With regard to certain people who are particularly disagreeable we sometimes say: 'Oh, what poison!' or 'Here comes the plague!' Whereas with others, it is just the opposite: scarcely have we laid eyes on them than we breathe more freely. The truth is that human beings are true pharmaceutical laboratories, and pharmaceutical laboratories house toxic products as well as remedies. The one you love, for example, is for you a laboratory which contains the most beneficial substances. As soon as he or she appears, even if you are exhausted and sick, you get up, your eyes sparkling, and you are well again. Yes, the emanations of human beings can contain curative elements or poisons. Science has never considered this matter, and yet it is a reality. By their presence alone, some doctors have such a positive effect on their patients that by merely taking their hand they practically restore them to health. They actually emanate curative particles. In this same way, we can all be doctors for one another. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov was a Bulgarian philosopher, pedagogue, mystic, and esotericist. A leading 20th-century teacher of Western Esotericism in Europe, he was a disciple of Peter Deunov, the founder of the Universal White Brotherhood. |
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