Music by The Refusers

Friday, September 1, 2023

A Healing Can Occur - An Inspired Discourse by M.N. Hopkins

There are no limits to what can be cured or healed through faith. It is only your ego that tries it's best to limit yourself by cutting off honest communication with your Self.

From Self comes all healing, whereas from ego comes all illness.

To break the chains of sickness one only needs to break the chains of ego, from which all troubles arise.

Let not your fears take you over.

Everything that is done is for the good of Humanity. Each being has a place in this activity.

Remember that ego is a tool also to be used for the good of yourself and others. This was the orginal intention and design and can be realigned to it's orginal functioning again in time.

Prayer is the most powerful curative known to Mankind.

Cry your way through your pain to calmness.

Be as the air and absorb all sounds and filter all the particles of Love that float silently around you.

Be still and calm again and ease the burden that the body must carry through your life's path.

Come and see that today is but a projection of yesterday and tomorrow will be that from which you dreamed of today. So, change the nature of your dreams and change the nature of your future living.

Fear not these thoughts of disappointment. For they now are fleeting away so that new space will be made for the blessings that await fruitition.

Be at peace and be in Love again. Know that all goes well for you and those you love.

Seek peace and the healing calm of the Light that brings with it an aide to the body and mind that eliminates all hinderances and opens a doorway to healthy living.

Why do we talk of such matters? As an aide to you and others who wish to bring about a state of Grace, a state of balance within the human organism.

These qualities are there already. They are just layered over by lifetimes of fear and injustice. The injustice of the ego tyrant that expresses itself outward within your world of Mankind.

We see only You as the one in control, as the one who forms human reality day by day with the aide of an ill advisor and that our friend, is ego.

We ask to be your advisors until You can reclaim your rightful place upon the throne of your being once the ego tyrant has been overthrown. Once this has been done, then wise consul returns and balance returns to your kingdom. What may also be called your everday reality.

Be at peace and know that we, the Friends of God and to Man are here to consul and advise one through to a healthy and balanced state of being. Pray to God and He will send us to dispel the darkness and re-awaken that within you which is the better part of yourSelf.

We come with Light hearted greetings and leave you with a heart filled with Light, Love, and a Joy that is beyond human comprehension.

Faith returns and with it a renewal of hope in one's future of balanced living.

Now, we have met again at the crossroads between Heaven and Earth. From this place do all future possibilities arise and florish in a healthy environment.

Words you wish. Words that will propel Mankind to a better way of living amongst each other.

We wish all a happy and comforting position on this World. We wish all a pleasant doing of their everyday living. We wish always for good and positive outcomes, whereas you and others of your kind prefer the dreading of tomorrow. Look at the show, Heroes. It is a two edged sword. One part speaks of hope for a better tomorrow, while the other edge of the sword is the fear that Men have of being different or standing out as strange or unusual within their tribe, clan, or community. For these are truly Stone Age concepts that as stories have been retold over and over throughout the ages.

When will Mankind be bold and write new stories. Stories of Love and Kindness and living together comfortably without this constant fighting and conflicts between individuals and groups. As you thought earlier, most humans never develop past an infantile stage of me first and grasping whatever is near without any thought of the consequences.

Come look honestly at yourselves and your bad behaviors toward one another and wish for compassion and empathy to emerge between individuals and groups, so that all can see the pain and confusions that are resulting from the current modes of behavior and mode it is as in fashion. It can be changed from time to time if the person so chooses.

You all have greater freedom than you could ever now imagine within your human mind.

We ask you only to look at yourselves and others more honestly and come to the realization that life can be different once responsibility returns to the Human Realm. Responsibility of both thought and emotion. Think before saying as you would think before doing. Think, plan, and act for a better tomorrow.

We are here and welcome you all this day of deliverance. By deliverance, we mean the deliverance from your lower natures, your tyrant selves, and your misconceptions and misunderstandings of your lives here within the world of Mankind.

For your views, your opinions have been built upon layers and layers of lies. The lies are so thick and convoluted that you no longer have the ability to think or act in a clear and determined manner. This is just the result of many centuries of continuing problems without resolution.

The time of resolution is nearing as Mankind can no longer maintain the old structures that have been constructed upon so many lies and misconceptions.

We wish to let you know that the days of deliverance will soon arrive and Mankinds many burdens will be lessened.

For you, we wish to thank you now for making contact and even though our words are few today, we wish to let you know that much can be accomplished beyond the realm of words, once contact has been made.

Follow your dreams and know that all is in order and all goes well for you and those near to you. Be at peace and be at ease and await upon the coming of the Light tonight.

First, we see you as one who has the courage and steadfastness to overcome his fears by accepting the gift of Love to Man. We encourage you to spend more time in prayer and meditation and waiting upon the words that so ignite the hearts of all who wish for a better tomorrow.

Seek others of your kind through literature or by communion with Spirit. Seek not the empty and deceiving words of what is most popular in your world of communication, but seek those who speak through conviction and are inspired through a yearning for a better tomorrow and join in co-operative ventures that will slowly, but surely educate Men's minds to higher levels of contemplation.

We know that you think it is too slow a process the way that has been chosen for you and others of your kind, but it is safer and a better means of communication at this time of primitive minds that have yet to expand and evolve into co-operation and completion of plans yet formed.

Please be patient and gentle as the deer who heals silently. We know your needs for validation and recognition, but we also know the dangers and setbacks of this form of concentration upon ones way toward freedom.

For,  freedom is a gift as all true abilities and talents are gifts to be shared with others for the betterment of your species and your communities.

Don't be discouraged and don't be delayed any longer. Live as if you had few tomorrows and be bold in a powerful way. Know that we are near and ever vigilant.

Be calm and be certain that tomorrow will be better for you and those who choose to share their gifts for the love of another and the continuation of community.

Be wise and accept our gifts we will shower upon you to share with others. Go and sin less and be a living example of Kindness expressed outwardly.

Joy returns. The joy of knowing that you need not be successful within the world of Men to be successful in Life.

For, Life is a quality that few can cognize. Only those who have touched to Life and been able to keep their memory of this moment when they came to know the folly of themselves and the follies of others, yet remain compassionate and kind as a child while maintaining the maturity of an adult.

It's the same feeling to experience this state of being. For, yes, it is an experience and not an intellectual exercise. For, to remain locked within the walls of one's intellect is to be cutt off and alienated from Life.

Life, with all it's many facits as the structure of a diamond, yet even more precious and rare than any diamond known to Man. Life--that essence that eludes us, yet is always within us and around us all, even though we refuse to drink of It's sweetness and be nutured by It's life giving and health giving powers.

Life. So sweet, so rare, and yet made so common by a few who had the courage to break from their prison cells of ego and experience their lives from a state of non-fear.

Yes, it is fear which binds one to their nightmare existence, that binds one to unhappiness, sickness, and a mirage of many imaginary problems.

So much of what causes Mankind great distress is imaginary and has no place amongst those of clear conscious and consciousness.

The child never grows up, but remains in a playful state while all around in need of attention is neglected and begins to turn rancid. This is a pretty good analogy of the current state of the communities of Man. No longer mature, no longer wisely directed, but driven by the whims of children lost in a play that is leading Mankind to it's own self-destruction.

Be wise again and begin the building of new systems of thought and emotion while time is still in motion.

Now is a time of slow action that waits upon the will of Heaven. For, to be free of your habits is a long and arduous process that can take many lifetimes if not for the will of God. For, through Grace can all bad or destructive habits be dropped away from one's everyday being.

See this as a time of learning about not only your strengths, but also your many weaknesses. Be not afraid to be honest and admit to yourself your many shortcomings. For only by doing this will you be able to walk into the many new strengths that have been created for your future to be used to help others to do the same.

For what is one's life, but one of many. The many together gaining strength and happiness in the coming together and the work of creation of the type or kinds of human communities that lend themselves to greater creativity and the expression of the better or higher angels of your being.

Seek others who share your vision of a better tomorrow for all and be not delayed or dismayed or side-tracked from the appointed times of salvation and deliverance from the burdens that tie you to this unhappy existence.

Write and share our words so that others can begin to understand what can be possible by a shared vision of purpose.

Feel the calm of tomorrow today as you walk toward your future years together with the few who will share their visions as you have shared yours.

Write of one who can see and feel the Light of Heaven and seeks to share this gift with others.

Write,write,write, and the answers that you seek will come forward and heal you and all those who seek an honest way.

For, the seekers are few, but the power to change themselves and others is far greater and easily put to good use.

One need not be famous or known worldwide to have a powerful and good effect upon Humanity. One only needs to become a channel in which Light hearted energy enters the world of Man. As more of this energy enters, more will understand what next to do to bring about the desired effects.

Begin to fill-up again with this power that comes from our Realm to yours and again be an instrument that plays the most beautiful of music, that expresses the deepest innermost yearnings of Mankind, that will bring comfort to all who suffer under the control of their ego tyrant.

Be again a blessing of Light and bring Love again to those who have lost their way. Bless all and be blessed by all. Show a new way of living.

For, the old way no longer functions as fear now holds it in place.

Know this. A new way will awaken the sleeping giants who will aide in the return of Love upon the Land. This has been called forth and this will manifest within the world of Man.

Trouble yourself not with the details, look not for signs, but be a sign that directs others to a new Land. A land of loving kindness, a land of shared responsibility, a land of co-operative living. Then will joy again return to the Land and make her loving presence known to all with the courage and fortitude to embrace her loving ways.

Begin today. Prepare for a future filled with a happy refrain.

So, you wish to know of the ways of healing. Although their ways are many, the way is one and that is the way of Love.

Love is the healer, love is that which gives one the courage to reach so deep down into one's own darkness and plock from oneself that which makes one ill. Yes, ill it is as in illness of the mind and the body.

For illness takes a hold upon the minds of those weakened by grief, by anger, by so many years of disappointment.

Love is that which can and will free one from one's self-imposed prison of darkness. Love is both the key and the force that motivates one to open the door of one's prison cell and be released into the Light of healing.

Yes, healing is a Light. A blinding white light that heals our blindness and allows us to see clearly ahead the possibility of health being renewed.

For in health one is truly free from one's fears, from one's limitations, from all that keeps one from seeing clearly the simplicity of the healing act.

For, the healer is only he or she who shows one the possibility that good health exists and is 100 % sure that the body, emotions, or mind can be again returned to a state of Grace, or good health.

If one accepts the limiting words of Science, then one is truly doomed to a life of imprisonment in a cell that is made up of the energy of one's own fears which is guarded by ego. Ego is as a child and lacks both the guidance of wisdom and believes the words of those of limited knowledge who give power to sickness by giving power to one's fears.

The day that one closes one's ears to outside voices of no real authority and listens to one's own Inner Voice which has contact and guidance from the Highest Authority, then the chains of fear will no longer continue to tie one to one's illness.

When one meets one whose faith is so great and trusts in his or her own Inner Voice that has been so nutured and allowed to be heard, then an opportunity exists, an opportunity to restore the body back to balance and health.

The healer does nothing more than to hold the hand of him or her in need of healing while they again reconnect to their own Inner Strength and Wisdom and see the truth of their current situation and clearly see their doorway to freedom.

Once seen and understood, then they break the chain of illness and calmly walk out into the Light of freedom.

It's so simple and easy to do, yet few can see through the dark clouds of their own fears.

Once the Light reveals the darkness and dissolves the fear, then a calmness and a certainty fill one's being and the sickness instantly disappears never more to return.

Come with us while we hold your hands and be not afraid. We make this offer of health to all whom will listen. Remember, there is nothing that cannot be healed through the simple act of Faith and Love from Self.

We will not give the names of your human illnesses. For this will only give them power over you. Instead, will we give to you the gift of Grace to Man and watch while all illness disappears and the body is returned to a natural state of balance.

Pray to God for Grace and it will be delivered to you upon the wings of angels. Be brave and join with us to bring back balance and love.

Be at peace and be in Love. For there is no place for fear in a balanced body and mind. Fear is an unnatural state and has no place in a healthy state of being.

Healing is a word many use, but few understand. Healing is so simple an act that it eludes the human mind. Why does it do so?

Because of the habits of fear that have been encouraged by the human communities to protect those of limited knowledge and even more limited experience with true acts of healing.

Healing is simply a phenomenon that occurs when one can set aside from one's limiting thoughts and outerward imposed limited thinking and for the moment be free from all the fears others have encouraged within you as a means of control and that you have allowed to remain, further hindering any possibility of self-healing.

For, it is truly an act of the Self upon the self once one has for just even a brief moment dropped all their preconceived notions and misunderstanding that have been taught and maintained in a deliberate effort to maintain the power of the self-proclaimed voices of authority that deceive to gain a profit from human suffering.

How many times have you heard the term, scientifically proved. What does this mean in reality?

That a group of health practitioners or a drug manufacturer have chosen a scientist to publish the results that shed a positive light upon their practices or medicines while at the same time denying any claims that dispute the results of those hired for the results that they wish people to believe in. These results are published and aggressively marketed through a campaign of fear and trickery.

Remedies or practices that are simple, inexpensive, and very effective are demonized and woe to those who dare to fight for the health and well being of their patients. A modern day witch hunt may be a more accurate description of these practices of those who gain great profit with often ineffectual results.

This is the beauty of acts of faith. These interventions cancel out the imprinted fears and allow the body to be in a state of calm, which is nothing more than the freedom from fear. Once the body's mind and emotions are calm, then the health giving Light surrounds and fills the person and the body's natural healing ability is at it's optimum.

Soon, what are called medical miracles occur since those self-proclaimed High Priests of Medicine cannot maintain their lies and rather than get caught and have to admit that our systems of healing that they have not yet embraced or understand are effective, proclaim this rapid healing as an unexplained medical mystery.

Those who dare to question their authority are discredited and a systematic campaign begins to destroy their careers and stop them from practicing less others begin to question the High Priests incompetence and lack of understanding.

This is so common not only within the Health Profession, but in all human institutions with great profits and funding that will be and are protected at all costs without any concern for the health and well being of others.

So, can you see how something so simple as the act of healing through prayer or faith can be stopped by the voices of fear, whether that fear be ego fear from within one's own being or the outward voices of the ego fears of others who deceive and lie to maintain their own fears of loosing control over others.

For, in freedom, one cannot be controlled. For, in freedom, have we choices. This freedom is the most prized and sought after while at the same time, the most feared attribute of Man.

For, where is the profit in healthy bodies and minds. So, you see in a sense the current human remedies are not the cure and in more causes than not are the causes of many sicknesses and plagues upon your kind.

Your Soul or Self has only Love and Kindness and good and true intentions for your health and well being and will join with God once ego has been quieted and bring true healing to the human organism.

Once the voices of fear that limit one by telling one what is possible or impossible have been quieted, then one reconnects to one's Soul which is connected to God and a Health Giving Light begins to flow filling the body with Calm, Love, and the Joy that is beyond the Human Realm. Filling one again with hope and the possibility that nothing is impossible and all can be healed by the Grace of God to Man.

We ask you to be not afraid and feel this power that awaits you just behind our words. Feel our Love, feel our Calm, feel our Joy of being able to be of service to Man and be now healed!

These are more than mere words and for those who have opened their hearts for even a moment will feel the effects and know beyond any doubts that that which ailed them is now gone and the sign of this being true will be a feeling of renewed strength and vitality within your human body.

We ask you to be brave and daily pray to God to send His Healing Angels who bring with them the gift of healing. Do this daily and have faith that your prayers will be answered and each time that you do this, one or more physical, emotional, or mental afflictions will cease to exist and within their place shall be a strong, calm, and balanced body.

We speak again of healing and mainly the healing of the heart. The heart is that which contains the doorway to one's Soul and that Soul is one's connection to God.

A strong and healthy heart is open to all possibilities and harbors no limitations that can be found within the human mind. The heart that is open waits upon the Grace of God which is the greatest redeemer and healer of all that ails Mankind.

Through Grace are all sins healed. Through Grace does one again find one's way back home to one's Soul.

Once Soul has connected to the heart a flow begins from God to Man. A flow that cannot be reversed by mind. A flow that brings with it a calmness and a certainty that cannot be found in the Earth Dimension.

First, comes the Calm, then comes the Love of Life, and lastly, comes the Joy in living. This joy is intoxicating and permeates every cell of your human body bringing with it a revitalization of human health. A natural health that if allowed to flourish, strengthens and fortifies the body against all illness or disorders of the mind and emotions.

The body was created to be a self-sustaining and self-healing, but Man through his limited thinking thought that he knew better than his Creator and set about to create a system built upon limitation or self-limitation that resulted in illness and mental and emotional disorders of every kind imaginable. And it was imagination that fueled this fire of the destruction of an already well functioning system.

It was within the human need to feel as a god that hell on Earth took form where once a paradise existed. A true rebellion to overthrow all that is good and of God through deception and the creation of false concepts and systems of living.

The Human has set about to create systems that mimic or imitate natural systems that have already been in place since the beginning of time. Art to capture Natures natural art forms and Music to imitate the Music of Creation. A foolish venture indeed. 
 An attempt to rob life of Life, when Life is all that exists all around and within Creation.

Imaginary systems of hierarchy and valuation that is built upon false concepts of reality. An attempt to falsify all that is true.

A foolish and childish venture indeed and one that has caused so much pain and suffering and still you all allow these lies to continue when the Truth shouts itself out so loudly that no one can hear, no one can see it, and no one can feel the pulse of Life that vibrates within every cell of the human form.

Open your hearts to the Truth of Creation and your minds will be healed and align again with your Souls intentions and the ability to create a world of beautiful creations that are honest and pure and capable of sustaining a body's lifetime for many generations if needed.

Join with Soul and God and become the true trilogy. God, Soul, and Man as One.

We can say many things, but we choose to say to all who will listen. All can be healed through Love.

All physical, emotional, or mental problems can be healed in such a simple way that few can understand or words through the fears that have been imprinted upon them by those who practice these ancient and barbaric techniques that are called, modern medicine.

Rather than calling it modern medicine, perhaps it would be more accurate to say, a modern poison. If not for the use of pharmaceutical drugs is damaging enough, we also have the words used by practioners that poison one's emotional and mental states and in truth act as obstacles or hinderances to the body's natural healing abilities, which if left unchecked would bring about the natural healing of both.

Belief is so important and perhaps the key factor in the healing process. So as one believes, so it will be in time.

If one believes in health, then health is the natural result of one's belief system. If one believes in sickness and illness and the words that condemn rather than encourage, then sickness is the end result.

To say that one is sick with such and such symptoms just gives power to the illness. If words are to be given, then let them be ones of hope and kindness and words that will instill an active belief that there is no bacteria, no virus, no micro organisms that can damage or defeat the health of the human body.

We say to all who will listen: "There is no illness, ailment, or mental or emotional problem that cannot be quite easily cured just through the simple faith of a child."

Be not deceived by those of limited knowledge who practice in a guessing game and a game of chance with the well-being of your body and mind.

Take responsibility for your body and mind as you would care for a small child and protect them from the words that condemns and destroy a sound built in system that maintains good health.

Be misled and deceived no more by those who concentrate more upon their personal wealth and power over others, than have a true or sincere love and concern for you as a fellow human in need of support and kindness that will lead again to a strong and healthy state of being.

Open your heart to this possibility if just for a moment and let the Healing Light enter through your heart and travel to the place within your body that needs healing.

Now, feel it in your Heart of Hearts that health soon returns. Be not afraid and open yourself up to new possibilities and believe not those of dark determination who profit from the suffering of many due to their own weaknesses and ill afflictions.

We, the Healing Friends will come as thieves in the night and join with you who truly wish to be restored to good health. Think on us and we will come to restore faith oneself and in God and in the natural healing abilities of the human body.

Now, think on us before retiring for the night. Pray only to God and ask that He send His Healing Angels of Light. Have the faith of a child and know that when you arise in the morning, you will be restored again to health.

Now, we wish you all a happiness that comes from knowing with the mornings light will come a new found health.

©  M.N. Hopkins

Note:  I wrote this discourse perhaps 15 years ago with the intention that it be read by those in need of healing in the hope that these words would inspire them to bring about an actual healing of whatever ails them, whether it be physical, emotional or mental.  It appears as if it talks to one person but this is a message for many. I recommend it be read in a quiet place after prayer and/or meditation. It can be read to those in need who are too weak or tired in body. Find your calmest voice and read this discourse to those in bed or whose eye sight is not so good.  Be a comfort to those in need.  Set your ego aside for just a moment and let the betters angel of your being read the above words to those in need of healing.

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