Music by The Refusers

Monday, April 12, 2021

Now, We Have Come To A Time - A Discourse by M.N. Hopkins

Now, we have come to a time in the history of Mankind when Love seeks a way to enter your realm of Man.  We have encouraged and helped for countless centuries, but now it is time for Man to once again be responsible for his or her own fate and that of your human communities.

Your minds and your wills have been clouded by fear, but now is it time to lift the veil and come into your true natures as co-creators and co-operators in the building of human community.  You have been led astray for far too long, convinced that you are weak and of little worth by those who in reality are the worthless ones.  Although, in a sense all have value, even the betrayers of their own kind.

Once Earth was truly a paradise in which both Man and beast shared in a way that most in your world can never imagine let alone make into reality.  Your minds have been infected by darkness, yet your hearts have the key to your liberation.  For the heart is the center of your being and the seat of your greatest power to create.

Look to your hearts for inspiration, look to your hearts for direction, look to your hearts for Love and direct that Love first back to yourselves and then out to others.  For, the heart has the healing power to heal all ills and confusions of the mind.  For, the mind often tends to mischief whereas the heart tends to healing.  The healing of bodies, emotional distress, mental disorders and all that ails your human communities.

So, we ask all who come upon these words to trust in yourselves and to seek and nurture that which is best within your humanities.

We will not say that there is little time or that the end is near,  For these are the words directed by fear.  Our words are directed by Love and show the way toward your own inherent love, strength and wisdom that has lied dormant within you for countless centuries awaiting a time of great awakening.

We say to you that now is the time to awaken to your heart's light, now is the time of redemption, now is the time of self-fulfillment and now is the focal point of creation.  It is in the now that past and future co-exist and it is in the now that you have access to your greatest power.

So, shall we now calm ourselves and allow the Now to do it's work of liberation of self.  Choose not your lives of slavery, rather choose your freedom through Love.  For Love is the great liberator, Love is the great revealer, Love is that which calms the mind and activates the heart and that which awakens you from your sleep and allows you to live together in peace.

©  2011  M.N. Hopkins

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