Music by The Refusers
Friday, November 30, 2012
An Interview With Julian Assange: Entire Nations Intercepted Online, Key Turned to Totalitarian Rule
30 November 2012
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says all the necessary physical infrastructure for absolute totalitarianism through the internet is ready. He told RT that the question now is whether the turnkey process that already started will go all the way.
READ FULL SCRIPT of Julian Assange's interview at:
Do You Eat Butter or Margarine for Health? by Raine Saunders
It’s one of nature’s most perfect foods, and people have eaten it for thousands and thousands of years. But for the last century and some it’s received a terrible reputation.
Go on, ask almost anyone you know if he or she likes butter. They’ll likely agree: it tastes great, but then you will hear he or she sheepishly admit, “it’s bad for you.” These individuals actually have guilt associated with eating a real food like butter. It’s proposterous!
Most of my life I’ve eaten full fat foods. I’ve always been a thin, petite person. The only times in my life where I gained weight was when I had been on a low-fat and/or vegetarian diets (which I tried several times in my twenties with no success).
In, fact in the last five years I’ve increased my fat intake significantly over what it used to be. I eat quite a lot of butter everyday. I also drink raw milk, eat cream (when I have some on hand), red meat, lamb, fish, game meats, bacon, pork, , coconut oil and olive oil, home-made yogurt, and many other high-fat foods. Guess what? My weight has been stable and I’ve been anywhere between a size 0 and a size 2 (depending on the clothing I am wearing). This is truly my natural weight. And yet included in my list are many things common health rhetoric has been telling us not to eat for the last five or more decades. Why is this?
The belief that low-fat diets will save us
As one example, according to this article from the Mayo Clinic and Dr. Martha Grogan M.D., margarine should be always eaten over butter because it has less saturated fat. But what’s more interesting is that she recommends buying “tub” margarine over “stick” margarine due to its trans-fat content being lower. I find it amusing that anyone would recommend one fake fat over another as being “healthier”.
So apparently a little trans fat is okay, but more is not. But wait, how do we know just how much is too much? And haven’t there been a rash of news articles, many of them “scientifically-based” in the last couple of years telling us to avoid ALL trans-fats? These ideas all seem to be competing with each other. How can you trust all of these sources that are so contradictory?
Dr. Grogan goes on to say that if you don’t like the taste of margarine (does ANYONE actually like the taste???) to look for whipped or reduced-calorie butter, or even a butter product with vegetable oil added in. Doesn’t that sound tasty! Her final comment is that you only need to add a small amount for flavor in your food – completely disregarding the fact that butter actually conveys health benefits to the consumer.
Here’s what should be regarded as strange: an artificial product that is marketed to taste and look like butter, but is really just a by-product of industrial waste that is bleached, processed, and deodorized to match the unmistakably smooth, rich, delectable texture of butter. Doesn’t that just seem wrong?
Here’s something else that should be regarded as even more strange: obesity, diabetes, insulin-resistance, heart disease, cancer, and many other degenerative diseases are becoming more and more common. The World Health Organization cites 1 billion adults as being overweight, with at least 300 million of those being “clinically” obese. Childhood obesity rates are particularly concerning, with 22 million children under 5 being considered obese worldwide.
Although I don’t agree with the assessments by conventional health and medical professionals about how to combat this problem (low-fat diets, calorie-counting, BMI measuring, and encouraging the consumption of more and more processed foods with no emphasis on traditional and nutrient-dense foods), it’s clear that there’s a public health issue occurring and that real fats aren’t to blame for it. How do I know this? Because as time has gone on, less and less real fats are eaten, and more and more fake, processed fats are being manufactured, marketed, bought, sold, and advocated.
Margarine it essentially a factory-made fat that’s been around for just over a hundred years, yet people have no trouble at all consuming it because the food industry and health professionals say it’s healthy. These industries have duped consumers for a long enough period of time and have successfully convinced a lot of uninformed people that butter’s the enemy.
But I know what it is. They can’t fool me.
A history of margarine
Margarine was invented by a Frenchman from Provence, France – Hippolyte Mège-Mouriez. He created as a response to the Emperor Louis Napoleon III who made a request for a suitable butter “substitute”. Mège-Mouriez used margaric acid which is a fatty acid component identified by Michael Chevreul in 1813. The original ingredients were beef suet and milk he referred to as “oleomargarine”, and it was named due to its pearly drops, reminding him of the word margarites (the Greek word for pearl). From this word, Mège-Mouriez coined the name “margarine” which subsequently won the prize awarded by the the Emperor.
Into the 1870s when new margarine makers came on the scene, replacements of cottonseed oil and later soybean oil were made to lower the cost. The dairy industry became alarmed at this and used their weight to counteract the effects this new product on the market had on butter. But by the early twentieth century, a sharp decline in butter consumption had begun and consumers were eating more artificially-produced fats like margarine in a noticeable upward trend (see page 13 of this document, Major Trends in U.S. Food Supply, 1909-1999) .
So here we have a “butter replacement” that originally was made with beef suet and milk, and which later on became largely comprised of highly processed oils from industrial sources, were hydrogenated, and which even later came from genetically-modified sources, to top it all off. And this is a product health communities have rallied around for many decades as being the miracle, heart-healthy, weight-maintaining “food”.
Knowing this, it’s really quite unbelievable that this industrial waste made the successful journey to the spotlight as a “health” food while butter was falsely accused of being unhealthy to consume – except, of course, when you understand the impetus behind the low-fat mentality was fueled by basically one thing and one thing only – just follow the money.
Big business has profited tremendously by creating an entire belief system and rhetoric that tells us fats are the enemy. Billions and billions of dollars have been invested into the creation and marketing of reduced fat foods and food products. Since the inception of grocery stores, more than 20,000 processed, low-fat products have made an appearance on the shelves.
We’ve also seen the fabrication of an entire industry built upon the manufacturing and sales of synthetically-engineered products marketed to consumers as healthier choices. The food industry’s activities are fully supported by government documentation, edicts, and guidelines – including the Food Pyramid and USDA’s official “booklet” regarding dietary guidelines. In perfect unison we find physicians, nutritionists, other health professionals, book authors, special interest groups (such as consumer advocacy), and educators ridiculing fat and warning of its many dangers to human health.
Butter, a sacred and ancient food
Even before the domestication of cattle, the milk of sheep and goats was used to create butter. Its use can likely be sourced all the way back to the Mesopotamian civilization – perhaps as long ago as 8,000 – 9,000 years. The earliest known record of its occurrence was found in writing on a limestone tablet which described the method of making it. People of India have eaten ghee (clarified butter) as a staple food for many, many years. It has long been regarded as a symbol of health and purity, and is considered worthy as an offering to the gods during sacred ceremonies for over 3000 years.
People of ancient Greece valued butter for its amazing cosmetic properties for both the skin and hair. Biblical references to butter include when Abraham placed butter and milk before three angels who appeared to him on the plains of Mamre. In Elizabethan times, sailors were allowed 1/4 pound daily for food rations to sustain themselves while at sea. For thousands of years, civilizations all over Planet Earth have eaten butter for its known health benefits as well as its exquisite taste.
Why butter is better for you
It contains butyric acid which is very useful for cells in the large intestines. It is a stable fat made from cream containing a wide range of short to medium and odd chain fatty acids as well as saturated, monounsaturated, and a small amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Butter contains roughly 15% short/medium saturated, 50% other saturated, and 30% monounsaturated fatty acids.
Aids in reduction of harmful bacteria and viruses
This powerhouse of nutrients is a great source for antimicrobial fats. It contains short chain fatty acids such as lauric acid (support thyroid function), capable of detroying many pathogenic viruses and other organisms, contains glycolipids that have anti-infective properties.
Butter from healthy cows on grass contains Vitamin A, D, K, E (all fat soluble vitamins), and is a healthy fat necessary for life. Butter is the best source for a bio-available (absorbed easier) form of Vitamin A. Both thyroid and adrenal health depend on Vitamin A, as well as cardiovascular development and maintenance – especially in babies. Butter contains lecithin which enables the body to metabolize and absorb fat and cholesterol components.
Destroys free-radicals and many diseases
This amazing food is also rich in anti-oxidants which protect the body against damage from free-radicals. Anti-oxidants present in butter also reduce damage to coronary arteries which causes heart disease. Two of these important anti-oxidants include Vitamin A and Vitamin E. Butter is also a good source of Selenium, another anti-oxidant and Vitamin K which is crucial for blood clotting. Butter from cows on pasture contains high levels of Vitamin D – another anti-cancer agent.
We need cholesterol for health. One of the best places to obtain dietary cholesterol is from butter, which just so happens to be another powerful anti-oxidant. When our bodies are overrun with free-radicals, cholesterol stored in the blood can come to the rescue. Yes indeed, cholesterol is a potent anti-oxidant that is flooded into the blood when we take in too many harmful free-radicals – usually from damaged and rancid fats in margarine and highly processed vegetable oils.
Butter is rich in short and medium chain fatty acids – which are effective against the development of malignant tumors. Conjugated linoleic acid is also present – yet another significant factor in building muscle, maintaining immune system function, and cancer prevention.
Another nutrient in butter that is also a key element in the reduction of malignant cells in the body is iodine. In modern life, we are largely depleted of many essential trace nutrients and minerals. Iodine is one of the nutrients we are grossly lacking in, and it is due to deficiencies of this kind that we have observed a high increase in the incidence of degenerative disease.
Improved fertility
Eating full-fat dairy foods can also improve fertility rates. A study published in the journal of Human Reproduction reported that eating low-fat dairy foods has a significant impact on the ability of a woman to conceive. Eating low-fat foods actually has a negative affect on the process of ovulation. One of the main reasons is that fat soluble vitamins occurring in foods like butter – Vitamins A, D, E, and K are crucial to reproductive health. Those following vegan diets who plan to conceive may want to re-evaluate their dietary habits.
Which type of butter is best?
Real butter from cows on pasture is the most nutritious. When animals are eating grass and out in the sunshine, nutrient levels like Vitamin D are abundant in butter. Raw butter is superior because it’s enzymes and proteins have not been denatured by pasteurization.
Good brands include:
Pasture Butter from Organic Valley, grass-fed, pasteurized
Kerrygold Irish butter, grass-fed, pasteurized
PastureLand butter from Minnesota, grass-fed,pasteurized
Anchor – New Zealand butter, grass-fed, pasteurized
Baum Farm Dairy – Canaan, Vermont. This butter is amazing! We have ordered it in the past and love it!
What happens when industrial food and conventional medicine interferes with health?
My mother is a heart patient. She is going to be 77 in July, and smoked cigarettes for 55 years. The smoking she did had really nothing to do with diet, but it certainly debilitated her body and robbed it of critical nutrients for health. Although she stopped smoking almost five years ago, the damage has been done. She spent the first part of her life on her family’s farm – eating food they produced. They grew and raised everything. As she grew older, however, she started eating a great deal of things she probably shouldn’t have – processed foods, hydrogenated, rancid oils and industrial meat and dairy.
But unlike many people, she refused to eat fake butter. When I was growing up, I remember other people having margarine in their houses. But my mother knew butter was better, and that’s what she bought. Since I grew up in the same household, I also ate industrial meat and dairy. I know we were eating industrial meat because by the 70s, that’s what most people were consuming unless you were lucky enough to live on your own farm and had animals on pasture.
We bought our eggs from a local chicken farm down the road from our house, but I think the chickens were in coops inside of a building. I never saw any chickens running around outside in the open, and when we went to pick up our eggs, there was always a tell-tale smell of chicken excrement. We did have vegetable oil and shortening too. But I also remember eating real olive oil on our salads.
When my mother was in the hospital, they attempted to put her on the “heart diet”. Because my mother resists the heart diet every time she goes to the hospital or doctor, they have put her on two additional medications to counteract the effects of any “bad” foods she might eat like red meat, butter, cream, etc. I find this ironic, because although my mother doesn’t avoid meat, she doesn’t eat a lot of meat or dairy in general anymore.
She and my father really don’t cook much anymore. Mom has a few things she cooks at home that she eats regularly, and then eats other things like fruits, vegetables, and a few other odds and ends. Even though her diet consists of a lot of whole foods, the food she and my father eat is all conventional and they both eat a great deal of other industrial and processed foods.
My Dad is content to eat out at restaurants at least half of the time, or will eat something quick and convenient at home like a frozen meal from the store. Even with these dietary habits, he’s somehow managed to stay in better shape than many people his age. He’s going to be 73 this year and in sharp contrast to my mother, goes hiking, biking, and mountain climbing regularly.
He seems satisfied with his health, but he’s been taking Lipitor to lower his cholesterol for probably 25 years. He also had prostate cancer at age 55. According to blood tests from his doctors every six months, the cancer has not returned and his liver has not been damaged by the Lipitor. He describes the way he eats as being a “mixed diet”. But my mother reports to me that he eats a lot of candy and junk, so I know he eats a good amount of processed foods.
My parents and I definitely don’t see eye to eye on nutrition and health. You might say we’re miles apart, but I also know you cannot tell someone else how to live his or her life, so…I have to leave it at that.
So what’s the moral of the story? Eat your butter! And eat lots of it…use it in your eggs, on vegetables, popcorn, cook potatoes and onions in it, and spread it on bread. And enjoy it, because it’s delicious and incredibly healthy!
Want to know more? Read: The Importance of Dietary Fats
This article is part of Cheeseslave’s Real Food Wednesdays carnival. Please visit this site and read the other real food posts there. This article is also part of We Are That Family’s Works for Me Wednesdays carnival.
Agriculture Society
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Do You Eat Butter or Margarine for Health?
by Raine Saunders
Agriculture Society, 19 January 2010
Go on, ask almost anyone you know if he or she likes butter. They’ll likely agree: it tastes great, but then you will hear he or she sheepishly admit, “it’s bad for you.” These individuals actually have guilt associated with eating a real food like butter. It’s proposterous!
Most of my life I’ve eaten full fat foods. I’ve always been a thin, petite person. The only times in my life where I gained weight was when I had been on a low-fat and/or vegetarian diets (which I tried several times in my twenties with no success).
In, fact in the last five years I’ve increased my fat intake significantly over what it used to be. I eat quite a lot of butter everyday. I also drink raw milk, eat cream (when I have some on hand), red meat, lamb, fish, game meats, bacon, pork, , coconut oil and olive oil, home-made yogurt, and many other high-fat foods. Guess what? My weight has been stable and I’ve been anywhere between a size 0 and a size 2 (depending on the clothing I am wearing). This is truly my natural weight. And yet included in my list are many things common health rhetoric has been telling us not to eat for the last five or more decades. Why is this?
The belief that low-fat diets will save us
As one example, according to this article from the Mayo Clinic and Dr. Martha Grogan M.D., margarine should be always eaten over butter because it has less saturated fat. But what’s more interesting is that she recommends buying “tub” margarine over “stick” margarine due to its trans-fat content being lower. I find it amusing that anyone would recommend one fake fat over another as being “healthier”.
So apparently a little trans fat is okay, but more is not. But wait, how do we know just how much is too much? And haven’t there been a rash of news articles, many of them “scientifically-based” in the last couple of years telling us to avoid ALL trans-fats? These ideas all seem to be competing with each other. How can you trust all of these sources that are so contradictory?
Dr. Grogan goes on to say that if you don’t like the taste of margarine (does ANYONE actually like the taste???) to look for whipped or reduced-calorie butter, or even a butter product with vegetable oil added in. Doesn’t that sound tasty! Her final comment is that you only need to add a small amount for flavor in your food – completely disregarding the fact that butter actually conveys health benefits to the consumer.
Here’s what should be regarded as strange: an artificial product that is marketed to taste and look like butter, but is really just a by-product of industrial waste that is bleached, processed, and deodorized to match the unmistakably smooth, rich, delectable texture of butter. Doesn’t that just seem wrong?
Here’s something else that should be regarded as even more strange: obesity, diabetes, insulin-resistance, heart disease, cancer, and many other degenerative diseases are becoming more and more common. The World Health Organization cites 1 billion adults as being overweight, with at least 300 million of those being “clinically” obese. Childhood obesity rates are particularly concerning, with 22 million children under 5 being considered obese worldwide.
Although I don’t agree with the assessments by conventional health and medical professionals about how to combat this problem (low-fat diets, calorie-counting, BMI measuring, and encouraging the consumption of more and more processed foods with no emphasis on traditional and nutrient-dense foods), it’s clear that there’s a public health issue occurring and that real fats aren’t to blame for it. How do I know this? Because as time has gone on, less and less real fats are eaten, and more and more fake, processed fats are being manufactured, marketed, bought, sold, and advocated.
Margarine it essentially a factory-made fat that’s been around for just over a hundred years, yet people have no trouble at all consuming it because the food industry and health professionals say it’s healthy. These industries have duped consumers for a long enough period of time and have successfully convinced a lot of uninformed people that butter’s the enemy.
But I know what it is. They can’t fool me.
A history of margarine
Margarine was invented by a Frenchman from Provence, France – Hippolyte Mège-Mouriez. He created as a response to the Emperor Louis Napoleon III who made a request for a suitable butter “substitute”. Mège-Mouriez used margaric acid which is a fatty acid component identified by Michael Chevreul in 1813. The original ingredients were beef suet and milk he referred to as “oleomargarine”, and it was named due to its pearly drops, reminding him of the word margarites (the Greek word for pearl). From this word, Mège-Mouriez coined the name “margarine” which subsequently won the prize awarded by the the Emperor.
Into the 1870s when new margarine makers came on the scene, replacements of cottonseed oil and later soybean oil were made to lower the cost. The dairy industry became alarmed at this and used their weight to counteract the effects this new product on the market had on butter. But by the early twentieth century, a sharp decline in butter consumption had begun and consumers were eating more artificially-produced fats like margarine in a noticeable upward trend (see page 13 of this document, Major Trends in U.S. Food Supply, 1909-1999) .
So here we have a “butter replacement” that originally was made with beef suet and milk, and which later on became largely comprised of highly processed oils from industrial sources, were hydrogenated, and which even later came from genetically-modified sources, to top it all off. And this is a product health communities have rallied around for many decades as being the miracle, heart-healthy, weight-maintaining “food”.
Knowing this, it’s really quite unbelievable that this industrial waste made the successful journey to the spotlight as a “health” food while butter was falsely accused of being unhealthy to consume – except, of course, when you understand the impetus behind the low-fat mentality was fueled by basically one thing and one thing only – just follow the money.
Big business has profited tremendously by creating an entire belief system and rhetoric that tells us fats are the enemy. Billions and billions of dollars have been invested into the creation and marketing of reduced fat foods and food products. Since the inception of grocery stores, more than 20,000 processed, low-fat products have made an appearance on the shelves.
We’ve also seen the fabrication of an entire industry built upon the manufacturing and sales of synthetically-engineered products marketed to consumers as healthier choices. The food industry’s activities are fully supported by government documentation, edicts, and guidelines – including the Food Pyramid and USDA’s official “booklet” regarding dietary guidelines. In perfect unison we find physicians, nutritionists, other health professionals, book authors, special interest groups (such as consumer advocacy), and educators ridiculing fat and warning of its many dangers to human health.
Butter, a sacred and ancient food
Even before the domestication of cattle, the milk of sheep and goats was used to create butter. Its use can likely be sourced all the way back to the Mesopotamian civilization – perhaps as long ago as 8,000 – 9,000 years. The earliest known record of its occurrence was found in writing on a limestone tablet which described the method of making it. People of India have eaten ghee (clarified butter) as a staple food for many, many years. It has long been regarded as a symbol of health and purity, and is considered worthy as an offering to the gods during sacred ceremonies for over 3000 years.
People of ancient Greece valued butter for its amazing cosmetic properties for both the skin and hair. Biblical references to butter include when Abraham placed butter and milk before three angels who appeared to him on the plains of Mamre. In Elizabethan times, sailors were allowed 1/4 pound daily for food rations to sustain themselves while at sea. For thousands of years, civilizations all over Planet Earth have eaten butter for its known health benefits as well as its exquisite taste.
Why butter is better for you
It contains butyric acid which is very useful for cells in the large intestines. It is a stable fat made from cream containing a wide range of short to medium and odd chain fatty acids as well as saturated, monounsaturated, and a small amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Butter contains roughly 15% short/medium saturated, 50% other saturated, and 30% monounsaturated fatty acids.
Aids in reduction of harmful bacteria and viruses
This powerhouse of nutrients is a great source for antimicrobial fats. It contains short chain fatty acids such as lauric acid (support thyroid function), capable of detroying many pathogenic viruses and other organisms, contains glycolipids that have anti-infective properties.
Butter from healthy cows on grass contains Vitamin A, D, K, E (all fat soluble vitamins), and is a healthy fat necessary for life. Butter is the best source for a bio-available (absorbed easier) form of Vitamin A. Both thyroid and adrenal health depend on Vitamin A, as well as cardiovascular development and maintenance – especially in babies. Butter contains lecithin which enables the body to metabolize and absorb fat and cholesterol components.
Destroys free-radicals and many diseases
This amazing food is also rich in anti-oxidants which protect the body against damage from free-radicals. Anti-oxidants present in butter also reduce damage to coronary arteries which causes heart disease. Two of these important anti-oxidants include Vitamin A and Vitamin E. Butter is also a good source of Selenium, another anti-oxidant and Vitamin K which is crucial for blood clotting. Butter from cows on pasture contains high levels of Vitamin D – another anti-cancer agent.
We need cholesterol for health. One of the best places to obtain dietary cholesterol is from butter, which just so happens to be another powerful anti-oxidant. When our bodies are overrun with free-radicals, cholesterol stored in the blood can come to the rescue. Yes indeed, cholesterol is a potent anti-oxidant that is flooded into the blood when we take in too many harmful free-radicals – usually from damaged and rancid fats in margarine and highly processed vegetable oils.
Butter is rich in short and medium chain fatty acids – which are effective against the development of malignant tumors. Conjugated linoleic acid is also present – yet another significant factor in building muscle, maintaining immune system function, and cancer prevention.
Another nutrient in butter that is also a key element in the reduction of malignant cells in the body is iodine. In modern life, we are largely depleted of many essential trace nutrients and minerals. Iodine is one of the nutrients we are grossly lacking in, and it is due to deficiencies of this kind that we have observed a high increase in the incidence of degenerative disease.
Improved fertility
Eating full-fat dairy foods can also improve fertility rates. A study published in the journal of Human Reproduction reported that eating low-fat dairy foods has a significant impact on the ability of a woman to conceive. Eating low-fat foods actually has a negative affect on the process of ovulation. One of the main reasons is that fat soluble vitamins occurring in foods like butter – Vitamins A, D, E, and K are crucial to reproductive health. Those following vegan diets who plan to conceive may want to re-evaluate their dietary habits.
Which type of butter is best?
Real butter from cows on pasture is the most nutritious. When animals are eating grass and out in the sunshine, nutrient levels like Vitamin D are abundant in butter. Raw butter is superior because it’s enzymes and proteins have not been denatured by pasteurization.
Good brands include:
Pasture Butter from Organic Valley, grass-fed, pasteurized
Kerrygold Irish butter, grass-fed, pasteurized
PastureLand butter from Minnesota, grass-fed,pasteurized
Anchor – New Zealand butter, grass-fed, pasteurized
Baum Farm Dairy – Canaan, Vermont. This butter is amazing! We have ordered it in the past and love it!
What happens when industrial food and conventional medicine interferes with health?
My mother is a heart patient. She is going to be 77 in July, and smoked cigarettes for 55 years. The smoking she did had really nothing to do with diet, but it certainly debilitated her body and robbed it of critical nutrients for health. Although she stopped smoking almost five years ago, the damage has been done. She spent the first part of her life on her family’s farm – eating food they produced. They grew and raised everything. As she grew older, however, she started eating a great deal of things she probably shouldn’t have – processed foods, hydrogenated, rancid oils and industrial meat and dairy.
But unlike many people, she refused to eat fake butter. When I was growing up, I remember other people having margarine in their houses. But my mother knew butter was better, and that’s what she bought. Since I grew up in the same household, I also ate industrial meat and dairy. I know we were eating industrial meat because by the 70s, that’s what most people were consuming unless you were lucky enough to live on your own farm and had animals on pasture.
We bought our eggs from a local chicken farm down the road from our house, but I think the chickens were in coops inside of a building. I never saw any chickens running around outside in the open, and when we went to pick up our eggs, there was always a tell-tale smell of chicken excrement. We did have vegetable oil and shortening too. But I also remember eating real olive oil on our salads.
When my mother was in the hospital, they attempted to put her on the “heart diet”. Because my mother resists the heart diet every time she goes to the hospital or doctor, they have put her on two additional medications to counteract the effects of any “bad” foods she might eat like red meat, butter, cream, etc. I find this ironic, because although my mother doesn’t avoid meat, she doesn’t eat a lot of meat or dairy in general anymore.
She and my father really don’t cook much anymore. Mom has a few things she cooks at home that she eats regularly, and then eats other things like fruits, vegetables, and a few other odds and ends. Even though her diet consists of a lot of whole foods, the food she and my father eat is all conventional and they both eat a great deal of other industrial and processed foods.
My Dad is content to eat out at restaurants at least half of the time, or will eat something quick and convenient at home like a frozen meal from the store. Even with these dietary habits, he’s somehow managed to stay in better shape than many people his age. He’s going to be 73 this year and in sharp contrast to my mother, goes hiking, biking, and mountain climbing regularly.
He seems satisfied with his health, but he’s been taking Lipitor to lower his cholesterol for probably 25 years. He also had prostate cancer at age 55. According to blood tests from his doctors every six months, the cancer has not returned and his liver has not been damaged by the Lipitor. He describes the way he eats as being a “mixed diet”. But my mother reports to me that he eats a lot of candy and junk, so I know he eats a good amount of processed foods.
My parents and I definitely don’t see eye to eye on nutrition and health. You might say we’re miles apart, but I also know you cannot tell someone else how to live his or her life, so…I have to leave it at that.
So what’s the moral of the story? Eat your butter! And eat lots of it…use it in your eggs, on vegetables, popcorn, cook potatoes and onions in it, and spread it on bread. And enjoy it, because it’s delicious and incredibly healthy!
Want to know more? Read: The Importance of Dietary Fats
This article is part of Cheeseslave’s Real Food Wednesdays carnival. Please visit this site and read the other real food posts there. This article is also part of We Are That Family’s Works for Me Wednesdays carnival.
Agriculture Society
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Virginia Food Freedom Act
Virginia Food Freedom Act
There shall be no restrictions on the sale of foods produced in home kitchens or farms other than the label that indicates the producer, address, ingredients and the disclosure
“not government inspected”
Our economy and our communities need it.
For the purpose of this bill the definitions are as follows:"
Australian Court Requires 8-Year-Old to be Vaccinated Against Mother’s Wishes by Mike Barret
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Court Requires 8-Year-Old to be Vaccinated Against Mother’s Wishes
by Mike Barret
Natural Society, 29 November 2012
According to a new court ruling, the government can decide whether or not you vaccinate your children. In an event where one parent is pro-vaccine and the other isn’t, what happens to the children? And if an agreement can’t be made, who decides if the children are vaccinated or not? This was the dilemma of one Australian family, where an agreement was never met. As a result, a court judge ruled that the fought-after 8 year old daughter would receive vaccinations, going against the mother’s wishes.
Highly concerned about the dangers of vaccines, the 8 year old’s mother decided to boost her daughters immune system through more natural means: organic food, limiting exposure to toxins, and homeopathic remedies. All the while, the girl’s father had been secretly getting his daughter vaccinated without the mother’s permission. Secretly, the daughter was vaccinated against:
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Hepatitis B
- Pertussis
- Polio
- Measles, mumps, rubella
- Meningococcal C.
So what happened in the end? Evidently this is where the court can make a decision for the child. In the judge’s ruling, the 8 year old girl is now required to receive all recommended vaccinations for her age and in the future. An interesting decision, as the judge felt that the mother was acting in her daughter’s best interest, while the father was a poor parent for having the young girl vaccinated secretly. She described the situation as a “dreadful and ongoing parental conflict”.
Waking up to Vaccine Dangers
The dangers and negative potentialities of vaccines are too long to list, so much so that entire texts have been created on the subject. The flu vaccine along comes with a myriad of negative possibilities, including paralysis, vomiting, immune system disorders, autoimmune diseases, and a killer nerve disease called Guillain-Barré Syndrome.
If you’re wondering why so many negative possibilities can come from ‘protecting yourself and your children’, many answers can be found on the CDC’s own website. There are numerous health-compromising substances found in vaccines, all partly responsible for the damaged induced by the shot. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s even shows what’s inside vaccines on it’s vaccines additives page:
- Antibiotics
- Aluminum
- Formaldehyde
- Thimerosal (a methyl mercury compound)
But thankfully, individuals and parents everywhere are waking up to the dangers associated with this (almost) forced ‘preventative measure’.
As the truth spreads throughout the nation, vaccine exemption rates continue to rise, with some of the latest stats showing an increase in exemption rates between 2005 and 2011. One 2011 survey found that more than 1 in 10 parents are now straying from the traditional vaccine schedule, and experts project the number to increase exponentially. In 8 difference states, over 1 in 20 public kindergartners are not receiving all the vaccines that the government ‘requires’ for school attendance.
Is it Your Choice, or the Government’s?
Unfortunately, the government doesn’t think it’s your choice as to whether or not you or your children are vaccinated. And as exemplified in the story above about the 8 year old girl, the courts will still decide if parents can’t agree. Despite the medical establishment’s hard push on vaccinations, the fact is that parents want the right to choose not only for themselves, but for their children. In one major poll, over 23 thousand mainstream readers of MSNBC still felt that it was okay for parents to opt out of vaccines for their kids.
It’s your right to say no to vaccines.
Additional Sources:
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
A Warning From Access Now: Yahoo Mail Isn’t Safe
Yahoo! Mail isn’t safe but their executives aren’t doing anything about it.
Yahoo doesn’t use HTTPS encryption technology to protect the privacy of it's users. Meaning every email sent to and from a Yahoo! address in a web browser is out in the open, unprotected from hackers, governments, or anyone who uses widely available tools to break into these vulnerable email accounts. Even if you don’t use Yahoo! Mail - the privacy of your emails are at high-risk of being exposed.
“It’s coming." That’s what Yahoo! said to us 3 years ago. Yahoo! has a new CEO and board who are trying to put their stamp on the organization. This is our moment to ask Yahoo!: What could possibly be more important than the safety and security of their email platform? Click the link below and demand that Yahoo! takes the security of their hundreds of millions of users seriously, and switch to HTTPS.
Along with our repeated requests to Yahoo!, Access and 30 civil society groups from around the world recently wrote a letter to Yahoo!'s new CEO Marissa Mayer, asking her to implement HTTPS¹. But still, no word.
During this time, their main competitors, Gmail and Microsoft have started supporting HTTPS. That leaves Yahoo! as one of the remaining major email services that doesn't use HTTPS. Not to mention, Yahoo! doesn't even allow for encrypted search, further demonstrating how behind Yahoo! is.
CEO after CEO has kicked this can down the road, and their inaction has significant security implications for anyone coming into contact with a Yahoo! account. This includes the emails of many at-risk activists around the world, whose email accounts are under assault on a daily basis from repressive regimes.
We all deserve privacy, but Yahoo! isn't giving it to us. Click the link below to tell Yahoo!'s new CEO and their board to respect their users and implement HTTPS. Act now, and we'll deliver your signature to their board before their next meeting.
For an open internet,
The Access Team
Study: High-Fructose Corn Syrup Causing Diabetes by Anthony Gucciardi
Study: High-Fructose Corn Syrup Causing Diabetes, US Citizen Eats 55 Lbs Per Year
by Anthony GucciardiNatural Health, 28 November 2012
A new study reveals what the ‘Big Food’ industry simply does not want you to know — high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is making you fat, giving you diabetes, and taking the entire United States healthcare system down with you. Despite repeated (and laughable) propaganda attempts made by those making billions off of the mercury-containing, GMO garbage known as high-fructose corn syrup such as the Corn Refiners Association and others, this latest study very well may be the final nail in the coffin when it comes to corporations opting better alternatives than HFCS.
Published in the journal known as Global Health, scientific researchers examined the effects of HFCS on a country-wide level. Taking a look at 43 different countries in their report, they found that around 50% of the nations actually had virtually no HFCS within the food supply. The United States, however, was consuming dozens of times more than many countries with the average US citizen consuming 55 pounds of high-fructose corn syrup per year.
Published in the journal known as Global Health, scientific researchers examined the effects of HFCS on a country-wide level. Taking a look at 43 different countries in their report, they found that around 50% of the nations actually had virtually no HFCS within the food supply. The United States, however, was consuming dozens of times more than many countries with the average US citizen consuming 55 pounds of high-fructose corn syrup per year.
As would be expected, countries consuming more high-fructose corn syrup saw a dramatic rise in diabetes cases, whereas the nations who rejected the genetically modified junk food product saw much lower rates. What’s more, this link remained even after accounting for multiple other factors that could have played a role. The researchers also responded to questions as to whether or not the stats simply meant those eating more HFCS were just eating more sugar and junk as a whole.
Independent Link Shows GMO, Mercury Filled High-Fructose Corn Syrup Causing Diabetes
They stated that there was ‘no overall difference’ in total sugars or even total calories in regards to the studied nations that used and did not use HFCS. In other words, there’s an independent relationship that exists between HFCS use and diabetes.
But that doesn’t seem to matter to the Corn Refiners Association, the same group that tried to change the name of HFCS to ‘corn sugar’ to trick consumers into thinking they were consuming a healthier option. They continue to say that HFCS is perfectly safe to protect their interests, but that’s nothing new.
A question that should really be asked, however, is whether or not the increase in diabetes is related to the genetically modified content of HFCS or even the mercury content. We know that Monsanto’s GMO crop herbicide Roundup has been linked to over 29 diseases, including:
- DNA damage
- Lymphoma
- Liver cancer
- Infertility
- Oxidative stress
But could diabetes be among the list? And as for GMOs, we know that organ damage and tumor development are but a few of the consumption side effects. As of right now, we can only guess. What we do know, however, is that high-fructose corn syrup is an extremely devastating ingredient that should be avoided at all times. In addition to avoiding diabetes and increased weight gain as Princeton has shown, you’ll be avoiding GMOs and the toxic element mercury.
In order to do so, the best way is to purchase high quality organic items that will be free of both HFCS and GMOs (as well as other problematic additives). In addition, many corporations are now phasing out HFCS as consumers simply are not buying products with the toxic ingredient any longer. Through voting with your dollar, more corporations will be forced to abandon HFCS.
Natural Society
Natural Society
Monday, November 26, 2012
'Cypherpunks': Julian Assanges New Book
26 November 2012
Top whistleblower Julian Assange has released a new book on the fight against Internet surveillance and governments taking control of the web.
WATCH the UNCUT Julian Assange Show with Cypherpunks here: (part 1) & (part 2)
WATCH the UNCUT Julian Assange Show with Cypherpunks here: (part 1) & (part 2)
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Source of book cover: |
Curcumin, A Natural Cancer-Fighting Spice Reduces Tumors by 81% by Anthony Gucciardi
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Natural Society, 20 September 2011
Used in the ancient Chinese and Indian systems of medicine, curcumin is a naturally powerful anticancer compound that has been found to decrease brain tumor size in animals by 81 percent in more than 9 studies. A derivative of turmeric, curcumin is the pigment responsible for turmeric’s yellow-orange color. Each 100 grams of turmeric contains around 3 to 5 grams of curcumin, though turmeric is a also very powerful on its own. New studies are shedding light on curcumin, and illuminating its numerous benefits on cancer and other diseases.
Researchers experimenting with curcumin in the treatment of a fatal brain cancer known as glioblastoma (GBMs) published their groundbreaking findings in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry in July. Adding scientific basis to previous findings surrounding the positive effects of curcumin, they showed that the compound dramatically decreased brain tumors in 9 out of the 11 studies examined by 81 percent. Furthermore, there was no evidence of toxicity, whereas chemotherapy and other cancer treatments often result in extreme side effects that are sometimes worse than the actual disease. Curcumin is not only effective against brain cancer, however.
According to a study conducted in 2008 and published in Cancer Prevention Research, curcumin also inhibits the growth and spread of breast cancer cells by directly impacting the function of alpha6beta4 integrin, responsible for cancer progression. Another study, performed in 2010, found that curcumin also has the potential to target cancer stem cells. Following the wave of information of curcumin, researchers who posted their findings in Molecular Pharmacology classified curcumin as a pancreatic cancer cell inhibitor back in 2009. Even more interesting is the fact that in most of these studies the researchers concluded that curcumin may also aid many different types of cancer that were not included in the trials.
While an amazing anticancer substance, studies have also pinpointed curcumin as a tool against more than 572 other diseases. Some of these include, in order of study count: oxidative stress, inflammation, DNA damage, lipid peroxidation, chemically-induced liver disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and liver fibrosis. Curcumin has even been found to influence more than 700 genes, which could explain its link to DNA repair.
Curcumin is an amazing natural compound that has profound effects on cancer and hundreds of other diseases. While it has been widely studied compared to many other nutritional substances, studies are only beginning to recognize the healing effects of curcumin and turmeric.
Additional Sources:
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Support Organic Farmers In A Fight For Justice And Pure Food
The family farmers’ Appeal of Dismissal in Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association et al v. Monsanto will be heard in the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington, D.C., at 10 am on Thursday, January 10, 2013.
It is critical that the courtroom for the oral argument of this landmark lawsuit is filled with concerned plaintiff-farmers in order to visibly demonstrate that the case of is not just an academic dispute of patent law. Rather it is a significant issue affecting family farmers from across the country, with implications of global significance.
To that effect, OSGATA has re-established its Farmer Travel Fund which is in immediate need of contributions to support this convergence of farmers from across North America in solidarity for the OSGATA et al. v. Monsanto lawsuit effort.
“Today is Independence Day for America. Today we are seeking protection from the Court and putting Monsanto on notice. Monsanto’s threats and abuse of family farmers stops here. Monsanto’s genetic contamination of organic seed and organic crops ends now. Americans have the right to choice in the marketplace – to decide what kind of food they will feed their families – and we are taking this action on their behalf to protect that right to choose. Organic farmers have the right to raise our organic crops for our families and our customers on our farms without the threat of invasion by Monsanto’s genetic contamination and without harassment by a reckless polluter. Beginning today, America asserts her right to justice and pure food,” says Jim Gerritsen, OSGATA president and Maine organic farmer.
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Click here for more information on how you can contribute to this effort. Thank you for your support! |
7 Natural Remedies for Migraines by Susan Patterson
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