Music by The Refusers

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Mankind Has Been Sickened By....A Quotation from M.N. Hopkins

Mankind has been sickened by desires for power--not the real power of Being but the madness that poses for power in our world.  The dark times approach quickly now but beyond this illness lies a world of co-operation and the joy of living together in community.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Happy 4th of July, 2022

Definition of fortitude

Strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage

Remember and honor our ancestors who acted upon their dreams and built a strong foundation for future generations. See clearly what we have become and what we can become by not submitting to and allowing political or religious fanatics of dark determination to destroy what has been built up by preceding generations.  Ask no permission, sign no petitions, do not protest on the streets, just behave and act as free men and women.   

On a less serious note,   have a happy and peaceful 4th of July holiday with family and friends.

Best wishes,

Monday, June 27, 2022

Riches As Defined by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Riches - obtain them by nourishing yourself with light

"Learn to nourish yourself with light, for it is light that brings the greatest riches. And when you feel rich you feel the need to give, you become generous and you start to love all creatures. It is poverty that breeds hatred.

The truly wealthy never hate anyone. The truly wealthy are the great masters: they live in such abundance that they need to distribute their riches. Living in such a state of fulfilment, how could they possibly feel hatred? Only those who feel themselves to be deprived become resentful and jealous and start to hate others. So when you see someone who shows no love, no nobility of character, no generosity, you know that they are inwardly poor and needy."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov was a Bulgarian philosopher, pedagogue, mystic, and esotericist. A leading 20th-century teacher of Western Esotericism in Europe, he was a disciple of Peter Deunov, the founder of the Universal White Brotherhood.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Look To The Sun - The Wisdom of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Sun - it inspires us with brotherly feelings

"Look at the sun and take it as your role model, because it is the sun that best disposes us to love and help other human beings. Without this model of warmth and light, we give in to our crude, egocentric tendencies.

Look at what is happening in the world – all you see are people who only want to take advantage of others, to subjugate or trample on them. It is not a glorious picture! Whereas with the sun, you have an image of a being that is forever radiant and generous. And even if the sun is not an intelligent and reasoning being in the human sense, our conscious contact with its warmth and light can only inspire us with greater brotherly feelings towards one another."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov 

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov was a Bulgarian philosopher, pedagogue, mystic, and esotericist. A leading 20th-century teacher of Western Esotericism in Europe, he was a disciple of Peter Deunov, the founder of the Universal White Brotherhood.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

This Is A Hard Time To Live - A Quotation by Tiokasin Ghosthorse

Tiokasin Ghosthorse is an educator, musician and international speaker on peace and the global issues facing Native people. He plays the traditional Lakota cedar wood flute and presents workshops introducing and sharing the tradition and appreciation of this cultural art and music.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Void Song, Boarding A Prize - A Poem by Mr. Brushface

Void Song ~ Boarding A Prize

Captain we see life ahead
Just 40 degrees port low 
We would like to ask you sir 
To board and take in tow
The boys are getting restless 
It’s been too long I fear 
The demons in the lads poor minds 
Demand we take a steal 

*Oh get the rail guns ready 
Charge and fit to fight 
Prepare for boarding action boys 
Today we take a prize 

Captain they do see us now 
They seem to wish to flee 
With your word we could take her 
The crew most do agree 

The cannons ring songs of carnage 
With every fiery blow 
And missiles impact their shielding 
Till it fails and overloads 

*Oh get your shield arms ready 
Charge into the fight 
Prepare to take the engine room 
Today we take a prize 

Captain we’ve taken over 
This ship with thirty two 
The souls on board do fear us 
As pirates tend to do 

The lads have called to end them 
For crimes against us all 
Remember the three of 69 
Parley we do not show 

*Oh to the void we sent them 
Remove the scummy blight 
Away we sent them to their god 
We fought for what is right.


Friday, June 17, 2022

To Serve - A Poem by Black Knight

To Serve - A haiku poem by Black Knight

Eternal sunlight. 

Autumn leaves dance with the wind. 

Father, I am home.

©  Black Knight

Note:  Black Knight is a talented Indie writer of Science Fiction and has been experimenting with the haiku genre of poetry.  To learn more and see what he has published,  please click on the link below:

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Nie Meer Kan Die Jonges 'n Uitweg sien nie....'n Kwotasie van MN Hopkins

Die jongmense kan nie meer 'n uitweg uit hierdie dilemma sien nie. Hulle is mislei deur daardie gierige en sluwe manne wat jou finansiële instellings beheer deur die beheer van diegene wat swak is binne jou regeringsinstellings.

©  MN Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Gençler Artık Bir Çıkış Göremezler... MN Hopkins'ten Bir Alıntı

Gençler artık bu ikilemden bir çıkış yolu göremiyorlar. Mali kurumlarınızı kontrol eden açgözlü ve dolambaçlı adamlar tarafından hükümet kurumlarınızdaki zayıfların kontrolü ile kandırıldılar.

© MN Hopkins

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अब युवा कोई रास्ता नहीं देख सकते.... एमएन हॉपकिंस का एक उद्धरण

युवाओं को अब इस दुविधा से निकलने का कोई रास्ता नजर नहीं आ रहा है। उन्हें उन लालची और कुटिल लोगों द्वारा धोखा दिया गया है जो आपके वित्तीय संस्थानों को आपके सरकारी संस्थानों के भीतर कमजोरियों के नियंत्रण से नियंत्रित करते हैं।

©  एमएन हॉपकिंस

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अब युवाहरूले कुनै बाटो देख्न सक्दैनन्... MN Hopkins बाट उद्धरण

अब युवाहरूले यो दुविधाबाट बाहिर निस्कने बाटो देख्न सक्दैनन्। तिनीहरु ति लोभी र चकचके मानिसहरुबाट धोकामा परेका छन् जसले तपाईका वित्तीय संस्थाहरु लाई तपाईको सरकारी संस्थाहरु भित्रका कमजोरीहरु लाई नियन्त्रणमा राख्छन्।

MN Hopkins

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כבר לא יכולים הצעירים לראות מוצא .... ציטוט מאת MN Hopkins

הצעירים כבר לא יכולים לראות דרך לצאת מהדילמה הזו. הם הולכו שולל על ידי אותם אנשים חמדנים וערמומיים השולטים במוסדות הפיננסיים שלכם על ידי השליטה של ​​בעלי החולשה בתוך המוסדות הממשלתיים שלכם.

©  MN Hopkins

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لم يعد بإمكان الصغار رؤية مخرج .... اقتباس من إم إن هوبكنز

لم يعد بإمكان الصغار رؤية مخرج من هذه المعضلة. لقد تم خداعهم من قبل هؤلاء الرجال الجشعين والمراوغين الذين يسيطرون على مؤسساتك المالية من خلال سيطرة أولئك الضعفاء داخل مؤسساتكم الحكومية.

©  إم إن هوبكنز

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Tuesday, June 14, 2022




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年轻人再也看不到出路了.... 引用自M.N. Hopkins的话。


© M.N. Hopkins

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เด็กไม่สามารถหาทางออกได้อีกต่อไป....ใบเสนอราคาจาก MN Hopkins

เยาวชนจะมองไม่เห็นทางออกจากภาวะที่กลืนไม่เข้าคายไม่ออกนี้อีกต่อไป พวกเขาถูกหลอกโดยคนโลภและเจ้าเล่ห์ที่ควบคุมสถาบันการเงินของคุณโดยการควบคุมความอ่อนแอภายในสถาบันของรัฐของคุณ

©  MN ฮอปกินส์

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Không còn bao lâu nữa những người trẻ tuổi có thể nhìn thấy một lối thoát .... Một trích dẫn từ MN Hopkins

Những người trẻ không còn có thể nhìn thấy lối thoát cho tình thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan này nữa. Họ đã bị lừa bởi những người đàn ông tham lam và ranh ma, những người kiểm soát các tổ chức tài chính của bạn bằng sự kiểm soát của những kẻ yếu kém trong các tổ chức chính phủ của bạn.

©  MN Hopkins

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Tidak Lagi Dapatkah Yang Muda Melihat Jalan Keluar....Kutipan dari M.N. Hopkins

Tidak ada lagi yang muda-muda yang bisa melihat jalan keluar dari dilema ini. Mereka telah ditipu oleh orang-orang serakah dan licik yang mengendalikan lembaga keuangan Anda dengan kendali orang-orang lemah di dalam lembaga pemerintahan Anda.

© M.N. Hopkins

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Monday, June 13, 2022

Tinerii nu mai pot vedea o cale de ieșire....Citat din M.N. Hopkins

Tinerii nu mai văd o cale de ieșire din această dilemă. Ei au fost înșelați de acei oameni lacomi și vicleni care controlează instituțiile voastre financiare prin controlul celor slabi din cadrul instituțiilor voastre guvernamentale.

© M.N. Hopkins

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Молодые уже не видят выхода....Цитата из М.Н. Хопкинса

Молодые уже не видят выхода из этой дилеммы. Они были обмануты теми жадными и коварными людьми, которые контролируют ваши финансовые институты, контролируя слабых людей в ваших правительственных учреждениях.

© М.Н. Хопкинс

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Младите вече не виждат изход....Цитат от M.N. Hopkins

Младите вече не виждат изход от тази дилема. Те са измамени от онези алчни и хитри хора, които контролират вашите финансови институции, чрез контрола на онези, които са слаби във вашите правителствени институции.

© М.Н. Хопкинс

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Mladi više ne vide izlaz....Citat MN Hopkinsa

Mladi više ne vide izlaz iz ove dileme. Prevareni su od strane onih pohlepnih i podmuklih ljudi koji kontroliraju vaše financijske institucije kontrolom slabih u vašim državnim institucijama.

© MN Hopkins

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Mladí už nevidí cestu ven....Citát z knihy M. N. Hopkinse

Mladí už nevidí východisko z tohoto dilematu. Byli oklamáni těmi chamtivými a prohnanými lidmi, kteří ovládají vaše finanční instituce, a to prostřednictvím kontroly těch slabých ve vašich vládních institucích.

© M.N. Hopkins

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Mladí už nevidia cestu von....Citát od M.N. Hopkinsa

Mladí už nevidia východisko z tejto dilemy. Boli oklamaní tými chamtivými a ľstivými ľuďmi, ktorí ovládajú vaše finančné inštitúcie prostredníctvom kontroly tých slabých vo vašich vládnych inštitúciách.

© M.N. Hopkins

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Mladi ne vidijo več poti ven....Citat M.N. Hopkinsa

Mladi ne vidijo več izhoda iz te dileme. Prevarali so jih tisti pohlepni in zahrbtni ljudje, ki nadzorujejo vaše finančne ustanove z nadzorom tistih, ki so šibki v vaših vladnih ustanovah.

© M.N. Hopkins

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A fiatalok már nem látják a kiutat....M.N. Hopkins idézete

A fiatalok már nem látnak kiutat ebből a dilemmából. Becsapták őket azok a kapzsi és fondorlatos emberek, akik a pénzügyi intézményeiteket irányítják a kormányzati intézményeiteken belül a gyengeséggel rendelkezők irányítása által.

© M.N. Hopkins

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Sunday, June 12, 2022

Młodzi już nie widzą wyjścia....Cytat z M.N. Hopkinsa

Młodzi nie widzą już drogi wyjścia z tego dylematu. Zostali oszukani przez tych chciwych i przebiegłych ludzi, którzy kontrolują wasze instytucje finansowe, poprzez kontrolę tych, którzy są słabi w waszych instytucjach rządowych.

© M.N. Hopkins

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Noored ei näe enam väljapääsu....Tsitaat M.N. Hopkinsilt

Enam ei näe noored sellest dilemmast väljapääsu. Neid on petnud need ahned ja kavalad mehed, kes kontrollivad teie finantsasutusi teie valitsusasutustes olevate nõrkade inimeste kontrolli kaudu.

© M.N. Hopkins

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Jaunieši vairs neredz izeju....Citāts no M.N. Hopkinsa

Jaunieši vairs neredz izeju no šīs dilemmas. Viņus ir pievīluši tie alkatīgie un viltīgie vīri, kas kontrolē jūsu finanšu iestādes, kontrolējot vājības piemeklētājus jūsu valdības iestādēs.

© M.N. Hopkins

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Jaunimas nebemato išeities....M.N. Hopkinso citata

Jaunimas nebemato išeities iš šios dilemos. Juos apgavo tie godūs ir klastingi vyrai, kurie kontroliuoja jūsų finansines institucijas, kontroliuodami silpnuosius jūsų valdžios institucijose.

© M.N. Hopkins

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De unga kan inte längre se någon utväg....Ett Citat från M.N. Hopkins

De unga kan inte längre se någon utväg ur detta dilemma. De har blivit lurade av de giriga och lömska män som kontrollerar era finansiella institutioner genom kontrollen av de svaga inom era regeringsinstitutioner.

© M.N. Hopkins

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De unge kan ikke længere se en vej ud....Et Citat fra M.N. Hopkins

De unge kan ikke længere se en vej ud af dette dilemma. De er blevet bedraget af de grådige og snedige mænd, der kontrollerer jeres finansielle institutioner ved hjælp af kontrol fra de svage personer i jeres regeringsinstitutioner.

© M.N. Hopkins

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Nuoret eivät enää näe ulospääsyä....M.N. Hopkinsin sitaatti

Nuoret eivät enää näe ulospääsyä tästä dilemmasta. Ne ahneet ja juonikkaat miehet, jotka hallitsevat rahoituslaitoksianne, ovat pettäneet heitä hallituksellisten instituutioidenne heikkojen ihmisten valvonnalla.

© M.N. Hopkins

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Ikke lenger kan de unge se en vei ut ....Et sitat fra MN Hopkins

De unge kan ikke lenger se en vei ut av dette dilemmaet. De har blitt lurt av de grådige og utspekulerte mennene som kontrollerer deres finansinstitusjoner ved kontrollen av de svake i deres statlige institusjoner.

MN Hopkins

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Saturday, June 11, 2022

Οι νέοι δεν μπορούν πια να δουν διέξοδο....Απόσπασμα από τον M.N. Hopkins

Οι νέοι δεν μπορούν πλέον να δουν διέξοδο από αυτό το δίλημμα. Έχουν εξαπατηθεί από εκείνους τους άπληστους και δόλιους ανθρώπους που ελέγχουν τα χρηματοπιστωτικά σας ιδρύματα μέσω του ελέγχου των αδύναμων μέσα στα κυβερνητικά σας ιδρύματα.

© M.N. Hopkins

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Los jóvenes ya no ven la salida - Una cita textual escrita por M.N Hopkins

Los jóvenes ya no pueden ver una salida a este dilema. Han sido engañados por esos hombres codiciosos y taimados que controlan tus instituciones financieras, al controlar a aquellos que son débiles dentro de tus instituciones gubernamentales.

©  M.N. Hopkins

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Os Jovens Já Não Podem Ver Uma Saída....Uma citação de M.N. Hopkins

Os jovens já não conseguem ver uma saída para este dilema. Foram enganados por aqueles homens gananciosos e desonestos que controlam as suas instituições financeiras pelo controlo dos que são fracos dentro das suas instituições governamentais.

© M.N. Hopkins

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I giovani non riescono più a vedere una via d'uscita....Un Citazione di M.N. Hopkins

I giovani non riescono più a vedere una via d'uscita da questo dilemma. Sono stati ingannati da quegli uomini avidi e subdoli che controllano le vostre istituzioni finanziarie attraverso il controllo di coloro che sono deboli all'interno delle vostre istituzioni governative.

© M.N. Hopkins

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