Music by The Refusers

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Mistakes, Our Greatest Teachers by Joseph C. Richardson

Gardasil: When Will Our Nightmare End? by Martin of County Meath, Ireland

Gardasil: When will our nightmare end?

by Martin
County Meath, Republic of Ireland

Sane Vax, Inc   25 April 2015

My daughter, Abbey, was a healthy happy 13 year old when she started secondary school. On the 22nd September 2014 she received her Gardasil vaccine along with the Tdap vaccine in school. She had an adverse reaction straight away. For over an hour, she was left lying on a mat on the floor while the rest of the girls were being vaccinated.
During this time she had seizure-like jerking, rolling eyes, blurred vision, headache, nausea etc. Eventually after an hour and twenty minutes we were called to the school to pick her up. No ambulance was called. The school administrators were not informed this episode had happened until the next day.
When I arrived at the school and asked why an ambulance wasn’t called,I was told I was OVERREACTING and this would wear off.
The next day, her mother and I thought Abbey was suffering withdrawals. Little did we know our nightmare was only getting started.
Two days after the vaccine Abbey returned to school but took another seizure and was taken by ambulance to Drogheda hospital A&E and admitted for six days.
After loads of blood tests, an MRI, and a lot of scratching of heads she was sent home with no diagnosis and no medication. We were told we would learn to adjust our lives and live with the situation.
Six months later, we are still waiting to see a neurologist.
At the moment, Abbey is not attending school because of her illness.  Every day is a struggle thanks to Gardasil. Most days she simply wishes all this would be fixed and she can get back to school.
There has been no help offered from either the school or the health service!!
The vision problems, chest pains and stroke like symptoms continue!! The doctors keep suggesting BEHAVIOURAL problems and panic attacks but we have known our child for 13 years. She has never had any type of behavioural problems as the doctors are trying to suggest.
We have shortened this story a good bit so as not to bore the readers but our nightmare is now over 6 months long…….we can only speculate as to how much longer we must endure.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

See To The Future M.N. Hopkins

Photo by Joana Reyes

Joana Reyes G+

See to the future not just for yourself but for all Mankind.  Share these words and think not on dark thoughts but envison a world of joyous living.  A world of clean air, clean food and healthy strong bodies that see to themselves for healing.

© M.N. Hopkins

Vaccin Cervarix : « Il m’est pénible de voir ma propre fille souffrir pareille agonie ! par Lupita Carrillo

I just want to be normal again.

Vaccin Cervarix : 
«  Il m’est pénible de voir ma propre fille souffrir pareille agonie ! »

Par Lupita Carrillo, Mexico,, 19 avril 2015

Je m’appelle Lupita Carillo. J’habite dans l’état de Sonora au Mexique. Ma fille, Valeria, 11 ans était une fille normale, très athlétique jusqu’à ce qu’elle reçoive, le 29 mai 2014, la seconde dose du vaccin contre le papilloma virus humain, le Cervarix. Une semaine plus tard son état de santé s’est transformé. Elle a commencé à perdre ses forces dans sa jambe droite, puis dans sa jambe gauche. Essayer de marcher la faisait souffrir.

Nous avons décidé de consulter un médecin parce que je ne pouvais plus supporter de la voir dans pareilles douleurs et sans force. Jeudi, elle fut examinée par un médecin qui a pensé qu’il pourrait y avoir quelques problèmes avec son nerf sciatique ou quelque chose du genre. Il a suggéré de faire un examen par résonance magnétique et nous a orientées vers un spécialiste.

Le mercredi suivant, le spécialiste nous a envoyées chez un neurologue pédiatrique. C’est comme cela que Valérie a pu obtenir une prescription pour de la prednisolone.

Le lendemain à 14h.00, ma fille a été admise à l’hôpital. Le lendemain matin, elle était presque complètement paralysée. La seule chose qu’elle pouvait encore faire c’était bouger la tête. Elle resta paralysée pendant environ cinq jours. Il était évident qu’il fallait d’autres examens. On lui prescrivit plus de prednisolone, mais à des doses plus faibles.

En dépit du fait que jusqu’alors son diagnostic avait été une réaction du type Guillain-Barré potentiellement causé par le vaccin, les médecins ont refusé de faire une ponction lombaire. Ils ont rejeté les symptômes pourtant évidents et ont prétendu que ses problèmes étaient simplement dus à des troubles psychiatriques.

Je crois que ce « diagnostic » n’était en fait rien d’autre qu’une tentative pour éviter d’effectuer des tests qui auraient pu établir des liens entre l’état de santé de Valeria et l’administration du Cervarix. Je me suis sentie abandonnée par le système médical qui était censé s’occuper de ma fille pour la maintenir en bonne santé.

Au cours de ma recherche désespérée d’un remède à l’état de santé de Valeria, je l’ai emmenée chez un médecin privé qui a prescrit des injections périodiques d’immunoglobuline humaine, un traitement très coûteux que les services de santé ont refusé d’administrer.

Ma fille a été en thérapie physique pendant environ 6 mois et n’a toujours pas reçu de diagnostic précis. Elle éprouve des problèmes de régulation de température. Elle a toujours des palpitations cardiaques, de la faiblesse et des tremblements dans les bras et les jambes. Elle souffre sans arrêt. En raison de sa tachycardie, les médecins ont jugé qu’un moniteur Holter lui était nécessaire. On effectua aussi une nouvelle analyse de sang pour rechercher les métaux lourds, ainsi qu’une électromyographie. Les deux examens ont montré que les résultats étaient normaux.

Je ne parviens pas à décrire ce que peut représenter le fait de voir sa propre fille vivre sans arrêt pareille agonie. Pendant longtemps, j’ai pensé que les services médicaux de Mexico nous avaient abandonnés. Il avait fallu presqu’un an pour qu’ils s’engagent vraiment à essayer de trouver des réponses aux problèmes de santé de ma fille. Dans l’intervalle, Valérie  a développé de nouveaux symptômes. Elle souffre maintenant d’une limitation de son champ visuel et de dysautonomie. Elle est actuellement sous traitement pour ces problèmes. Elle souffre encore de sa hanche gauche et de la paralysie flasque de la jambe. Pour ces problèmes, les médecins ont prescrit du Tylenol.  Elle a maintenant besoin d’une canne pour pouvoir marcher seule. Elle est fortement affectée par le froid et certains jours, elle n’arrive pas à tirer son plan elle-même. Son état me fait peur et je suis remplie de doutes.

Tout ce que je veux, c’est trouver des réponses et des traitements appropriés pour les problèmes de santé de ces filles. Il faut absolument que leurs conditions de santé soient reconnues et traitées adéquatement. Expliquer leur état en prétendant qu’elles souffrent de troubles psychiatriques, c’est vouloir cacher leurs problèmes sous le tapis, comme dit le proverbe, et la chose est inacceptable.

Ma fille et moi-même voulons retrouver la vie que nous avons connue avant ce Cervarix. Ce n’est sûrement pas trop demander.

On peut lire l’article dans son entièreté sur


Cervarix Injuries: Mom Seeks Accurate Diagnosis And Effective Treatment by Lupita Carrillo

After Cervarix my life changed

Cervarix Injuries: Mom seeks accurate diagnosis and effective treatment

By Lupita Carrillo

Sane Vax, Inc.    16 April 2015

My name is Lupita Carrillo from the state of Sonora, Mexico. My eleven year-old daughter, Valeria, was a very athletic normal girl until she received the second dose of human papillomavirus vaccine, Cervarix on May 29, 2014. One week later she began experiencing new medical conditions. She began to lose strength in her right leg first, then her left leg. It was painful for her to try and walk.
We decided to seek medical attention because I couldn’t stand to see her in such pain and without strength.
Thursday, she was examined by a doctor who thought there could be some issues with her sciatic nerve or something like that. He suggested doing her a magnetic resonance and referred us to a specialist.
The following Wednesday, the specialist sent us to a paediatric neurologist so Valeria could obtain a prescription for Prednisolone.
The next day (Thursday) at 2:00 pm. my daughter was admitted to the hospital.  By the following morning she was almost completely paralyzed. She was only able to shake her head. It was obvious more tests were needed. She remained paralyzed for almost five days. More Prednisolone was prescribed, but at a lower dose.
In spite of the fact that her diagnosis up until then had been a Guillain-Barre type reaction potentially caused by the vaccine, the doctors refused to do a lumbar puncture. They discarded all obvious symptoms and claimed her new medical conditions were simply psychiatric disorders.
I believe this ‘diagnosis’ was nothing more than an attempt to avoid performing any diagnostic tests that may have linked Valeria’s new symptoms to the administration of Cervarix. I felt abandoned by the medical system that was supposed to help keep my daughter healthy.
In my desperate search for a cure to Valeria’s condition, I took her to a private doctor who prescribed her periodic shots of human immunoglobulin (which is very expensive and health services refused to give).
My daughter has been in physical therapy for about six months and still does not have an accurate diagnosis. She has trouble regulating her own body temperature, she still has heart palpitations, weakness and tremors in her arms and legs. She lives in constant pain. Due to her tachycardia, the doctors said a Holter monitor was necessary. Another blood analysis in search of heavy metals and an electromyography were done. Both of them showed normal results.
I cannot begin to describe what it is like to watch your daughter live in such agony. For a long time, I felt Mexico’s health services had abandoned us. It has taken nearly a year for them to make a commitment to search for answers in my daughter’s case.
In the meantime, Valeria developed more new symptoms. She is now experiencing visual field loss and Dysautonomia. She is currently under treatment for these conditions. She still suffers from a left hip and leg flaccid paralysis for which the doctors prescribed only Tylenol as a painkiller. She currently needs a cane to walk by herself. She is extremely affected by the cold and there are days when she is not able to be by herself. I feel scared and full of doubts.
All I want is to find answers and a well-timed treatment protocol for the injured girls. Their new illnesses must be recognized and treated. Simply diagnosing them with psychiatric disorders and hiding them under the proverbial carpet is not acceptable.
My daughter and I want to go back to our life before Cervarix. Certainly that is not too much to ask.


Did Not Recover7,703
Abnormal Pap Smear685
Cervical Dysplasia265
Cervical Cancer102
Life Threatening685
Emergency Room12,429
Extended Hospital Stay267
Total Adverse Events38,217

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Knowledge Defined by Joseph C. Richardson

She Refused Her Doctor’s Wishes (Drugs) for Her Son’s Autism. Two Years Later and the Results Speak for Themselves by Jennifer Giustra-Kozak

natural autism kid
Evan & his sister

She Refused Her Doctor’s Wishes (Drugs) for Her Son’s Autism. Two Years Later and the Results Speak for Themselves

Alt Health Works,   17 April 2015

By Jennifer Giustra-Kozek , LPC

At 4 ½ years old, my sweet and loving son Evan was diagnosed with ADHD, Apraxia and high functioning autism – Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). Although mostly happy, he started displaying episodes of anger and become anxious and obsessive/compulsive (OCD). He began fixating on many things and lost the ability to sleep soundly.
I often felt hopeless and frustrated with the progress of his recovery during our intense therapy sessions and I knew from experience as a licensed psychotherapist that medication would be introduced as the only other viable treatment option.
I recognized that medication may provide immediate relief, but because I am a psychotherapist also knew that these medications can cause many problems and come with numerous side effects. In some cases they even cause increased anger, depression, fogginess, anxiety, numbness, seizures, tics, paranoia and even psychosis.
I witnessed many of these effects on the children I saw for therapy. Some moms came back to tell me that it turned their child into someone they did not recognize. However, I never really questioned the authority of the medical professionals.
Who was I to question a doctor that had many more years of experience and schooling to back their theories?” I thought.
As life would have it, all the training and education I received in graduate school and by prestigious psychiatrists about the benefits of medication would be challenged when I had my own child with similar symptoms.
I have discovered that although well intentioned, many mainstream doctors are too quick to prescribe medication to cover up symptoms without digging deeper to find the underlying causes and numerous nutritional deficiencies plaguing our kids.
Our children become out of balance (biochemically). Their immune systems go haywire and their guts become inflamed due to food intolerances, processed foods, food dyes, chemicals, GMOs, yeast, etc. This often can cause inflammation in the brain and nutritional deficiencies – leading to frequent illness (chronic ear infections, illness, bronchitis & asthma) and ultimately neurological dysfunction.
I discovered that we have more neurons lining our intestinal wall than we have in our brain and spinal cord combined. The gut and brain have a very intimate relationship. So, when the gut isn’t happy, neither is the brain. I have also uncovered a few gene mutations preventing the proper utilization and metabolic functioning of essential nutrients necessary for proper brain functioning. These disorders are often linked to constipation, food allergies & sensitivities, heavy metal build-up, adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems and hypoglycemia.
I was extremely skeptical at first.
However, as I started doing a tremendous amount of research, I became to uncover the root causes of these disorders. I started addressing Evan’s gut issues with the help of an awesome naturopath and other functional medicine doctors and began healing him from a deeper level.
We started by healing his gut wall and eliminating all of his offending foods and reducing inflammation and gut permeability so that the nutrients he was eating and the supplements we were giving him would get absorbed properly.
We continued treating Evan with nutrition and biomedical methods. We starting taking advantage of the many Eastern Medicine therapies and treatments such as acupuncture, and energy healing, as well. I discovered that over the course of treatment Evan started improving exponentially in all areas of development, including, emotionally, socially, physically and academically.
I highly recommend that this “avenue of healing” be explored if your child suffers from ADD/ADHD, PDD, Asperger’s, Allergies, Apraxia or Autism.
To read the entire article, please click on the link provided below:

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Cook With Organic

OCA's Cook Organic Not the Planet Campaign

Boycott Factory Farm Foods!
What if there were an organic technology that could cut greenhouse gas emissions in half and literally suck down and naturally sequester 50-100 parts-per-million of excess atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG) into our living soil?
We have the technology to avert climate catastrophe. Traditional carbon ranching, or the rotational grazing of animals on deep-rooted perennial grasses, in combination with organic crop cultivation, reforestation, and wetland restoration can restabilize the climate and save the planet. Find studies, articles, websites, and books about regenerative farming here.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Human Experiment Documentary- Being Released on April 17, 2015

"The Human Experiment" Poster

What if the greatest chemical disaster of our time didn't involve oil spills or nuclear meltdowns? Instead, imagine much lower levels of exposure, inflicted over generations and affecting every person on the planet. The result: Rising rates of everything from cancer to autism to infertility. That's the premise behind the documentary "The Human Experiment," which was executive-produced and narrated by Sean Penn.

As the synopsis continues: "'The Human Experiment' lifts the veil on this shocking reality – where untested chemicals are ubiquitous in our products and the health of future generations is on the line. The film follows a band of unlikely activists who are fighting back. What will it take to stop this vast human experiment before it’s too late?"
From Oscar-winner Sean Penn and Emmy-winning journalists Dana Nachman and Don Hardy, "The Human Experiment" examines the personal stories of people who believe their lives have been affected by chemicals. 
"The Human Experiment" hits theaters and VOD on April 17. Check out the exclusive poster below:
Watch the trailer here:

Did You Know That There Are Multiple Cures For Cancer?

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter 2015 - Glad Påsk 2015

Små Påskkärringarna - Swedish Easter Witches (These are good & kind witches) 

Happy Easter to all whom visit my blog this Easter weekend. 

Wishing you all a lovely holiday and if you don't celebrate Easter than a lovely weekend to you and yours.  

Glad Påsk till alla  och varma hälsningar .