Music by The Refusers

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Some - A Poem by Fr. Dan Berrigan


Some stood up once
and sat down.
Some walked a mile
and walked away.
Some stood up twice
then sat down.
I've had it, they said

Some walked two miles
then walked away.
It's too much, they cried

Some stood and stood and stood.
They were taken for fools
They were taken for being taken in.

Some walked and walked and walked
They walked the earth
They walked the waters
They walked the air.

Why do you stand
they were asked, and
Why do you walk?

Because of the children, they said, and
Because of the heart, and
Because of the bread.

The cause
Is the heart's beat
And the children born
And the risen bread.
Fr. Dan Berrigan

Facebook- Fr. Daniel Berrigan


Cloudy said...

Ein Blog zeigt vieles was auf der Welt geschieht,
wie man hier in Deinem schönen Blog auch sieht.

Lieben Gruß und sonnigen Tag

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hello Cloudy:

Thank you so much for your kind words and I am wishing you a lovely day, this Thursday.

Kindest regards,

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hallo Cloudy:

Vielen Dank für Ihre freundlichen Worte und ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag, an diesem Donnerstag.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,