Music by The Refusers

Monday, September 16, 2024

Your Love Of....A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Your love of humanity and your humility is your armor and Gods Light is your sword.

© 2024  M.N. Hopkins

Note:  These words came to me while watching a movie with the theme of evil and exorcism.  My personal view of demons and/or devils is that they are little ankle biters and not to be feared at all.  They feed off of fear, anger, rage, sadness, depression, arrogance, ego desires and weaknesses and are nothing to fear when one is in a balanced and calm state and not looking for a fight.  Humility and love and faith in God is your greatest defense and protection.  Gods Light is like kryptonite to these little parasitic liars, cheats and deceivers. 

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Poems & Quotations by M.N. Hopkins

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