Music by The Refusers

Thursday, December 3, 2020

If You Want To Test A Man's Character...A Quotation by Abraham Lincoln


Note:   There are a lot of quotations by Abe Linclon that are not his words.  I have not verified this quote but it rings of truth so I decided to post it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A mans character is defined by the environment by what the man embraces the most. To be in power does not mean to be dictatorial of power of one, but a follower of power of the people.

They say the opposite of dictator is also democrat, where only the majority rule, leaving the minority without voice or say!! Abraham Lincoln was a true republican, being that republicanism is a representative of both majority and minority rule. When he had to, he wielded his power but then relinquished this power to the people when this wielding of power was no longer needed. Abraham Lincoln was also a representative of the minority, as seen in freeing the slaves against majority rule he also represented.