Music by The Refusers

Sunday, February 27, 2022

What Draws People To Be Friends Is....A Quotation from C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis was a prolific Irish writer and scholar best known for his 'Chronicles of Narnia' fantasy series and his pro-Christian texts.


Mathew Naismith said...

G'day Mike

I am having a break from my usual environment, it is getting a little monotonous.

Just recently a childhood friend walked away from our friendship, we kept being friends through thick and thin until recently. You can of course lose friends once the truth that binds the friendship is no longer there. You do end up gaining other friends that are of that binding.

What broke up our friendship was very minor I thought but very major for them sadly enough, major enough to break up a long lasting friendship, this can occur in a marriage, lucky enough for me my wife and I still have a very strong binding in relation to the same truth.

Be well

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Sad to hear Mat. Peple are loosing it of late, either it is all the psychological nonsence being forced fed to them, illogical rules, injections of poison, all the fear porn of late. Many proplr act strange now, are meaner than usual, some look like zombies, dead eyes and bland stares. All one can do is keep it together for oneself and strengthen ones mind while maintaining some inner balance.

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Take care of you & yours and keep the faith.

Kindest & warmest regards,