Music by The Refusers

Monday, September 29, 2014

War, Media Propaganda and the Police State An Interview With Prof. James F. Tracy


You might wish to look at this also:

Aspartame: The Bitter Truth Behind This Toxic Sweetener Video Presentation

 10 September 2013

Watch this special video about aspartame and discover the truth behind this toxic artificial sweetener. You may even be surprised how it affects your overall health.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

We Are The Wayseers - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

We are the Wayseers

We come from all generations

All Lands

All races

For, we are the Wayseers

We appear to the world as sheep

Yet, we have the eyes of the eagle

The heart of the lion

We are resilient

We are strong

We are patient

We follow not the dictates of politicians, priests or money changers

We only hold dear the words of the Prophets,

The Saints of all ages


Those who Serve The Good

For, they were thee Wayseers before our arrival upon this Earth

As we will be the Wayseers for those yet to come

For, you see us not

Yet, we see you clearly and compassionately

With a vision that is crystal clear

For, we are the Wayseers

Sometimes we see the road so far ahead

That we miss seeing events so near at hand

For, we are the Wayseers




By those of dim vision who see and hear so little

Lost in false images of non-reality

For, we are the Wayseers

Undetoured by those of weakness and dim vision

We fight not with weapons

With fists

Not even with words

For, we listen quietly to That Which Is the Essence of All

That forms worlds yet to come

For, we are the wayseers

We stay the course

We sacrifice

We endure

We show the way toward sanity


A brighter future

For, we are the Wayseers

We travel Lightly



Sharing with all the gifts we have been given

For, we are the Wayseers

Though rarely seen

We always see the road ahead

Always knowing the way

So that others may follow safely

For, we are the Wayseers

Come join us


Then, many more can and very willingly


For, we are the Wayseers

© 2014 M.N. Hopkins

Note:   This was written yesterday, 27 September 2014 at my kitchen table and published for the first time on my blog today.  A place I am often nourished by creativity.  At first,  four lines came to me and then as the day progressed,  I added more until the final product which you see before you here today.

 If you wish to read more of my poems,  please click on the link provided below:

Maya Is Eczema Free After A Raw Food Diet


This is Maya, she was dealing with severe Eczema for years, the photo on the left is not even the worse. dehappy5_mama on Instagram decided to try a Raw Food Plant based diet and within a short period of time this is the result. Whole food...s are the best medicine. Her post below:

Yes! We did it!!!!! Maya is eczema FREE!!!!!!!! 😀😀😀😀😀😀 Some of you may remember my post when we jumped with my poor kids straight to banana island.

It has been a fun ride since then and look we are having the results already! I am so happy and want to share with all of you as promised half year ago. On the photo it's my daughter Maya, 6 months ago and few weeks ago.

I know it looks dramatic and I am sorry if anyone of you feels a bit discomforted looking at her. But I want to show this to help many other people, especially children, that suffer through this terrible disease. She had such severe eczema on her body that I am first time publicly sharing her pictures from that period of time.

I actually will not say anything anymore, you see the results. For those of you who are interested about more details please go to my blog. There is first part of her story with even more dramatic photos. The link is in my bio. She is a happy child today, second part I promise very soon!!! Please share if you think it could help someone.
Here is the link to Maya's mother's blog if you wish to look further into this matter.


Living With Common Sense Facebook

Six Ways To Kill Weeds Without Using Roundup Herbicide

Foto: 6 WAYS TO KILL WEEDS - WITHOUT ROUNDUP! Did you also know that you can reduce your weed growth by mowing high? Yep, it's a fact! About 3 inches is where you want to be. BOYCOTT MONSANTO'S ROUNDUP, the most toxic of 9 herbicides and pesticides tested in a recent study.




#6WaysToKillWeeds #BoycottRoundup #BANRoundup #Roundup #glyphosate #herbicide #pesticides #Weeds #Vinegar #organic #LawnCare #WeedControl #GMOFreeCanada #GMOFreeUSA

GMO Free USA Facebook

Saturday, September 27, 2014

North American Indian Home Remedy For Asthma

Herbal Remedies Asthma used by the Winnebago and Dakota tribes to stimulate the removal of phlegm in asthma. The rootstock was official in the U.S.


I Could Take You There - A Poem by Seldom Heard

Pilgrim's Way Symbol

To listen to this inspired poem put to music, please click on the link provided below.  


I Could Take You There - Poetry Put To Music by Seldom Heard

I Believe That Man........From A Speech by William Faulkner

I believe that man will not merely endure; he will prevail.  He is immortal, not because he along among creatures has an inexhaustable voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance.  The poets, the writer's duty is to write about these things.  It is his privilege to help man to endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past.  The poet's voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail.

William Faulkner   (1897 - 1962)

From his speech delivered on December 10, 1950 in Stockholm, Sweden when he received the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Friday, September 26, 2014

To All Cyber Friends

Gardasil Injury: Our Daughter’s Miraculous Recovery by Kelly Oliveira & Ismar Costa e Silva of Brazil

Rafaella: Full of Life
Rafaella Before Gardasil

Gardasil Injury: Our daughter’s miraculous recovery

By Kelly Oliveira & Ismar Costa e Silva 

Sane Vax, Inc.     24 September 2014

Our daughter, Rafaella, had always been a healthy girl. She loved to skate, swim, play ball, and dance. She was learning to play guitar when her Gardasil nightmare began.
Rafaella Barbosa de Oliveira lives in Resende, RJ, Brazil. She was thirteen years old when she got her first Gardasil shot – the recombinant quadrivalent vaccine against Human Papilloma Virus (type, batch J011180, validity 12-11-2015, on March 21, 2014, administered at her school. She was in the 9th class.
Two hours after the injection, she began to feel sharp pains in her right arm, the same arm in which she got the shot. She was taken home and her mother was contacted at work. Rafaella took a painkiller, but the pain did not diminish. During the evening and throughout the night, Rafaella still had a lot of pain.
Rafaella searched for help at the emergency facilities of a local hospital, where she was treated for tendinitis and taken back home. The pains were still stronger and her hand and arm were more swollen. The pain started radiating to her shoulder. Rafaella was taken to a specialist at an orthopedic clinic, where they suspected reflex sympathetic dystrophy, or Pain Syndrome.
The right arm and right hand were still very swollen, so we sought consultation with several doctors outside the city. Since some doctors do not recognize the problem, they didn’t have enough experience to treat it.
Time passed, and while Rafaella was searching for treatment in Sao Paulo, it was noticed that she had visual difficulties in addition to severe headaches and tingling in the feet. We took her for consultation with an ophthalmologist who noted papilledema, after an examination of fundus of eye. The next step was an urgent nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI).
Rafaella was hospitalized from June 27 to July 4. Her examination included a cerebrospinal fluid puncture and spinal column pressure measurements. She also had an MRI, a venography of the skull and an angiography. She was diagnosed with high intracranial pressure and a pseudo brain tumor.
She was diagnosed with at least 18 obstructed veins in the brain, spine, and between the lung and the heart and neck. The conclusion was a deficit in intracranial venous drainage, cervical and thoracic area.
An endovascular neurosurgeon out of our state did an emergency surgical procedure to remove the obstructions from her veins and arteries. Four days after this procedure, Rafaella was already walking normally again and had regained her sight/vision. The complex regional pain syndrome that was on her arm was also cured with this procedure.
28 days after she underwent this procedure my daughter was almost normal. She was walking and talking perfectly, and seeing normally. She was without any symptoms or pain, except for the dystrophy in the right arm still there. She still has a bit of tachycardia, but we hope that is going to normalize soon.
Another thing, after she took the HPV vaccine Rafaella had stopped menstruating. Recently she was also graced with the return of her period. All this improvement was made by the endovascular neurosurgeon.
Rafaella did a treatment; today she no longer needs a wheelchair for mobility. She no longer feels dizzy. She sleeps well now. Rafaella is far better today, but still needs to stay home because she developed chronic fatigue syndrome and will require another procedure and constant monitoring for some time.
In Portuguese:
Nossa filha, Rafaella, sempre foi uma menina saudável. Ela adorava andar de skate, nadar, jogar bola, e dança. Ela estava aprendendo a tocar guitarra, quando seu pesadelo Gardasil começou.
Rafaella Barbosa de Oliveira mora em Resende, RJ, Brasil. Ela tinha treze anos de idade, quando ela conseguiu seu primeiro tiro Gardasil – vacina recombinante quadrivalente contra o vírus do papiloma humano (tipo, J011180 lote, validade 2015/11/12, em 21 de março de 2014, administrada em sua escola. Ela estava na nona classe.
Duas horas após a injeção, ela começou a sentir fortes dores no braço direito, o mesmo braço em que ela recebeu a injeção. Ela foi levada para casa e sua mãe foi contactada no trabalho. Rafaella tomou um analgésico, mas a dor não diminuiu. Durante a tarde ea noite toda, Rafaella ainda tinha um monte de dor.
Rafaella procurou por ajuda em serviços de emergência de um hospital local, onde recebeu tratamento para tendinite e levado de volta para casa. As dores eram ainda mais forte e sua mão e braço inchado eram mais. A dor começou a irradiar para o ombro. Rafaella foi levada a um especialista em uma clínica ortopédica, onde suspeitaram, distrofia simpática reflexa, ou Síndrome da Dor.
O braço direito e mão direita ainda estava muito inchado, por isso buscamos consulta com vários médicos fora da cidade. Uma vez que alguns médicos não reconheceram o problema, eles não tinham nenhuma experiência disponível suficiente para tratá-la.
O tempo passou e, enquanto Rafaella estava à procura de tratamento em São Paulo, percebeu-se que ela tinha dificuldades além visual para fortes dores de cabeça e formigamento nos pés. Nós a levamos para a consulta com um oftalmologista que observou papiledema, depois do exame de fundo de olho de olho. O passo seguinte foi uma ressonância magnética nuclear de urgência (MRI).
Rafaella estava internado desde 27 junho – 4 julho O exame do líquido cefalorraquidiano incluído um pneu furado e medições de pressão coluna vertebral. Ela tinha uma ressonância magnética além disso, a venografia do crânio e uma angiografia. Ela foi diagnosticada com pressão intracraniana elevada e um pseudo tumor no cérebro.
Ela foi diagnosticada com pelo menos 18 veias obstruídas no cérebro, coluna vertebral, e entre o pulmão e o coração e pescoço. A descoberta foi que ela estava com déficit na drenagem venosa intracraniana, cervical e região torácica.
Um neurocirurgião endovascular em outro estado fez um procedimento, e quatro dias após este procedimento, Rafaella já passou a andar normalmente e recuperou a visão. A síndrome de dor regional complexa, que estava em seu braço essa também desapareceu como  procedimento.
28 dias depois que ela passou por este procedimento minha filha estava quase normal. Ela estava andando e falando perfeitamente, e vendo normalmente. Ela estava sem sintomas ou dor, exceto da  distrofia no braço direito, que ainda está lá. Ela ainda tem um pouco de taquicardia, mas esperamos que normalize isso em breve.
Outra coisa, depois que ela tomou a vacina contra o HPV Rafaella tinha parado de menstruar. Também recentemente, ela foi agraciada com o retorno de seu período. Tudo isto foi feito pela melhoria do procedimento feito.
Rafaella fez ao tratamento; hoje ela já não precisa de uma cadeira de rodas para a mobilidade. Ela já não sente tonturas. Ela dorme bem agora. Rafaella é muito melhor hoje, mas ainda precisa ficar em casa porque ela desenvolveu a síndrome da fadiga crônica e vai exigir um outro procedimento e monitoramento constante por algum tempo.
Em espanõl:
Nuestra hija, Rafaella, siempre había sido una niña sana. Le encantaba patinar, nadar, jugar a la pelota, y la danza. Estaba aprendiendo a tocar la guitarra, cuando su Gardasil pesadilla comenzó.
Rafaella Barbosa de Oliveira vive en Resende, RJ, Brasil. Ella tenía trece años cuando consiguió su primera dosis de Gardasil – la vacuna recombinante tetravalente contra el virus del papiloma humano (tipo, J011180 lote, validez 12.11.2015, el 21 de marzo de 2014, administrada en su escuela. Ella estaba en la clase noveno.
Dos horas después de la inyección, ella comenzó a sentir fuertes dolores en su brazo derecho, el mismo brazo en el que se puso la inyección. La llevaron a casa y su madre se puso en contacto en el trabajo. Rafaella tomó el analgésico, pero el dolor no disminuyó. Durante la tarde y toda la noche, Rafaella todavía tenía mucho dolor.
Rafaella buscó ayuda en los servicios de emergencia de un hospital local, donde fue atendida e recibió el diagnostico tendinitis y llevado de vuelta a casa. Los dolores eran aún más fuerte y la mano y el brazo hinchado más y más. El dolor comenzó irradia al hombro. Rafaella fue llevado a un especialista en una clínica ortopédica, la distrofia simpática refleja fué el diagnostico que sospechaban, la Síndrome de Dolor.
El brazo derecho y la mano derecha eran todavía muy hinchada, por lo que solicitaron consultas con varios médicos fuera de la ciudad. Debido a que algunos médicos no reconocen el problema, ellos no tenían suficiente experiencia para tratarlo.
Pasó el tiempo, y mientras Rafaella estaba buscando tratamiento en Sao Paulo, se notó que tenía dificultades visuales, además de fuertes dolores de cabeza y sensación de hormigueo en los pies. La llevamos a consulta con un oftalmólogo quien encontró edema de papila, después de un examen de fondo del ojo. El siguiente paso fue una resonancia magnética nuclear urgente (MRI).
Rafaella fue hospitalizado desde junio 27 a julio 4. Su examen incluyó la punción de líquido cefalorraquídeo y las mediciones de presión de la columna vertebral. También se hizo una resonancia magnética, la venografía del cráneo y una angiografía. Ella fue diagnosticada con hipertensión intracraneal y la pseudo tumor cerebral.
Ella fue diagnosticada con al menos 18 venas obstruidas en el cerebro, la columna vertebral y entre los pulmones y el corazón y el cuello. La conclusión fue un déficit en el drenaje intracraneal, cervical y zona venosa torácica.
Neurocirujano de otro ciudad hecho uno procedimiento, y después de 4 días, Rafaella ya estaba caminando de nuevo y había recuperado normalmente la vista / visión. El complejo síndrome de dolor regional que estaba en su brazo se curó también con este procedimiento.
28 días después se sometió ao un procedimiento mi hija era casi normal. Ella estaba caminando y hablando perfectamente, y ver normalmente. Ella fue sin ningún síntoma o dolor, con a excepción de la distrofia en el brazo derecho todavía allí. Ella todavía tiene un poco de taquicardia, pero esperamos que se va a normalizar pronto.
Otra cosa, después de que ella tomó la vacuna contra el VPH Rafaella había dejado de menstruar. Recientemente ella fue agraciada también con el regreso de su período. Todo esto mejora fue hecha por el procedimiento con un neurocirurjano.
Rafaella hizo el tratamiento; hoy ya no necesita una silla de ruedas para su movilidad. Ella siente el más largo mareado. Ella duerme bien ahora. Rafaella es mucho mejor hoy, pero todavía tiene que quedarse en casa porque ella desarrolló el síndrome de fatiga crónica y requiere otro procedimiento y monitoreo constante para algún equipo.
Kelly Oliveira & Ismar Costa e Silva (Parents of Rafaella).

Rafaella after Gardasil
Rafaella after Gardasil

Monday, September 22, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Grandfather, Tell Me About Spirit, Short Fiction by Pam Bickell

Grandfather and grandson (4-5) in wheat field at sunset
Grandfather, Tell Me About Spirit, Short Fiction by Pam Bickell

Notes Along The Path Blog,   15 September 2014

"Grandfather, tell me about Spirit,” the young boy with jet black hair asked.

“What is it you wish to know, grandson?”

“How do we know Spirit is with us?”

“Close your eyes, grandson,” the old man with long white hair said. “Breathe deeply and focus on the sounds of nature. What do you hear?”

“I hear birds, blue jays squawking and some chickadees singing.”

“What else do you hear?”

“Nothing—“ the boy said.

“Breathe deeply. Quiet your mind. Listen again. Can you hear the wind in the leaves?”

“I can! But I didn’t hear it before.” He opened his eyes.

“You weren’t listening with your Spirit ears, grandson. You are made of Spirit; all living things are. To know Spirit is with us, we must use our Spirit heart and our Spirit eyes and our Spirit ears. Now, close your eyes again. Listen with your Spirit ears.

What do you hear?”

“I hear more birds singing. I hear a whitetail moving somewhere behind us! I hear a jack rabbit. Grandfather, I think I hear some ants crawling. That’s impossible!” The boy’s eyes flew open.

Grandfather chuckled. “Nothing is impossible, grandson. With Spirit, everything is connected. We are connected to the deer, the rabbits and the ants and they are connected to us. Now, close your eyes again,” the old man said. “Grow quiet; breathe very deeply. When I touch your forehead, slowly open your eyes. Do not be surprised by what you see. This is what Spirit looks like.” Grandfather touched the boy’s forehead and he slowly opened his eyes. His jaw dropped and he looked at Grandfather.

“It’s light! Everything is made of light!” He looked down at his body. “I’m made of light! How did you do that, grandfather?”

“No one can see the light unless they want to see it. Over time and with practice at quieting our minds, we become one with all of life and we can see the Spirit in everything. I have shown you this so that you will know Spirit is everywhere, in all things, at all times. You are never alone.” Grandfather touched the boy’s forehead again and he could no longer see the light in everything. “Now it is your time to quiet your mind, your time to see Spirit in everything.”

“Grandfather?” the boy asked, touching the old man’s knee.

“Yes, grandson?”

“How can I thank you?”

“See, over there,” he said, nodding his head.

“The wood pile?” the boy asked.

“Yes. You can thank me by stacking those logs in the woodshed.”

“All right, grandfather,” the boy said, shaking his head. “You got me again!” They both laughed and the boy ran off.

“Thank you, Great Spirit. It is time for an old man to nap,” he said, smiling to himself.


Notes Along The Path Blog

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Ancient Banyan Tree Of Adyar - A Photo by Lovell D'souza

The ancient Banyan Tree of Adyar
The Ancient Banyan Tree of Adyar

  • In The Big Picture
  • — 14 Sep, 2014

  • This 450-year-old Banyan is more than just a tree. It’s history, ancient knowledge and life fused together in an intricate network of gnarled splendour. While the grounds of the Theosophical Society in Chennai is a revelation in itself, this incredibly-spread out tree, one of the oldest trees in India, is a delight to behold. There are unverified claims that the branches and roots of this tree roughly covers over 40,000 sq feet!

    While a devastating cyclone in 1989 tragically uprooted the main parent trunk, its multiple branches have taken root to make ecosystems of its own, forming a lovely green canopy as far as eye can see! Under the shade of this mighty tree, prominent philosophers and thinkers like J Krishnamurthi, Annie Besant, Maria Montessori have given public discourses to the masses, in the past. Today, the best view of this enchanting tree is from the beautiful, old house, where Rabindranath Tagore stayed as a guest of the Theosophical Society for 10 days

    Food Shouldn't Kill - A Quotation by April Reeves

    Gardasil in Brazil: The Tip of the Iceberg?


    Gardasil in Brazil: The tip of the iceberg?

    The families of the girls in the image below have given the SaneVax team permission to share their stories hoping that parents around the world will begin to understand there are risks associated with the use of HPV vaccines. The girls below all took Gardasil. How many more girls in South America have had similar experiences? How many in your country?


    Sane Vax, Inc.

    HPV Vaccine VAERS Reports up to July 2014

    Did Not Recover7,202
    Abnormal Pap Smear577
    Cervical Dysplasia249
    Cervical Cancer80
    Life Threatening645
    Emergency Room11,814
    Extended Hospital Stay254
    Adverse Events35,692

    Saturday, September 13, 2014

    GARDASIL : « La décision que je regretterai toute ma vie » ! par Wendy Barnes Early

    My Gardasil Nightmare

    GARDASIL : « La décision que je regretterai toute ma vie » !

    Par Wendy Barnes Early et Paola Kansas, 10 septembre 2014

    voudrais partager avec vous toute l’histoire de Courtney, tout ce qui est arrivé à ma fille après qu’elle ait reçu le vaccin Gardasil. – Heureusement, elle n’a reçu qu’une seule injection.
    C’est au cours de l’été 2012 que j’ai conduit ma fille chez le pédiatre pour l’examen annuel de routine. Son médecin a vivement recommandé que Courtney reçoive le Gardasil, ce vaccin fortement recommandé pour les adolescentes.
    Trois ou quatre semaines après que Courtney eut reçu sa première et seule injection, elle commença à se plaindre de maux de tête quotidiens, d’une fatigue extrême, ainsi que de nausées. Elle n’avait que très peu d’énergie, parfois pas du tout et je ne reconnaissais plus ma fille. Elle a commencé à être de mauvaise humeur, irritable et quasi déprimée. Peu après, elle n’a plus voulu manger. Elle éprouvait des faiblesses musculaires et des tremblements. Ses mains et ses jambes tremblaient de manière incontrôlable. J’ai parfois remarqué que ses mains se couvraient de taches puis devenaient bleu-violet. Elles ressemblaient aux mains d’une personne qui vient de mourir.
    Tout cela m’a vraiment fait peur car je suis infirmière de profession et je sentais que la santé de ma fille se détériorait. Nous avons alors pris rendez-vous avec une pédiatre. Cette dernière a effectué les analyses sanguines de routine et a envoyé ma fille chez un spécialiste à l’hôpital des Enfants de Kansas City. Nouvelles analyses de sang, endoscopie : tout semblait normal à l’exception d’un reflux gastro-intestinal. Le médecin lui donna une ordonnance pour des médicaments contre les nausées. Ce médicament, le Zofran, ne l’a pas du tout aidée. Nous avons alors modifié son alimentation, essayé d’autres médicaments contre les nausées, mais rien ne put l’aider.
    La pédiatre a ensuite envoyé ma fille chez une psychologue pour pouvoir s’assurer que le problème n’était pas psychosomatique. Cette psychologue a voulu me parler en particulier. Elle m’a dit qu’elle avait l’impression que Courtney était émotionnellement stable et que ses problèmes de santé ne relevaient pas de la psychologie. Elle a également précisé que Courtney se sentait déprimée parce qu’on ne pouvait pas comprendre la cause de son mauvais état de santé. La psychologue avait l’impression que son état de santé relevait de quelque chose qui ne convenait pas sur le plan médical. La pédiatre de ma fille décida ensuite de la mettre sous anti-dépresseurs légers.
    Je sentais que nous n’aboutissions à rien avec le médecin de ma fille. J’ai donc pris contact avec un autre médecin que je connaissais personnellement pour lui demander ce qu’il pourrait suggérer pour venir en aide à ma fille. Ce médecin me recommanda un endocrinologue. Nous en avons informé la pédiatre qui nous a recommandé un endocrinologue de St Luc.
    L’endocrinologue a estimé qu’il était possible que les glandes surrénales de Courtney ne fonctionnaient pas correctement. Il a ordonné que l’on donne du sang à Courtney et a précisé qu’au cours des dernières années, il voyait de plus en plus d’adolescentes qui présentaient la même symptomatologie. Je lui ai demandé s’il pensait que les problèmes de Courtney pouvaient être liés au Gardasil, étant donné que les adolescentes recevaient maintenant ce vaccin. Il nous a répondu qu’il n’était pas certain, mais a précisé qu’il serait utile de poursuivre les recherches, comme le suivi de ma fille.
    Finalement, Courtney fut placée sous stéroïdes dans l’espoir que cette médication pourrait améliorer sa situation. Ses problèmes de santé pouvaient maintenant mettre sa vie en danger si elle devenait plus malade ou avait un accident etc.
    Après avoir été mise pendant plusieurs mois sous de fortes doses de stéroïdes, on eut peine à voir quelque amélioration. Ses symptômes étaient toujours les mêmes.
    J’ai fait part de mes préoccupations à la Clinique Mayo, à Rochester. Je reçus une réponse dans les deux jours. On me proposa un rendez-vous 30 jours plus tard. Après leur avoir fait parvenir tout le dossier de Courtney, ils ont proposé un plan pour réaliser plus de tests encore. A la Clinique Mayo, Courtney passait des tests tous les jours. Après quatre jours de tests, nous avons rencontré un endocrinologue, ainsi que le médecin qui s’occupait de son cas.
    J’ai accompagné Courtney pendant tous ces tests pour la soutenir moralement. Au cours d’un de ces tests, la pression artérielle de Courtney était devenue si basse que les médecins ne pouvaient plus la percevoir, et l’appareil ne pouvait plus l’enregistrer. Ils ont eu peur qu’elle ne perde connaissance !
    Au cours de la dernière journée que nous avons passée à la clinique Mayo, l’endocrinologue nous a dit que Courtney avait dû être diagnostiquée à tort comme une insuffisance des glandes surrénaliennes. Mais que maintenant, après avoir été mise sous fortes doses de stéroïdes, elle présentait une réelle insuffisance surrénalienne. On nous recommanda de voir un autre endocrinologue au Centre Médical de l’Université du Kansas où elle devait suivre un traitement pour diminuer progressivement ses stéroïdes. Le médecin nous expliqua que les glandes surrénales reprenaient peu à peu leur fonction. Courtney reçut finalement le diagnostic de « dysautonomie ». Il s’agit d’une maladie neurologique que les médecins voient de plus en plus.

    On recommanda à Courtney une alimentation riche en sel ; on lui recommanda de boire beaucoup d’eau, de faire de l’exercice et de prendre un médicament trois fois par jour. Pour les médecins, cette prescription devait la sortir d’affaire mais ils ne pouvaient pas prédire dans quel délai cela s'améliorerait.
    Ces médecins ne savaient pas non plus pourquoi elle avait fait cette maladie. Elle avait toujours été en bonne santé avec cependant un peu d’asthme qui avait pu jusque là être contrôlé. Elle était heureuse, adorable, faisait des sorties et décrochait les meilleurs résultats à l’école. Elle était vraiment pleine de vie JUSQU'A ce qu’elle reçoive son premier et unique vaccin Gardasil. C’est là une décision que je regrette chaque seconde de chaque jour. Si seulement je pouvais revenir en arrière !
    Depuis son dernier diagnostic, Courtney a connu quelques améliorations : ses nausées sont moins fortes. Il lui arrive d’avoir un peu plus d’énergie bien que cet état ne dure guère. Ses humeurs sont plus stables et elle s’estime heureuse. Elle a toujours des tremblements des mains et des jambes et se fatigue facilement. Elle recommence peu à peu à participer à des activités avec des amis alors que ça lui était impossible l’été dernier vu qu’elle était beaucoup trop malade. Je suis tellement heureuse qu’elle n’ait jamais reçu la deuxième injection ! Dieu seul sait ce qui lui serait arrivé si elle avait pris les deux autres doses !
    Nous voulons nous adresser à toutes les familles qui songent à faire injecter le Gardasil à leurs filles. S’il vous plait, faites preuve de prudence, faites vos propres recherches, renseignez-vous sur le nombre de jeunes-filles et de garçons dont la santé a été endommagée à la suite de cette vaccination. Votre enfant qui était en parfaite santé, pourrait, après le Gardasil et le Cervarix, ne plus être cet enfant que vous connaissiez. Ces enfants peuvent développer des problèmes de santé qui restent souvent inexpliqués et souvent mal diagnostiqués. Dans de nombreux cas, on attribue leur mauvais état de santé à des causes « psychosomatiques ». S’il vous plaît, croyez-moi. Si votre enfant est malade et nécessite des soins médicaux, ne permettez à personne d’attribuer son état à des problèmes mentaux.
    Je crois et je sais que les symptômes dont ma fille a souffert ont été causés par le Gardasil.
    Source: SaneVax                                                                                                
    Rapports d’effets secondaires  des vaccins contre le HPV
            Mise à jour des chiffres au mois de JUILLET 2014
    VAERS : Organisme officiel américain de vaccinovigilance qui recueille les rapports d’effets secondaires possibles des vaccins aux Etats-Unis. Il est contrôlé par le CDC et la FDA.
    N’ont pas récupéré
    Frottis du col anormaux
    Dysplasies du col de l’utérus
    Cancers du col de l’utérus
    Cas où le pronostic vital a été engagé
    Visites aux urgences
    Séjours hospitaliers prolongés
    Effets secondaires graves
    Effets secondaires
    P.S. Seuls 1 à 10% des


    Initiative Citoyenne

    Gardasil: The Decision I Will Always Regret by Wendy Barnes Early

    My Gardasil Nightmare

    Gardasil: The decision I will always regret

    By Wendy Barnes Early
    Paola Kansas

    Sane Vax, Inc,   10 September 2014

    I want to share with you all Courtney’s story and what happened to my daughter after receiving the Gardasil vaccine – thankfully she only had one shot.
    In the summer of 2012, I took my daughter to her Pediatrician for her routine annual exam. Her doctor strongly recommended that Courtney receive Gardasil because they highly recommend this vaccine for teens.
    Within 3-4 weeks after Courtney had her first and only Gardasil vaccine, she complained of headaches daily, extreme fatigue, and nausea. She had little to no energy which was NOT like my daughter. She became very moody, irritable and almost depressed. Soon she was complaining about not wanting to eat, muscle weakness and tremors.  Her hands would shake uncontrollably, along with her legs. I noticed at times her hands would look mottled, then turn purple/blue in color. If you have ever seen a person after they pass, this is what her hands looked like.
    This truly scared me as I am a nurse by profession and I felt like I was watching my sweet outgoing daughter deteriorate. We made an appointment with her Pediatrician. She ran routine blood work and referred my daughter to a GI specialist at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. There she had a 1 hour appointment with a physician, blood work, an endoscopy, all which was normal with the exception of mild Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The doctor gave her a prescription for the nausea, Zofran which didn’t help her at all. We changed her diet, tried a different prescription for nausea and nothing helped.
    My daughter’s Pediatrician then sent her to a Psychologist to make sure this wasn’t psychosomatic. After the initial meeting with my daughter, the psychologist pulled me back and spoke with me about Courtney.  She said she felt Courtney was emotionally stable and a great kid and her health issues were not psychological. She also stated that she felt Courtney was becoming depressed because they cannot figure out what is wrong with her. She stated that she felt the problem stems from something medically that is wrong with her and to continue down this route. We had my daughter’s Pediatrician place her on a mild anti-depressant.
    I felt we were not getting anywhere with my daughter’s primary doctor so I asked one of the doctors I personally know what her thoughts were and where we should go next in the medical field for help. She recommended an Endocrinologist. We advised the Pediatrician of this and she recommended a pediatric endocrinologist at St. Lukes.
    After Courtney’s appointment with the pediatric endocrinologist, he felt it was possible that her adrenal glands were not functioning correctly. He ordered additional blood on Courtney. This blood work showed Courtney supposedly had “Adrenal Insufficiency” which means her adrenal glands were not working correctly. The endocrinologist said they were seeing more teens being diagnosed with this in the last several years. I asked if he felt it was tied to Gardasil since teens are now receiving this vaccine, he said he wasn’t sure but definitely thought it was worth looking into and keeping track of. My daughter was placed on steroids and it was hoped that this would improve the situation. This condition is also considered life threatening if she were to become very ill or in an accident etc.
    Several months later after being placed on high doses of steroids she barely showed any improvements. Her symptoms were about the same.
    I sent my concerns to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.  They responded back within 1-2 days and we set up her appointment within 30 days.  After this clinic had been sent all of Courtney’s records they set up a plan to carry out more testing.  Every day at Mayo she would go through several tests.  On her first day there she met with the main doctor in charge of her case.  After 4 days of consistent testing we met with an endocrinologist and her case doctor.
    I was with Courtney during all of this testing to give her some needed support.  During one of her tests called a “tilt table test” Courtney’s blood pressure was so low when they had her in an upright position that they manually couldn’t hear her blood pressure and the machine couldn’t pick it up. They were shocked she didn’t pass out!  She had several other tests along with additional blood work.
    On the last day at MAYO when we met with the endocrinologist, he felt Courtney was misdiagnosed with Adrenal Insufficiency and was now truly adrenal insufficient after having been placed on high doses of steroids. He recommended we see a new endocrine doctor at Kansas University Medical Center when we went back to Kansas and for her to be tapered off her steroids. He felt her adrenal glands would wake back up. Then we met with her case doctor, she diagnosed Courtney with “Autonomic Dysfunction”. This is a neurologic disease that they are also seeing more of. She has been placed on a high salt diet, drinking a lot of fluids especially water, placed on an exercise regime, and she takes a prescription for this 3 times daily. They feel she “should” grow out of this but aren’t sure at what age.
    They too aren’t sure “why” she has this disease! She was a normal, healthy teen girl with mild asthma that was controlled. She was outgoing, happy, loving girl with straight “A’s” in school.
    She was full of life UNTIL she received her first and only Gardasil vaccine and this is a decision I regret every second of every day – if only I could turn back the clock!
    Since this new diagnosis, Courtney has some improvements, her nausea is better until they decrease her steroids, she has more energy but it doesn’t last long and her moods are more stable and she is happy again! Courtney still has hand tremors, leg tremors and does get fatigued easily. She is finally doing things with her friends this summer where last summer she missed out on everything as she felt so ill. I am so thankful that she never had the second and third injections.  God is the only one who knows what would have happened to her if she had completed the course.
    Therefore, to all the families out there who are thinking about having their daughters vaccinated with Gardasil please, please be careful, do your own research and see the high number of young ladies and guys who are experiencing serious health issues following vaccination.  You have a healthy child one day and after being vaccinated with Gardasil, or Cervarix, this healthy child is no more.  They develop unexplained health issues which more than often are misdiagnosed and in many cases a finger is pointed at them that their condition is “psychosomatic”.
    Please believe me your child is sick and requires medical attention – never allow anyone to try and make this out to be a mental health issue.  What happened to my daughter I know and believe that her symptoms were caused by Gardasil.