Music by The Refusers

Monday, August 31, 2020

Thanks To All Who Have Been A Part of The 10th Annual Inspirational August

If you have missed this event this year, please click on older posts and you can go back to see the 60 posts and end at the introduction post which explains what it is all about.

A special thank you to all contributors, translators, readers, commentors and those who have shared links to these posts on other forums.  You are  all much appreciated.

Many good wishes to all,


Begin To See YourSelf - A Quotation by Wayne Dyer

Begin to see yourself -Wayne Dyer #Wisdom #MotivationalQuote #Inspirational Quote #waynedyer #LifeQuotes #LeadershipQuotes #PositiveQuotes #SuccessQuotes


Sunday, August 30, 2020

I'll Meet You There....The Wisdom Of Rumi

Beautiful words by Rumi. #rumi #rumiquotes #quotesbyrumi #beautifulwords


Forces Are Always At Work To.....A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Forces are always at work to put a damper on doers of good deeds and right actions. A few of darkness project their own weakness out upon the lands and reward those who portray or you could also say, betray there fellows. If one appears to be strong or wise, he is discredited and made to look a fool. Every roadblock is put in the path of one who seeks to do good acts in your world and then, their failure is portrayed as due to their own weaknesses or inabilities. Yet, at the same time we find leaders in business, industry, and government without any talents or abilities in leadership, but they are portrayed as qualified, but their only true quality is their weakness and vulnerability and tendencies toward corruption. This way, control is assured.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Krafter är alltid på plats för att - Ett Citat av M.N. Hopkins

Krafter är alltid på plats för att lägga sordin på dem som gör goda gärningar och rätt handlingar. Några få av mörker projicerar sin egen svaghet vida omkring och belönar dem som förhånar eller rättare sagt, förråder sina likar. Om någon verkar vara stark eller klok, blir han misskrediterad och idiotiserad. Varje spärr läggs i vägen för en som försöker göra goda handlingar i din värld, sedan framställs deras misslyckande som en följd av deras egna svagheter eller oförmåga. Ändå finner vi samtidigt ledare inom näringsliv, industri och regering utan kunskaper eller färdigheter i ledarskap, men de framställs som kvalificerade, medan deras enda sanna kvalitet är deras svaghet, sårbarhet och tendens att låta sig korrumperas. På så sätt garanteras kontrollen.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link provided below.

Es Sind Immer Kräfte Am Arbeiten Um - Ein Zitat von M.N. Hopkins

Es sind immer Kräfte am Arbeiten um Denjenigen mit guten Taten und richtigen Handlungen einen Dämpfer zu geben. Einige Wenige in Dunkelheit projizieren ihre eigene Schwäche auf die Länder und belohnen Diejenigen die es ihnen nachtun oder man könnte auch sagen, die ihre Mitmenschen verraten. Wenn jemand stark oder klug erscheint, wird er diskreditiert und lächerlich gemacht. Jedes Hindernis wird Demjenigen in den Weg gelegt, der versucht gute Taten in Eurer Welt zu tun und dann wird als Grund für das Versagen Dessen eigene Schwäche oder Unfähigkeit angeführt. Doch zur gleichen Zeit finden wir Führungskräfte in Wirtschaft, Industrie und Regierung ohne Talent oder Fähigkeiten zur Führung, aber sie werden als qualifiziert dargestellt, aber ihre wahre Qualität ist nur die Schwäche und Verwundbarkeit und Tendenz zur Korruption. Auf diese Weise wird die Kontrolle gewährleistet.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

You Are All So Needed Here - A Poem & A Guest Post by Magnus Ericsson

You are so needed here.

You are all so needed here.

You are part of a gigantic web of helpers

upon this planet.

The purpose and the help or service you 

will give to others or society will be

known and shown to you along the way.

Keep this faith within to rest your mind

upon for the days to come.

Stay strong and know that 

you will not be left alone.

©   2020  Magnus Ericsson

Love & A Sound Mind Overcome Fear - A Guest Post by Sir Albert Holmes


لا تدع الخوف دليلك - اقتباس بقلم م. ن.هوبكنز

لا تدع الخوف يكون مرشدك ، لأنه طريق قاد البشرية ومجتمعاتها إلى الدمار والخراب

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below.

كن ريشة في مهب الريح - اقتباس بقلم م. ن. هوبكنز

كن مثل الريشة في مهب الريح وانزلق برفق إلى الأرض من عالمنا السماوي الذي أتينا منه. نلتقي حيث تلتقي السماء والأرض لنرى الاحتمالات.

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Drive The Good To Become Better - A Quotation From The Book, Threads Of Vengence by Black Knight

Black Knight Bio:

I am a philosopher and fantasy/sci fi writer. There are few things I love having in my life - Freedom, Knowledge and Safety! Freedom from censorship and me being able to express myself. Either my opinions, or publishing books unmolested. Knowledge both of old and future to aid me see the world trough a prism of truth. Safety from oppression and detention based on tyrannical laws. My Sci Fi

Starshatter Books are published on Amazon available both in Kindle and Paperback:


No Dejes Que El Miedo Sea Tú Guía - Cotización de Miguel N. Hopkins

No dejes que el miedo sea tu guía, porque es un camino que ha llevado a la Humanidad y sus comunidades por un camino de destrucción y ruina.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below.

Sea Como Una Pluma En El Viento - Cotización de Miguel N. Hopkins

Sea como una pluma en el viento y deslícese suavemente hacia la Tierra desde nuestro Reino Celestial del que venimos. Nos encontramos donde el cielo y la tierra se encuentran para ver las posibilidades.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Mankind Will Be Awakened - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Mankind will be awakened again to It's inherent strength, wisdom and goodness that has for too long been neglected.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Die Menschheit Wird Wieder - Ein Zitat von M.N. Hopkins

Die Menschheit wird wieder zu ihrer angeborenen Stärke, Weisheit und Güte erweckt werden, die für lange Zeit vernachlässigt wurde.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below.

Mänskligheten kommer återigen vakna upp - Ett Citat av M.N. Hopkins

Mänskligheten kommer återigen vakna upp till dess inneboende styrka, visdom och godhet som under allt för lång tid har försummats.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

No Work Can Be Done Without Due Care And Thought - The Wisdom Of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Two Linemen for Telephone Exchange

        Two Linemen for Telephone Exchange In Wisconsin

"Everything you do reveals something about your education, your character, your intelligence and your sense of the aesthetic. You may say, ‘Oh, but my job is only to sweep and wash the floor!’ Do you really think it is as simple as that? In doing so, you should also think about it and pay attention. Just the way in which you set about this work – which you find so easy – can show your intelligence. Even in sweeping there is an order to be followed and certain precautions to be taken so as not to raise clouds of dust. You might say that you use a vacuum cleaner. Well that is fine, though you must still be careful not to go over the same place several times and miss others completely, not to bump into the furniture or get a chair caught up in the electric cord, and so on. No work can be done without due care and thought. Whatever the work may be, whether physical or mental, we must first see how to organize it, in what order things should be done. This is what it means to have a good method. So observe yourselves, and no matter what sort of work you undertake, think about how to prepare it and carry it out."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Monday, August 24, 2020

Fight For - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Fight for justice, fight for truth, but first, you must fight for Self. It begins slow, but gains strength in time. Remember, a few with the light of God can overcome an army with thousands of darkness.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Kämpa För - Ett Citat av M.N. Hopkins

Kämpa för rättvisa, kämpa för sanning, men först måste du kämpa för dig själv. Det börjar långsamt, men blir allt starkare med tiden. Kom ihåg, några med Guds ljus kan övervinna en tusenhövdad armé av mörker.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original in English, please click on the link provided below.

Kämpfe Für - Ein Zitat von M.N. Hopkins

Kämpfe für Gerechtigkeit und kämpfe für Wahrheit, aber zuerst musst Du für Dich selbst kämpfen. Es beginnt langsam, aber mit der Zeit wird es stärker. Denke daran, einige mit dem Licht Gottes können eine tausendköpfige Armee in Dunkelheit überwinden.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read the original in English, please click on the link provided below.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Winds of Change - A Journey Through Sound and Music by Simone Vitale

The Sound of Golden Light

I have created this long track for an online music festival that never happened... so here it is for you to enjoy!
This is a long track with three main sections. The first part features nature sound recorded around Waihi Beach in New Zealand and Himalayan Singing Bowls. Then it moves into a trance kind of background with the addition of guitar and voice. After a short interlude with Tuning Forks and overtone singing, the third section starts, with a more upbeat, percussive, tribal music that opens up to a light finale.
Here and there, a special mysterious guest...
You can find more of my music here:
Here is my website:
And here you can learn about my work with Sound Therapy:

Waihi Beach, Coromandel, NZ

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Why Do I Write Poems? - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Why do I write poems? 

I have been given a gift

To be shared through words

©   2020  M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Poems by M.N. Hopkins

or visit:


I Must Not Fear - A Quotation by Frank Herbert


Frank Herbert (1920 – 1986)

An American science fiction author.

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Few Have Kept Hope Alive - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

A few have kept hope alive and succeeded in overcoming the darkness of their despair.   Yes, these few who have fought as Warriors of Light for centuries, never giving up, never defeated by the numerous forces of darkness. A few against many fighting so that many can one day prosper in Spirit. Fighting for many whom have lost their way, lost all good sense and reason.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Poems & Quotations by M.N. Hopkins

or visit:


The Irish Blessing - 300 Churches From Our Island Singing a Blessing.

Lyrics: Be Thou My Vision/Prayer of St Patrick Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art; Thou my best thought, in the day and the night; Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light. Be Thou my wisdom, be Thou my true Word; I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord; Thou my great Father and I, Thy true son; Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one. Be thou my battleshield, my sword for the fight; Be thou my dignity, thou my delight; Thou my soul’s shelter and thou my high tower; Raise thou me heavenward, O Power of my power. Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise; Thou mine inheritance, through all my days Thou and Thou only, the first in my heart; High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art. High King of heaven, my victory won; May I reach heaven’s joy, O bright heaven’s sun; Heart of my own heart, whatever befall; Still be my vision, O Ruler of all. Heart of my own heart, whatever befall; Still be my vision, O Ruler of all. Christ be with you, Christ within you Christ behind you, Christ before you, Christ beside you, Christ to win you, Christ to comfort and restore you, Christ beneath you, Christ above you, Christ In quiet, Christ in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love you, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger AMEN AMEN © 2020 NEW VOICE MUSIC adm. by All rights reserved.

My #prayer is that we may be filled and daily led by the #HolySpirit. #Amen. #Pentecost #PentecostSunday

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Hab Keine Angst - Ein Zitat von M.N. Hopkins

Hab keine Angst, sei frech und sei mutig; widme dich der Wiederentdeckung Deiner angeborenen Stärke und Güte, die schon immer ein Teil von dir war; ein Teil, der schon immer seinen Ausdruck suchte.

©    M.N. Hopkins

To read the orginal in English, please click on the link below:

Be Not Afraid - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Be not afraid, be bold, and be brave and rediscover your inherent strength and goodness that has always been a part of you, a part just waiting for expression.

©  M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Poems & Quotations by M.N. Hopkins

or visit:


Var inte rädd - Ett Citat av M.N. Hopkins

Var inte rädd, var djärv och modig, återupptäck din inneboende styrka och den godhet som alltid har varit en del av dig, en del väntar bara på att få komma till uttryck.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Poems & Quotations by M.N. Hopkins

or visit:


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

This Is Our Moment - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

This is our moment

Cower, submit, freedom ends

Freedom is a choice

©  2020   M.N. Hopkins

Note:   This poem was inspired and written while watching the documentary called, Plandemic Indocternation on London Real on 18 August, 2020.  I wrote it in the haiku style of poetry and published it on my blog for the first time today, the 19th of August, 2020.

There Is A Morning Inside You - The Wisdom of Rumi

Be a light to this world 💡

Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi was a 13th century Persian poet, an Islamic dervish and a Sufi mystic. He is regarded as one of the greatest spiritual masters and poetical intellects. Born in 1207 AD, he belonged to a family of learned theologians. He made use of everyday life's circumstances to describe the spiritual world.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The UK Blessing — Churches Sing 'The Blessing' over the UK

Lyrics: Verse — 
The Lord bless you And keep you Make His face shine upon you And be gracious to you The Lord turn His Face toward you And give you peace As we receive, we agree, amen Chorus — 
Amen, amen, amen Bridge —
  May His favour be upon you And a thousand generations And your family and your children And their children, and their children May His presence go before you And behind you, and beside you All around you, and within you He is with you, He is with you Original Song “The Blessing” by Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe and Elevation Worship. Written by Chris Brown, Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe and Steven Furtick Audio produced by Trevor Michael Video edited by Level Creative #theblessing #uk

My #prayer is that we may be filled and daily led by the #HolySpirit. #Amen. #Pentecost #PentecostSunday

Monday, August 17, 2020

It's No Wonder There Is A Rise In Sickness And Poverty - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

It's no wonder there is a rise in sickness and poverty. We each feed each other and this helps us maintain and encourage greater emotional and mental health through our positive interactions. Instead, we have chosen to fight each other and project negativity upon each other which has resulted in a world of war, disease, and financial crises that are fuelled by the greed of a few whose sole aim is to enslave humanity as they have been enslaved by their own weaknesses and needs for control and power over others.

©   M.N. Hopkins

Love And Art - A Quotation by Karl Kraus

''Love and art do not embrace what is beautiful but what is made beautiful by this embrace.''

Karl Kraus, Austrian writer  (1874-1936).

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Now, Our Real Life Begins - An Insight & Guest Post by KDJH

Western wise men set their sites on having, and then along the road we stop being. Were hurriedly running around seeking, but know where are we finding. Forces have us cowering, when we see we should be flowering. The buildings are towering, but the water is souring. So stop me if you feel this devouring. I alone see, all our eyes shining. Tears wiped away, our hopes are thriving. Were not to seek and see, were here to love, and be. Glittering stars, reflecting sea. Our souls are back and their not leaving, and trumpets are blown and angels are singing.  From above, were found again, the meaning is united. A whole and healed heart, no longer divided. Our beauty is our sword, our love is our battering ram. The wall of purpose is broken, and our quiet voice has spoken. Now,  our real life begins.


The Bards Sang Their Songs To Inspire - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

The bards sang their songs to inspire and direct ones focus back to one's Self. This is where you will find the strength, determination, and the endurance to continue upon your chosen paths. For to reconnect again to your Soul or your Self will connect you to God and an infinite supply of energy and creative endeavour.

©   M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Poems & Quotations by M.N. Hopkins

or visit:


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Eight Gifts - A Guest Post by Errol Clark Halkett


Eight Gifts 

Below are eight gifts that don’t cost a cent to give. 


But you must REALLY listen. 

No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response. 

Just listening. 



Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and >handholds. 

Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family >and friends. 


Funny pictures.  Share articles, funny stories and funny 

greetings.  Your gift will say, “I love to laugh with you.” 


It can be a simple “Thanks for the help” note or a full sonnet. 

A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and >may even change a life. 



A simple and sincere, “You look great in red,” “You did a super >job” or “That was a wonderful meal” can make someone’s day. 


Every day, go out of your way to do something kind. 

Helping elderly cross the road can be nice. 



There are times when we want nothing better than to be left >alone.  Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of 

solitude to others. 


The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to 

someone, really it’s not that hard to say, Hello or Thank You. 


Taken from the writings of Errol Clark Halkett