывают - Цитатата по M.N. Hopkins

Ваши правительства лгут и обманывают, чтобы сохранить власть над другими. Бог хочет разделить силу Духа. Сила, доступная тем, кто ищет лучший образ жизни для всех. Ибо Господь, несомненно, не любит несправедливость и неравенство. Немногие воруют у многих, живя в стремлении контролировать поток товаров и услуг ради собственной выгоды. Огромный дисбаланс человеческой силы, отрицание многих с помощью навыков и талантов, которые могут помочь облегчить путь тем, кто в этом нуждается.

© М.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Tu Gobierno te Miente y Engaña.- Una cita textual escrita por M.N Hopkins

Tus gobiernos te mienten y te engañan para mantener el poder sobre los demás. Dios desea compartir el poder del espíritu. La fuerza disponible para aquellos que buscan una mejor forma de vida para todos. Las injusticia y la inequidad son desagradables para Dios nuestro señor. Unos cuantos robándole a muchos, viviendo en un esfuerzo por controlar el flujo de los bienes y servicios para su propio beneficio. Un gran desequilibrio de fuerza humana, una negación de muchas habilidades y talentos de quienes pueden ayudar en hacer el camino más fácil a muchos que lo necesitan.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English,  please click on the link below:

Os Vossos Governos Mentem e Enganam Para Manter o Poder - Uma Citação por M.N. Hopkins

Os vossos governos mentem e enganam para manter o poder sobre os outros. Deus deseja partilhar o poder do Espírito. A força disponível para aqueles que procuram um melhor modo de vida para todos. Pois o Senhor certamente não gosta da injustiça e da iniquidade. Alguns roubam dos muitos, vivendo num esforço para controlar o fluxo de bens e serviços para seu próprio lucro. Um vasto desequilíbrio de homem-poder, uma negação de muitos com habilidades e talentos que podem ajudar a tornar o caminho mais fácil para os muitos necessitados.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English,  please click on the link below:

Vos Gouvernements Mentent et Trompent - Une Citation de M.N. Hopkins

Vos gouvernements mentent et trompent pour maintenir leur pouvoir sur les autres. Dieu souhaite partager la puissance de l'Esprit. La force disponible pour ceux qui cherchent un meilleur mode de vie pour tous. Car le Seigneur n'aime certainement pas l'injustice et l'iniquité. Quelques-uns volent le plus grand nombre, vivant dans un effort pour contrôler le flux des biens et des services pour leur propre profit. Un vaste déséquilibre de la main-d'œuvre, une négation de nombreux talents et compétences qui peuvent aider à faciliter la vie de ceux qui sont dans le besoin.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English,  please click on the link below:

I Vostri Governi Mentono e Ingannano - Una Citazione di M.N. Hopkins

I vostri governi mentono e ingannano per mantenere il potere sugli altri. Dio vuole condividere il potere dello Spirito. La forza a disposizione di coloro che cercano un modo migliore di vivere per tutti. Perché il Signore sicuramente non ama l'ingiustizia e l'iniquità. Pochi che rubano ai molti, che vivono nel tentativo di controllare il flusso di beni e servizi per il proprio profitto. Un vasto squilibrio di potere umano, una negazione di molti con abilità e talenti che possono aiutare a rendere la strada più facile per i molti che ne hanno bisogno.

© M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English,  please click on the link below:

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Era Regeringar Ljuger och Bedrar - Ett Citat av M.N. Hopkins

Era regeringar ljuger och bedrar för att behålla makten över andra. Gud vill dela makten av Anden. Styrkan är tillgänglig  för dem som söker ett bättre sätt att leva för alla. Ty var säker att Herren  ogillar orättvisa och ojämlikhet. Några stjäl från de många, som vill  kontrollera flödet av varor och tjänster för egen vinning. En stor obalans mellan människors makt, ett förnekande av många med kunskaper och talanger som skulle kunnat  bidra till att göra vägen lättare för många behövande.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English,  please click on the link below:

Uw Regeringen Liegen en Bedriegen - Een Citaat van M.N. Hopkins

Uw regeringen liegen en bedriegen om macht over anderen te behouden. God wil de kracht van de Geest delen. De kracht die beschikbaar is voor hen die streven naar een betere manier van leven voor allen. Want de Heer heeft zeker een hekel aan onrechtvaardigheid en onrechtvaardigheid. Enkelen die stelen van de velen, die leven in een poging om de stroom van goederen en diensten te beheersen voor hun eigen winst. Een enorme onevenwichtigheid van menskracht, een ontkenning van velen met vaardigheden en talenten die kunnen helpen de weg gemakkelijker te maken voor de velen in nood.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Eure Regierungen Lügen und Betrügen - Ein Zitat von M.N. Hopkins

Eure Regierungen lügen und betrügen, um die Macht über andere zu erhalten. Gott möchte die Kraft des Geistes teilen. Die Kraft, die denen zur Verfügung steht, die eine bessere Lebensweise für alle suchen. Denn der Herr mag Ungerechtigkeit und Ungleichheit nicht. Einige Wenige, die von den Vielen stehlen, leben in dem Bestreben, den Fluss von Waren und Dienstleistungen für ihren eigenen Profit zu kontrollieren. Ein gewaltiges Ungleichgewicht der menschlichen Kraft, eine Vernachlässigung der vielen mit Fähigkeiten und Talenten, die helfen können, den Weg für die vielen in Not zu erleichtern.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Monday, February 22, 2021

Your Governments Lie And Deceive - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Your governments lie and deceive to maintain power over others. God wishes to share the power of Spirit. The strength available to those who seek a better way of life for all. For the Lord does surely dislike injustice and inequity. A few stealing from the many, living in an effort to control the flow of goods and services for their own profit. A vast imbalance of man-power, a negating of many with skills and talents who can help make the way easier for the many in need.

©   M.N. Hopkins

Progress - The Wisdom of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


Progress - God has given us the means to make infinite progress.

God has given human beings the possibility to make infinite progress… to become just like him. Unfortunately, most people have a deplorable attitude that prevents them from using this possibility. It is as though they were chloroformed. Yet no one is absolutely bound hand and foot – even the most limited creatures possess the means to surpass themselves – and if they would only turn their eyes and their thoughts to the Lord, they would discover their own possibilities. Of course, it all depends on what kind of things you want.

If what matters most to you are material things – success, money, and pleasure – if there is no room in your mind for spiritual values, you will never make any progress. But when someone puts love, beauty and the spirit before everything else in their life, without worrying about whether they will be rich or poor, well dressed or in rags, honoured or ridiculed, then for them, everything is possible.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Seek Your Inner Light - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

A darkness takes over

Those of weak minds will submit

Seek your inner Light

©  2021   M.N. Hopkins

Note:   I wrote this poem a few days back in the haiku style of poetry and published it for the first time on my blog today, the 21st of February, 2021.  

To read more of my poems & quotations,  please click on the link below:

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Some Poets - A Poem by Dominic Windram

Some poets contain the wilderness within them.

They boldly seek out stranger skies, seas and climates.

They are not so enamoured by the provincial.

Even the whole world is somewhat of a prison.

They are not swayed by the whims of fashion.

They don't pursue novelties, but inner visions.

Dominic Windram

Life Without Love - The Wisdom of Khalil Gibran


Gibran Khalil Gibran (January 6, 1883- April 10, 1931) was a Lebanese author, philosopher, poet and artist.

Your Soul Is...Author Unknown


Friday, February 19, 2021

Deceptions Rule Us - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Deceptions rule us 

Authority is given

To those who deceive

©  2021  M.N. Hopkins

Note:  I wrote this poem in the haiku style of poetry a few days ago and published it for the first time on my blog today, the 19th of February, 2021.

To read more of my poems & quotations,  please click on the link below:

Thursday, February 18, 2021

当心中的信仰或爱的火花被点燃时 - 语录 M.N. Hopkins


©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

信仰や愛の火花が心の中で点火されると - 引用です M.N. Hopkins


©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Когда в сердце зажигается искра веры или любви - Цитатата по M.N. Hopkins

Когда в сердце зажигается искра веры или любви, она сжигает страх и душевную боль веков. Затем это сердце становится зажигателем других сердец, которые, в свою очередь, зажигают пламя любви в других сердцах, и так оно продолжается. По мере того, как еще больше сердец сгорит пламенем любви, сознание на планете изменится. Мало-помалу, а затем оно увеличивается по мере того, как свет, входящий в это царство, увеличивается.

© М.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Lorsqu'une étincelle de foi ou d'amour s'allume dans un cœur - Une Citation de M.N. Hopkins

Lorsqu'une étincelle de foi ou d'amour s'allume dans un cœur, elle brûle la peur et le chagrin des siècles. Ce cœur devient alors un allumeur d'autres cœurs, qui à leur tour allument la flamme de l'amour dans d'autres cœurs et ainsi de suite. À mesure que d'autres cœurs brûleront avec le feu de l'amour, la conscience de la planète changera. Peu à peu, puis elle augmente à mesure que la lumière qui arrive dans ce royaume augmente.

© M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Quando una scintilla di fede o di amore si accende in un cuore - Una Citazione di M.N. Hopkins

Quando una scintilla di fede o di amore si accende in un cuore, brucia via la paura e lo strazio delle epoche. Questo cuore diventa poi un accenditore di altri cuori, che a loro volta accendono la fiamma dell'amore in altri cuori e così continua. Come più cuori bruciano con il fuoco dell'amore, la coscienza sul pianeta cambierà. A poco a poco e poi aumenta man mano che la luce che entra in questo regno aumenta.

© M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Kiedy iskra wiary lub miłości zapala się w sercu - A Cytat według M.N. Hopkins

Kiedy iskra wiary lub miłości zapala się w sercu, wypala strach i bóle serca na przestrzeni wieków. To serce staje się wtedy zapalnikiem dla innych serc, które z kolei zapalają płomień miłości w innych sercach i tak to trwa. W miarę jak więcej serc płonie ogniem miłości, świadomość na planecie będzie się zmieniać. Trochę po trochu, a potem będzie się ona zwiększać, gdy światło przychodzące do tego królestwa będzie wzrastać.

© M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

När En Gnista Av Tro Eller Kärlek Är Uppstår i Ett Hjärta - Ett Citat av M.N. Hopkins

När en gnista av tro eller kärlek är uppstår i ett hjärta, bränner den bort urgammal rädsla och sorg. Detta hjärta blir då en tändare för andra hjärtan, som i sin tur tänder  kärlekens låga i andra hjärtan och så fortsätter det. När fler hjärtan brinner med kärlekens eld, kommer medvetandet på planeten att förändras. Lite i taget och sedan ökar det i takt med att ljuset som kommer in i detta rike ökar.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Wanneer een vonk van geloof of liefde in een hart wordt ontstoken - Een Citaat van M.N. Hopkins

Wanneer een vonk van geloof of liefde in een hart wordt ontstoken, brandt het de angst en het hartzeer van alle tijden weg. Dit hart wordt dan een ontsteker voor andere harten, die op hun beurt de vlam van liefde in andere harten ontsteken en zo gaat het verder. Naarmate meer harten branden met het vuur van de liefde, zal het bewustzijn op de planeet veranderen. Beetje bij beetje en dan neemt het toe naarmate het licht dat in dit rijk komt toeneemt.

© M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Wenn ein Funke des Glaubens oder der Liebe in einem Herzen entzündet wird - Ein Zitat von M.N. Hopkins

Wenn ein Funke des Glaubens oder der Liebe in einem Herzen entzündet wird, brennt er die Angst und den Herzschmerz der Zeitalter weg. Dieses Herz wird dann zum Zünder für andere Herzen, die wiederum die Flamme der Liebe in anderen Herzen entzünden und so geht es weiter. Je mehr Herzen mit dem Feuer der Liebe brennen, desto mehr wird sich das Bewusstsein auf dem Planeten verändern. Nach und nach, und dann nimmt es zu, wenn das Licht, das in dieses Reich kommt, zunimmt.

© M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Monday, February 15, 2021

Cuando Una Chispa de Fé o de Amor se Enciende en un Corazón - Una cita textual de M.N Hopkins

Cuando una chispa de fé o amor se enciende en el corazón, ésta desintegra el miedo y la profunda tristeza de los tiempos. Entonces éste corazón se convierte en aquel que enciende a otros corazones, los cuáles a su vez encienden la llama del amor a otros más y así sucesivamente. A medida que más corazones se encienden con el fuego del amor, la consciencia en el planeta cambiará. Poco a poco, y entonces ésta se incrementa como la luz que le llega a este reino.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Quando uma centelha de fé ou amor é acesa num coração - Uma Citação por M.N. Hopkins

Quando uma centelha de fé ou amor é acesa num coração, queima o medo e a dor do coração dos tempos. Este coração torna-se então um arrancador de outros corações, que por sua vez acendem a chama do amor em outros corações e assim continua. À medida que mais corações ardem com o fogo do amor, a consciência no planeta irá mudar. Pouco a pouco e depois vai aumentando à medida que a luz que entra neste reino aumenta.

© M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

When A Spark Of Faith Or Love Is Ignited In A Heart - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

When a spark of faith or love is ignited in a heart, it burns away the fear and heartache of the ages. This heart then becomes an ignitor of other hearts, which in turn light the flame of love in other hearts and so it continues. As more hearts burn with the fire of love, the consciousness on the planet will change. Little by little and then it increases as the light coming into this realm increases.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations,  please click on the link below:

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Love vs Doubt - The Wisdom of Khalil Gibran

Gibran Khalil Gibran (January 6, 1883- April 10, 1931) was a Lebanese author, philosopher, poet and artist.

Do It Yourself Remedy Recipe


Note:   I have not tried this remedy.  No need to.  For me,  Vit, C and zinc and some vit. D is enough to maintain good health.  I believe as some doctors that the world had herd immunity as of April, 2020.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Till We Remember - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

We live endless lives

Birth, death, sadness, joy and love

Till we remember

©  2021  M.N. Hopkins

Note:  I wrote this a few days back in the haiku style of poetry and publsihed it for the first time today, the 13th of February, 2021.

To read more of my poems & quotations,  please click on the link below:

Friday, February 12, 2021

Stand Tall In Freedom - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Have we not suffered?

To be enslaved by such evil 

Stand tall in freedom

©  2021   M.N. Hopkins

Note:   When one thinks about what was sacrificed by an ancestors for the freedoms that we had access to if we wished it and now a bunch of mean spirited, weak, mentally and emotionally ill minions to a bigger evil comes along and people submit to this so they can keep a job or have the possibility of travel or other activities we all took for granted.  Remember from literature and movies that evil never keeps it's promisesFrom what I have noticed this last year of hoaxes and dictates of authoritythat the more people submit to this stupidity and madness, the more the chains are tightened.  Time to stand tall, courage up and come to your senses folks.

I wrote this poem a few days back in the haiku style of poetry and published it for the first time on my blog today, the 12th of February, 2021.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Perché il cuore è quello che ha più potere - Una Citazione di M.N. Hopkins

Perché il cuore è quello che ha più potere ed è quello che sarà la salvezza dell'umanità. Non i governi, non le istituzioni, non le religioni, non le organizzazioni di qualsiasi ordine, solo i semplici atti di gentilezza e amore che sono la firma di coloro che vivono la via del cuore. La via che porta alla libertà per tutta l'Umanità.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Bo Serce ma Największą Moc - A Cytat według M.N. Hopkins

Bo serce ma największą moc i jest tym, co będzie zbawieniem ludzkości. Nie Rządy, nie Instytucje, nie Religie, nie Organizacje jakiegokolwiek porządku, tylko proste akty dobroci i miłości, które są znakiem rozpoznawczym tych, którzy żyją drogą serca. Drogą, która prowadzi do wolności dla całej ludzkości.

© M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Ибо сердце - это то, что с наибольшей силой - Цитатата по M.N. Hopkins

Ибо сердце - это то, что с наибольшей силой и то, что будет спасением Человечества. Не правительства, не Учреждения, не Религии, не Организации какого бы то ни было порядка, просто простые акты доброты и любви, которые являются подписью тех, кто живет дорогой сердца. Путь, ведущий к свободе для всего Человечества.

© М.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Car le Cœur est Celui Qui a le Plus de Pouvoir - Une Citation de M.N. Hopkins

Car le cœur est celui qui a le plus de pouvoir et c'est celui qui sera le salut de l'humanité. Pas de gouvernements, pas d'institutions, pas de religions, pas d'organisations de quelque ordre que ce soit, juste les simples actes de bonté et d'amour qui sont la signature de ceux qui vivent à la manière des cœurs. Le chemin qui mène à la liberté pour toute l'humanité.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Want Het Hart is Datgene Met de Meeste Macht - Een Citaat van M.N. Hopkins

Want het hart is datgene met de meeste macht en is datgene wat de redding van de mensheid zal zijn. Niet regeringen, niet instituten, niet religies, niet organisaties van welke orde dan ook, alleen de eenvoudige daden van vriendelijkheid en liefde die de handtekening zijn van hen die leven op de manier van het hart. De weg die leidt naar vrijheid voor de gehele Mensheid.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below: