Music by The Refusers

Friday, May 30, 2014

LA Lakers Eat Grass-Fed: An Interview With Cate Shanahan, Nutritionist For The Lakers by Joe Salama

Dr. Cate Shanahan, M.D.

LA Lakers Eat Grass-Fed:  An Interview with Cate Shanahan, Nutritionist for the Lakers

by Joe Salama

Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund,    23 May, 2014

Joe Salama, attorney and author of The Paleo Miracle, interviewed Cate Shanahan, M.D., the nutritionist for the L.A. Lakers basketball team. Dr. Cate Shanahan promotes fats from pastured animals while FTCLDF promotes farmers who raise those animals!

What do you do for the Lakers?

We operate on several levels so answering the question is a little complicated but the basics are that the Lakers now have a program called PRO Nutrition (Performance Recovery Orthogenesis) and a team of people running it: Gary Vitti; my husband, Luke; myself; and two more of the existing Lakers staff, Strength and Conditioning coach Tim DiFrancesco and Chef Sandra Padilla. We feed them everywhere they go, everywhere they want us to be involved.

How does your approach differ from others?

This is really a question about why I wrote our book, Deep Nutrition. There were at the time, and still are, no books other than ours that fill the void of describing everything a person should know about nutrition in order to get their bodies all the nutrients they need and none of the toxins—to the extent that is possible in this modern world. We do not make arbitrary recommendations and we do include a broader picture of what nutrition can do in the body.

How do your recommendations compare to the standard Paleo approach?

Not everyone does a Paleo approach the same way. There is no universal Paleo approach. Our philosophies are similar in some respects and different in others. I believe that our ancestors were healthier because of how they ate—which is in contrast with the standard way of thinking that in spite of all evidence to the contrary, people are living longer because of a low fat, low salt, low cholesterol approach. That doesn’t make sense to me and it doesn’t make sense to the rest of the ancestral food community—and I like the term “ancestral” rather than “paleo” because it is more inclusive.

Where we differ is that the Paleo approach requires people to go farther back in history than I am comfortable doing in order to get instructions on how we are supposed to eat. I like the idea, but we just don’t have enough information about what people in the Paleolithic Era actually ate. It’s very speculative and I prefer to go with what I feel we have more evidence of being successful and have more details of what they actually ate. In Deep Nutrition, we call them The Four Pillars of Cuisine.

The fundamental approach is not “eat this” or “don’t eat this;” it is that your health is the way it is because of what your ancestors did and how it affected your genes. Your story is part of an ongoing story. We want people to understand that where they would be headed—their story, their genes, their children—would be in an unhealthy direction if they were to listen to what most doctors say because they would be missing essential things from their diet. Your health does more than just prevent heart disease and Alzheimer’s—it even affects the way you look. There is a huge impact that your choices have on not only your health outcomes but also, if you haven’t reproduced yet, on how your children are going to look.

We are talking about epigenetics, aren’t we?

Epigenetics is the science of understanding that relationship. The details are very important, and we shouldn’t be making guesses. We know for sure what the people in this country were doing 100 years ago. So our approach includes anything a farmer could eat back then.

Does that include corn?

Sure. If it is produced a certain way and prepared in a certain way. It’s not just the food groups, but how the foods were grown, starting from the soil, and what happened to them on the way to your mouth. So, yeah, you can eat corn on our plan if you know where it came from and how it was grown—certainly non-GMO, preferably free of pesticides, and not processed in ridiculous ways. So yeah, I would say just eat corn.

That’s what our ancestors did occasionally. They didn’t make it the main part of their diet with breakfast cereals and so forth. In Mexico they have corn masa; it can be very healthy and is actually a fermented food if it is prepared a certain way to enhance the nutritional value.

What are these Four Pillars of Cuisine that form the basis of your approach?

I looked at many cultures around the world and have yet to find a culture which has excluded one of these Four Pillars. The First Pillar is fresh food. And by fresh I mean raw/uncooked, vegetable products and animal products. Examples of this are sushi, steak tartare, eggnog—even a Caesar salad has a raw egg on it.

The Second Pillar is fermented and sprouted foods—enhancing the nutritional value of whatever food/crop it was originally. The original sushi, for example, was stored packed in rice where it fermented, and this protected it from molds. Fermented was the answer of how to preserve food before refrigeration, freezing, and canning. Sprouting was a similar concept in that you take the food that nature produced and do something natural to it, using natural technology, to enhance the digestibility and nutritional value. If you are going to have wheat, we recommend fermented or sprouted wheat; we would say that sprouted grain breads are fine as long as they are non-GMO, all organic, etc.

The Third Pillar we call “meat on the bone” because when people cooked their meat, they cooked it a certain way so as not to destroy the nutrients. They include the bone, the end of the bone and the joint material there, and the skin and collagen. You can’t get these anywhere else in the animal kingdom, and I consider this to be a missing food group with incredible beneficial effects for human connective tissue.

The Fourth Pillar is organ meats. We isolate them out because in this society, they are almost forgotten whereas in every other society they eat a lot more parts of animals. If you go to Asia, you are bombarded with all these unusual body parts like chicken feet. Fried lungs on a stick are popular in the Middle East. All these things have nutrients that you don’t get from other foods. They bump up the quality of your diet incredibly. If you plot out the nutrient content of the cartoon version of the paleo diet, meat and salad, you are going to be low in B vitamins and missing zinc, among others. If you add in organ meat, it fixes the problem—particularly with the B vitamins. 

I have yet to find an example of an original culture that does not include all four of these pillars—Alaskan natives, French, Hawaiians, you name it—they all ate these four pillars. They had to eat them in order to be able to eat enough all the time. Because they did it, we need to do it, too.

This sounds a lot like Dr. Weston A. Price and his approach.

I actually looked at Dr. Price’s work extensively, and I am of a similar mindset. He was a big influence on me and part of my goal was to look for more recent research to reinforce his principals. And I found it. Dr. Price touched on the bone structure and teeth in his research and we actually found a dentist who has taken that research to the next level and developed a mathematical formula for that bone growth behavior. Everything Dr. Price did and said has been updated with a different branch of science—there’s epigenetics, there’s biomathematics (the science of understanding the math of the body), and there’s probiotics where Dr. Price talked about traditions.

Let’s get back to the Lakers—how did you get involved with them?

My husband and co-writer Luke thought the Lakers might benefit from reading Deep Nutrition, so he reached out to head trainer, Gary Vitti, who is always looking for a way for his athletes to get an edge. He thought our approach was intriguing and wanted to hear what we could do for the team. So we got on the phone, they asked me a bunch of tough questions about the science, and I answered to their satisfaction. Then he invited me to address the team and explain to them directly what we could do for them, something I now understand was unprecedented and I am very honored to have been able to do that now on multiple occasions.

What’s the hardest part about working with them?

The hardest part about working with the players is that they’re healthy. Only about 1 in 10 of my regular patient population are of the sort that they will change habits just because its good for them. Most people only do that after something life changing happens to them as a consequence of bad habits, like a heart attack. That said, a surprising number of Lakers have opted in proactively, which is a measure I think of how motivated they are to perform well in spite of what appears to be a disappointing season.

What are some of the hardest challenges we face in getting the rest of the professional athletic world on board with an ancestral eating approach?

Sponsorship. It’s the interfering substance that weighs down the wings of science like crude oil on a pelican. It’s why you find more university affiliated nutritionists and dietitians than not recommending things like PowerBars, G2, Gatorade, and making supplement-of-the-month recommendations—all based on whichever brand happened to be sponsoring the last conference they attended.

To read the entire interview,  please click on the link provided below:

Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund

10 Essential Oils for Detoxing and Boosting Immunity by Christina Sarich

10 Essential Oils for Detoxing and Boosting Immunity

by Christina Sarich

Natural Society,     29 May 2014

 I've experienced the somewhat miraculous healing properties of essential oils first hand. When getting over a long bout of an upper respiratory sickness, I bathed in a combination of ylang ylang, white thyme, jatamansi, lavender, marjoram, and sandalwood oils. A few drops of each is all it took. I soaked away sore muscles, and the aroma itself was exhilarating, but what was most interesting is that right after stepping out of this healing bath, I was able to cough up some phlegm that had plagued me for weeks.
While many of the benefits of essential oils have not yet been clinically tested, there is ample peer feedback to suggest that these oils, just like the plants from which they are derived, are essential to our health when used properly.


10 Oils for Detoxing

Here are 10 oils from a list of thousands you can utilize for their detoxing and health-supporting benefits (please note that some oils should not be ingested directly, but used topically only):

1. Peppermint Oil – This oil smells just like candy canes or peppermint tea, and can be used topically, or in very small amounts (a drop in a smoothie or a glass of water is fine) to help detox the body. T he plant itself has been used medicinally for thousands of years, often as a wonderful cognitive supporter. It also aids the respiratory system, and with digestive disorders. For breastfeeding women, peppermint water can help to reduce tenderness of the nipples. Hay fever, shingles pain, and even chemotherapy-induced nausea can be helped with the oil of peppermint.

2. Mandarin Oil – A great smelling oil, mandarin oil has as antiseptic, antispasmodic, circulatory, cytophylactic, depurative, digestive, hepatic, nervous relaxant, sedative, stomachic, and tonic properties. Mandarin oil helps to circulate blood and lymph, and promotes the growth of new cells and tissues in the body. Because of this, mandarin oil can boost immunity and help overturn ‘bad’ or old cells more quickly. Mandarin also helps the body to remove toxins through its normal excretory functions – through sweat, through the digestive system, and through the urinary tract. Just a few drops in a glass of water right after a meal can also help the digestive system.

3. Laurel Oil - This oil is full of antioxidants, which can help rid your body of a toxic overload. The Greeks believed that those doused in laurel gained the gifts of divination and prophecy. The Roman’s also used laurel oil to assuage a multitude of ailments. “Dr. Cazin classified laurel as a carminative, expectorant, diuretic and sudorific, and prescribed it for flatulence, slow and difficult digestion, asthmatic conditions and bronchorrhoea (a chronic form of bronchitis, with a great amount of phlegm). More recently Dr Leclerc recommended its use for chronic bronchitis, ‘flu and ‘flu fevers, flatulence and virus infections; his remedy was an infusion of the leaves or berries.”4. Juniper Oil – Derived from the Juniper tree berry, a brightly colored, blue delicacy, as well as the bark and leaves of the tree, this oil has diuretic properties and helps with digestive issues, but that isn’t all. It is also an antiseptic, sudorific, antirheumatic, depurative, antispasmodic, stimulating, stomachic, astringent, carminative, rubefacient, vulnerary, and tonic substance.

5. Grapefruit Oil – Grapefruit essential oils help the body flush out unwanted toxins. It also contains limonene, a substance contained in citrus fruit that has been proven to minimize the incidence of colon, skin, liver, stomach, and pancreatic cancers. Grapefruit has been studies extensively in Universities throughout the world.

6. Rosemary Oil – This is another powerful oil. It has analgesic, antibacterial, anticancer, anticatarrhal, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and expectorant qualities. It can help to boost memory, assist in learning, and provide better insight. This oil is best used topically or aromatically in a diffuser, and not ingested, unless it is very pure and diluted extensively. Massaging rosemary oil into the feet several times daily is said to help with Candida Albicans overgrowth.

7. Jatamansi Oil – This oil is one of my favorites. Coming from the Himalayan region, Jatamansi oil has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for thousands of years. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is the perfect combination of three tastes – bitter, astringent, and sweet. If you are familiar with doshas – the Ayurvedic classification system for body types – jatamansi is thought to treat imbalances in Vata. Jatamansi is a nerve tonic and memory enhancer, and it has been used to help clear the mind for meditation. It is a great oil to treat anxiety and depression as well. It also does wonder for skin problems like eczema, rashes, burns and wounds – especially those caused by streptococcus bacteria.

8. White Thyme Oil – This is another immunity booster and cognitive aid. The Greeks used to bathe in it before battle to instill courage, and the Romans used it to naturally get rid of pests. Thyme is one of the oldest herbs on record, too.The International Journal of Food Microbiology as well as other institutions found that 92 percent of Gram negative and positive bacterial strains could be killed using cinnamon, thyme or clove essential oil. Here are some other health benefits of thyme.

9. Tea Tree Oil – This oil is well known by many as a skin curative, but it has many other qualities too, Among them, effectively detoxing the body. Tea tree oil is an antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, balsamic, cicatrisant, expectorant, fungicide, insecticide, stimulant, and sudorific substance. It has a reputation as a ‘cure-all’ for good reason. It can handle just about any infectious disease while boosting immunity and protecting against everything from viruses, to unwanted bacterial infections, to the common cold. It is meant for topical application only, though, so don’t ingest this one!

10. Lemon Oil – Lemons are known disinfectants, and the essential oils are no different. They are incredibly effective at clearing out gunk from the body. The benefits of lemon oil include its ability to treat stress disorders, fever, infections, asthma, obesity, insomnia, skin disorders, hair conditions, stomach problems, and tiredness. Lemon oil is a great essential oil to use for sleepless nights, stomach upset, or to minimize cramps during menses. It also relieves mental fatigue, irritability and nervousness, as well as boosts the immune system. Here are 10 ways to use lemon for beauty.


Natural Society

Start Each Day With A Grateful Heart

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Free School For Kids In New Delhi, India

It is an unusual school in an unusual location and is run by an unusual teacher.

Rajesh Kumar is a shopkeeper by profession but spends hours every morning teaching around 80 children from the poorest of the poor in India’s capital.

The 43-year-old visited the construction of the Delhi transit station a few years ago and was disturbed by the sight of  many children playing at the site instead of attending school.

When he questioned the parents working at the sites they all said there were no schools in the vicinity and no one cared.

Consequently, his open-air class room was born - between pillars and beneath the tracks of the Delhi transit system, known as the Metro.

Every few minutes a train passes above, the children unperturbed by its sounds.

There are no chairs or tables and the children sit on rolls of polystyrene foam placed on the rubble.

Three rectangular patches of wall are painted black and used as a blackboard.

Anonymous donors have contributed cardigans, books, shoes and stationery for the children, as their parents cannot afford them.

One unnamed individual sends a bag full of biscuits and fruit juice for the pupils every day - another incentive for the children to turn up for their studies.

This is so… Wow! I applaude this amazing people!

Source of poster & test:

A. Chynal G+ Homepage

Stay Away From All These GMO Food Products - Just Don't Eat Any


True Activist

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Help Find Lisa Beattie In Western Sydney, Austrailia - Last Seen On 22 May 2014

Guard Yourself (From The Unsafe Nature Of Gardasil) Documentary by Joe Ferdman

Published on May 27, 2014

A documentary short that exposes the unsafe nature of the Gardasil vaccine by Joe Ferdman.

Please, do your research before you decide whether HPV vaccines are right for you.

HPV Vaccine VAERS Reports up to April 2014

Did Not Recover6,977
Abnormal Pap Smear570
Cervical Dysplasia241
Cervical Cancer78
Life Threatening627
Emergency Room11,562
Extended Hospital Stay247
Adverse Events34,700

Source of the above chart:

Sane Vax, Inc.


Urgent: Call Your State Representatives In California & Say, "Vote Yes On SB 1381"

Foto: This is IT, California! This is the week #SB1381 goes to the Senate Floor and the only way it will win is if YOU unite with us. Please take a short time out of your day. Californians ONLY, call your representative ONLY!  Go to  and call your representative. Tell them you are a constituent and you live in __________ city. Ask them to vote YES on SB 1381.  That's all it takes to move SB 1381 out of the Senate and on to the Assembly. #LabelGMOs!

Share this with a vengeance please. Do not forget biotech stopped Prop 37 with lies and $45 million and this is how we can trump them.
This is IT, California! This is the week #SB1381 goes to the Senate Floor and the only way it will win is if YOU unite with us. Please take a short time out of your day. Californians ONLY, call your representative ONLY! Go to and call your representative. Tell them you are a constituent and you live in __________ city. Ask them to vote YES on SB 1381. That's all it takes to move SB 1381 out of the Senate and on to the Assembly. #LabelGMOs!
Note:  This is for California folk only.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Being Brave Means....A Quote by Neil Gaiman Coraline

How To Make And Use An Onion Poultice For Congestion by Sarah

How to Make and Use an Onion Poultice for Congestion

by Sarah

The Healthy Home Economist,  23 May 2914

Prior to the advent of antibiotics which came into widespread use by 1940, bacterial infections of any kind were always a serious matter.
My father, who was born in 1927, remembers when he was in elementary school that numerous children could be seen with scars behind one or both ears from surgery, called mastoidectomies, to relieve pressure and congestion from a simple ear infection that got out of hand. Today, mastoidectomies are rarely if ever performed as antibiotics take care of the infection in the majority of cases.
In another family tale, when my Mother-in-Law, Mary, was only 5 years old, her life was seriously threatened from a severe case of double pneumonia. With no antibiotics available, her father had resigned himself to the fact that he might lose his precious daughter.
Mary tells the story of how her desperate father consulted with a band of gypsies that lived not far from their small town in Wales about what to do to save her life.  The gypsy women told him to make an onion poultice and put it on her feet to draw the infection and congestion out of her lungs.

The onion poultice worked remarkably well and Mary, now a healthy Grandmum in her 70′s, is still alive and well to tell the tale.

Home remedies such as this are enjoying a resurgence in popularity in lockstep with the worrisome rise of antibiotic resistant infections. In addition, parents are increasingly hesitant to use routine antibiotics due to the growing body of research that antibiotic damage to intestinal health lasts at least a year or two and possibly longer and can increase the risk of autoimmune disease.

Certainly, antibiotics should always be used for life threatening infections such as pneumonia.  In less severe cases, however, a remedy such as an onion poultice can be used to draw out congestion from the lungs and facilitate healing instead of running to the doctor for meds.  Using a remedy like an onion poultice can also be used to prevent the situation from worsening to the point where antibiotics are mandatory.

How to Make an Onion Poultice

Making an onion poultice is incredibly simple. It takes just a few supplies to quickly prepare one to use for chest congestion.


Frying pan
Filtered water
2 organic onions
1/4 cup grated organic ginger (optional)


Chop and lightly saute the onions and ginger in a bit of filtered water. The onions should be lightly cooked, not browned or caramelized.

Carefully drain the cooked onions and optional ginger and spread them out in the center of the dishtowel. Wrap the mixture in the towel burrito style, that is, fold the longer sides over the onions first and then fold the ends.

The onion poultice is now ready to place on the chest of the person suffering from congestion. Make sure the poultice is not too hot before doing this.

Alternatively, the onion poultice can be placed on the soles of the feet to draw the congestion out of the lungs to facilitate normalized breathing.  It is normal for very productive coughing to occur shortly after using the poultice as mucous is expelled from the lungs.

Leave the onion poultice in place for 20 minutes.  It can be gently reheated in the microwave and reused as necessary throughout the day.

It is best to make a fresh onion poultice every 24 hours or so.

Below is a video by Dr. Seth Yates, a Naturopathic Doctor, that shows visually how to perform the steps above.


The Healthy Home Economist

Monday, May 26, 2014

There Is No Mary Baker Eddy

There is no door through which evil can enter and no space for evil to fill in a mind filled with goodness.

Mary Baker Eddy


Nine Year Old Daniel Bissonet Speaks At March Against Monsanto in Vancouver, Canada

Published on May 24, 2014
Daniel Bissonnette, a very articulate 9 year old, mesmerizes listeners at the March against Monsanto event in Vancouver, on May 24, 2014, asking key questions on why children, the most vulnerable age group to ravages of GMO and pesticide, are subjected to the worst food possible.


GMO Corn Causes Liver & Kidney Damage

Foto: GMO corn, even without Roundup, caused liver and kidney toxicity in rats. In a recent interview, Professor Gilles-Éric Séralini explained that the enzyme that is overproduced in the GMO to make it tolerate Roundup can indirectly decrease the levels of amino acids essential for protection of the liver and kidney. Professor Séralini is a biologist at the University of Caen and author of a controversial long-term toxicology study on the impact of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The study was controversial because it contradicts industry funded pseudo-scientific claims that GMOs are perfectly safe. 

In an unrelated interview, Dr. Renae Norton, an eating disorder specialist with over 30 years of experience, explained that she has never seen so many young people in their early 20's, who are battling eating disorders and also have liver & kidney disease. This leads us to ask... is this a coincidence? We'll let you decide. Without a label, there is no traceability, no accountability and no liability. We NEED TO KNOW IF IT'S GMO.


LISTEN to Dr. Renae Norton:

READ: No Consensus on GMO Safety:

READ: Over 1,400 independent peer reviewed studies, surveys, and analyses that suggest various adverse impacts and potential adverse impacts of genetically engineered crops, GMO foods and related pesticides:

#GMO #corn #Liver #Kidney #toxicity #LabelGMOs #NeedToKnowGMO #Seralini #SeraliniStudy #GMOSeralini #DrRenaeNorton #EatingDisorderPro #GMOFreeCanada #gmofreeusa

GMO corn, even without Roundup, caused liver and kidney toxicity in rats. In a recent interview, Professor Gilles-Éric Séralini explained that the enzyme that is overproduced in the GMO to make it tolerate Roundup can indirectly decrease th...e levels of amino acids essential for protection of the liver and kidney. Professor Séralini is a biologist at the University of Caen and author of a controversial long-term toxicology study on the impact of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The study was controversial because it contradicts industry funded pseudo-scientific claims that GMOs are perfectly safe.

In an unrelated interview, Dr. Renae Norton, an eating disorder specialist with over 30 years of experience, explained that she has never seen so many young people in their early 20's, who are battling eating disorders and also have liver & kidney disease. This leads us to ask... is this a coincidence? We'll let you decide. Without a label, there is no traceability, no accountability and no liability. We NEED TO KNOW IF IT'S GMO.


LISTEN to Dr. Renae Norton:

READ: No Consensus on GMO Safety:

READ: Over 1,400 independent peer reviewed studies, surveys, and analyses that suggest various adverse impacts and potential adverse impacts of genetically engineered crops, GMO foods and related pesticides:

#GMO #corn #Liver #Kidney #toxicity #LabelGMOs #NeedToKnowGMO #Seralini #SeraliniStudy #GMOSeralini #DrRenaeNorton #EatingDisorderPro #GMOFreeCanada #gmofreeusa

Sunday, May 25, 2014

When Fear Mary Baker Eddy


Vermont Wolaver's Organic Ales Are Now Non-GMO Certified

Foto: The first Organic Brewery in the U.S. is now Non-GMO Project Verified. Wolaver's timing is great - being a Vermont brewery, they reside in the first state in the U.S. to pass a stand alone law to label GMOs.

“Vermonters are becoming more informed and aware of the food they’re consuming,” said Tosha Pope, quality assurance manager. “We’re starting to see that same philosophy applied to their beer choices.”

Wolaver’s has long been a champion of sustainable agriculture, responsible business practices and great beer.

“This is just the start,” stated Jed Nelson, marketing director for the brewery. “We’re already working on certification for our Otter Creek line of beers. We wont stop this process until every beer we produce features the Non-GMO logo on the packaging.” THANK YOU, WOLAVERS!


Find a retail source near you:

#Wolavers #beer #Organic #Brewery #Ale #GMO #NONGMOPROJECT #Vermont #labelGMOs #NeedToKnowGMO #GMOFreeCanada #GMOFreeUSA

The first Organic Brewery in the U.S. is now Non-GMO Project Verified. Wolaver's timing is great - being a Vermont brewery, they reside in the first state in the U.S. to pass a stand alone law to label GMOs.

“Vermonters are becoming more i...
nformed and aware of the food they’re consuming,” said Tosha Pope, quality assurance manager.
“We’re starting to see that same philosophy applied to their beer choices.”

Wolaver’s has long been a champion of sustainable agriculture, responsible business practices and great beer.

“This is just the start,” stated Jed Nelson, marketing director for the brewery. “We’re already working on certification for our Otter Creek line of beers. We wont stop this process until every beer we produce features the Non-GMO logo on the packaging.”


Send In Your March Againt Monsanto Photos (24 May 2014)

Foto: Where are you marching? Send us your photos and we will post them! BAN GMOs. Let's take back control of our food. Change is in the air!


#MarchON #BanGMOs #CrimesAgainstHumanity #BanRoundup #Glyphosate #GrowYourOwn #Organic #NonGMOProjectVerified #SaveOurChildren #SaveOurPlanet #GeneticPollution #GMOFreeGlobalCoalition #GMOFreeCanada #GMOFreeUSA

Where are you marching? Send us your photos and we will post them! BAN GMOs. Let's take back control of our food. Change is in the air!


#MarchON #BanGMOs #CrimesAgainstHumanity #BanRoundup #Glyphosate #GrowYourOwn #Organic #NonGMOProjectVerified #SaveOurChildren #SaveOurPlanet #GeneticPollution #GMOFreeGlobalCoalition #GMOFreeCanada #GMOFreeUSA


Occupy Food Facebook Group

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Welcome to Nulandistan Documentary: Propaganda and the Crisis in Ukraine

Published on May 23, 2014

This full length GRTV documentary looks at the fictitious land of Nulandistan that has been constructed out of Ukraine.The GRTV documentary deconstructs Nulandistan and the propaganda of the Obama Administration, the US Department of States, US officials, and their allies about the crisis in Ukraine and takes a look at their growing frustration towards the Russian media, particularly RT, for challenging their account of the events on the ground in what they have declared is an intensifying information war.

The full length documentary starts by looking at the self-benefiting description of the EuroMaidan protests that US officials have used and how it has grossly diverged from reality. Then the Odessa Massacre is deconstructed for audiences.

The documentary then looks at the situation in East Ukraine, including the violence and referenda. The events in East Ukraine are then contrasted to the positions of US officials and Russia.

This documentary shows how the reality of events in Ukraine has been been misappropriated and propagandized to support US foreign policy and to justify tensions against Russia.

To read articles by its producer, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, please click the following link:


Friday, May 23, 2014

Homemade Non- Neurotoxic Weed Killer

Avvisa Monsanto i Stockholm och Göteborg - 24 maj 2014

Stockholm Karta





Vi byter fröer för att bidra till ökad biologisk mångfald vilket är grunden för ett hälsosamt ekosystem, en frisk planet samt friska människor. Dessutom vill vi värna om rätten att helt fritt kunna distribuera, odla samt skörda ekologiska utsäden.

Vi anser att en statlig kontroll av den naturliga mångfalden av fröer och växter (oavsett om det gäller för hobbyodlare eller företag) är ett allvarligt steg mot ett kontrollsamhälle som vi inte vill leva i.

Göteborg Karta

Dissoudre les lobbies - Expose The Lobbies By Bringing Them Out Into The Light

Comment le lobby des pesticides se bat pour les néonicotinoïdes  Journal de l'environnement

"Pour dissoudre les lobbies, il faut les mettre en pleine lumière..." merci à +Bénédicte Kibler,34147

How the pesticide lobby fights for neonicotinoids - Journal of Environmental

"To dissolve the lobbies, they must be put into the light ..." thank you for + Bénédicte Kibler
For more information:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sound Advice from Walt Whitman - This Is What You Shall Do..........

“This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of your body.”

Walt Whitman (1819 - 1892) - American Poet

Western Mainstream Media Blackout on the Reality in the Ukraine by Eric Zuesse

Western Media Blackout on the Reality in Ukraine

by Eric Zuesse

Washington's Blog,   21 May 2014

On 2 May 2014, there was a massacre that was initially reported as being of 116 anti-Kiev (or independence) demonstrators at the Trade Unions Building in Odessa. The latest reliable report (from an American, George Eliason, who lives in that area) indicates it to be instead “now counted at 272 people that were tortured, gassed …, bludgeoned, …, etc.,” above and beyond the numbers who had been incinerated there by the firebombing of the building. Western news-media unfortunately seem to be doing all they can to keep the public ignorant of what went on there, and of why.

For example, despite the many youtube videos that were posted on the night of May 2nd showing the actual massacre, and making clear that this was a massacre of anti-Kiev, pro-independence, demonstrators by pro-Kiev (pro-central-government) thugs, here is what came up on May 20th in a google search at Huffington Post of the two terms “Ukraine” and “Odessa” (all suggesting that Russia’s Vladimir Putin was behind this, not that America’s Barack Obama, who had actually installed the Kiev Government, was):


“Ukraine: Odessa Unrest Planned And Financed From Abroad”

“Ukraine Accuses Russia Of Engineering Deadly Clashes”

Associated Press

“Ukrainian unrest spreads; dozens dead in Odessa”

“Ukraine offensive sparks deadly clashes in Odessa”

And here are some news reports of the reality, reports which were offered to Huffington Post, the Guardian, Salon, and virtually all other major Western news sites, but which were turned down by them all:

“The Key Man Behind the May 2nd Odessa Ukraine Trade Unions Building Massacre: His Many Connections to the White House”

“Our People Massacre Civilians in Odessa, and Politico Blames Putin”

“Civil War Has Begun in Ukraine; U.S. Backs Neo-Nazis against the Democrats; U.S. Media Suppress that News”

And here is why this is important:

As the reformed former CIA operative Ray McGovern documented on 15 May 2014, headlining “How NATO Jabs Russia on Ukraine,” a historic end of the Cold War was agreed to at the Malta Summit on 3 December 1989, and finalized in February 1990, between George H.W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev, but was violated by Bill Clinton, and is now being utterly trashed by Barack Obama via his Ukraine gambit.

Russia doesn’t want to be surrounded by NATO missiles and troops in the adjoining countries of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and now, especially, Ukraine (the latter being especially important as the pipeline route for transit of Russia’s gas supplies to Europe, as well as the long-established base for Russia’s Black Sea fleet). Here is McGovern’s account of the agreement between G.H.W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev:

“According to Jack Matlock, then-U.S. ambassador to the U.S.S.R. who took part in the Malta summit, the most basic agreement involved (1) Gorbachev’s pledge not to use force in Eastern Europe where the Russians had 24 divisions (some 350,000 troops) in East Germany alone, and (2) Bush’s promise not to ‘take advantage’ of a Soviet withdrawal from Eastern Europe.
In early February 1990, Bush sent Secretary of State James Baker to work out the all-important details directly with Gorbachev and Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze. Ambassador Matlock again was there and took careful notes on the negotiations, which focused on German reunification.

From memory, Matlock told me that Baker tried to convince Gorbachev that it was in Moscow’s interest to let a united Germany remain in NATO. Matlock recalled that Baker began his argument saying something like, ‘Assuming there is no expansion of NATO jurisdiction to the East, not one inch, what would you prefer, a Germany embedded in NATO, or one that can go independently in any direction it chooses.’ [emphasis added]

The implication was that Germany might just opt to acquire nuclear weapons, were it not anchored in NATO. Gorbachev answered that he took Baker’s argument seriously, and wasted little time in agreeing to the deal.

Ambassador Matlock, one of the most widely respected experts on Russia, told me ‘the language used was absolute, and the entire negotiation was in the framework of a general agreement that there would be no use of force by the Soviets and no ‘taking advantage’ by the U.S.”

He added, ‘I don’t see how anybody could view the subsequent expansion of NATO as anything but ‘taking advantage.’”

U.S. President Obama is so determined to tie a noose around the neck of Russia, that he has no hesitation about allying himself with supporters of Adolf Hitler in order to achieve it. And, so, this is the result, and it was sparked by this.

Just imagine that you are a Russian-speaking Ukrainian who had voted for the winner of the last Presidential election in Ukraine (Viktor Yanukovych won overwhelmingly in the eastern half of the country), and that he was ousted in a coup on 22 February 2014, and the Obama-Administration-imposed interim government had perpetrated that massacre in Odessa against supporters (like yourself) of that ousted President, and now of independence from the fascists who (after $5 billion+ of U.S. preparation, plus sending U.S. mercenaries) had ousted him and installed the neo-Nazis who organized and perpetrated the May 2nd massacre of former supporters of that now-ousted President, and instigated Ukrainian civil war. Would you feel safe, being ruled by those people? Would you want to be ruled by people who are committed to your destruction?
But is this what you’ve been hearing from the Western press?

How is the Western press any more trustworthy now than it was in the lead-up to the 19 March 2003 invasion of Iraq to destroy “Saddam’s WMD”?

It’s not that the reporters are corrupt. It’s that no major news media will hire them if they’re not. The owners, the controlling families, do not want the public to understand what’s going on; and this is why they’ve bought control of major news media. That, for example, is why such deceptions as this are so common.

For example, on 28 February 2014, the great investigative journalist Mark Ames bannered “Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with US government, documents show,” and he documented that the founder of ebay, Omidyar, had hired some of the leading investigative journalists — including Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, Jeremy Scahill, and Marcy Wheeler — and was himself heavily invested in the Ukrainian coup that had culminated on February 22nd.

When are we going to acknowledge that democracy in the U.S., and in at least some other so-called “democratic” countries is a hoax? It’s more like George Orwell’s novel 1984 than like democracy.

And, under Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, it’s virtually as bad as it was even under George W. Bush.

Before a problem can be solved, it must first be acknowledged.

What you have just read is samizdat: banned. We don’t have communism; it’s not the communist version of samizdat. We don’t have democracy, where there is no samizdat. We have fascism, where the samizdat is carried out by the aristocracy, the oligarchs, controlling “democracy” and using and abusing the public, by setting one faction of it (racially, religiously, or ethnically) against another, and everyone against some hyped or even fictitious foreign “threat,” in order to distract from those aristocrats’ own ongoing rape of the public.

The Axis powers have finally won: their model, fascism, has now taken over in the United States — now, even more than before, the land of inequality.

Democracy is in desperate straits.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010,  and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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