Music by The Refusers

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Our Way To Freedom - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

They divide us all

We stand together and fight

Our way to freedom.

©  2019    M.N. Hopkins

Note:    This poem was inspired and written today after thinking of how easily people can be lied to and influenced through inbred elites and their minion,  liar politicians , media and the very oppressed who defend those who have the knife to their throats.   It the same old story of divide and conquer or confuse and conquer as they steal the little we have in their deluded march toward control of populations and world domination.   I often think the only way out is a great natural disaster that results in a total breakdown of social structures of governance and community then there will be no one to blame and fight against.   Survival will be the theme and to survive, people must cooperate and work together and those who will not will become no more very quickly.   This is no call to action but rather a call to self defense and self preservation.   The two flags are a symbol of the same people divided.   Together we are strong, divided we will fall to those of dark determination and evil intent.

I have written this poem in the haiku style of poetry and published it for the first time today on my blog today , the 1st of September, 2019.   


Mathew Naismith said...

Indeed, the malevolent is presently at play to divide and then conquer anything that is not malevolent.

When it comes to a point where you can be jailed for wearing a t-shirt depicting the truth......

Are you quite active on youme Mike? Be aware, youme isn't just backed by the EU and owned and supported by dubious atheists, it seems youme is protected by Google. I am myself still on FB, but I am aware of their political status as of Google.

Keep Safe and Well,

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hello Mat:

I left mewe a long time ago. I was aware of their connection to Google. Google was funding them. This is why I was not surprised when so many migrated there from G+. People are so easily deceived and manipulated. FB I left over 3 months ago. Never liked it anyhow. Only used it for messenger until I saw they were even censoring there.

I am aware enough to be aware of manipulations of the masses.

Take care and thanks for stopping by for a visit.


Mathew Naismith said...

Do you mean youme or mewe Mike?

I tried to write about my interactions on youme but have been hindered by Google. I have had no problems with mewe at present.

stay true,

Mathew Naismith said...

Did you mean to say youme Mike?

Youme simulates G+ in far more ways than MeWe, as I would think a Google backed social site like youme would.

We have a solicitor in the family, she just laughed at what Jamez, the owner of youme, did, and not just in underestimating me. She couldn't believe in his non-professional actions in regards to me.

I had a number of vivid dreams while active on youme that were quite ominous. One was of a vicious dog like animal like on, "The Neverending Story", stalking me. At first I misinterpreted this to be representing one person that was one of the initial major supporters of youme, what was just to occur proved otherwise.

In the vivid dream, I was standing up on a white statue while this creature walked around me stalking me in the dark. The dog stalking me ended up representing a consciousness, not a single person, harassing and intimidating/bullying me on youme. The owner of youme unprofessionally still harassed me after I was removed from being a member of youme. This occurred after I asked to be removed from youme as I was being harassed and bullied which further endorsed what my dreams were telling me.

Now, if the vicious animal was of a light colour and the dream was set in the daylight hours, the consciousness of the founding members and initial supporters of youme would not have been represented as something ominous. At no point on MeWe have I had any ominous dreams like this. I have been asked to join and I am member of a number of communities on MeWe, and still no ominous vivid dreams!! My vivid dreams, while active on youme, ended up being proven correct by the founders of youme.

Anyone can delve into the consciousness like this by simply seeing everything as one organism or consciousness. I simply could see what was beneath the false misleading facade, a false facade, according to my dreams, is indeed ominous by nature. You can't ignore vivid dreams like this but I did at first as I desired youme to be the social site to socially interact on.

At the moment, I am being warned about treachery and deceit in relation to someone I trust!!

Be safe,

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Sorry Mat. My mistake. I left mewe and somehow mixed it up with youme.. I think I was there too on youme and left after a short while. I have tried a few forums and so far have only stayed with gab and minds and Canund which I may be leaving shortly.

Sorry for the confusion on my part.


Mathew Naismith said...

Have you looked into medium Mike?

The problem with people like us is we try to speak of honest truths as opposed to desired truths. A desired truth seems to be what most people desire and expect. I even find honest truth hard to swallow but I find dishonest/desired truths even harder to swallow these days, probably always have.

Keep well,

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

I did not know of Medium. Thanks for the tip Mat. I posted my first story there. Link is below:

Kindest regards,

From Up Over.