Music by The Refusers

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Emanations May Heal Or Hinder - A Quotation from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Emanations - they may contain curative or toxic elements

Human beings are veritable pharmaceutical laboratories equipped with every kind of medicine but also with toxic substances. At the sight of certain people we sometimes say, ‘Oh, what poison’ or ‘Here comes the plague!’ whereas with others, on the contrary, scarcely have we laid eyes on them than we breathe more freely. Your sweetheart, for instance, is like a pharmacy full of all the most effective remedies. As soon as he or she appears, even if you are exhausted or ill, you get up, your eyes sparkle, and you are yourself again! Yes, the emanations of a human being contain both toxic and curative elements.

Science has never considered this question but it is a reality. There are some doctors, for example, whose mere presence has such a salutary effect on sick people that simply by taking their hand they put them on the road to recovery. People like this have truly been born to emanate healing etheric particles. This is what it means to be a true doctor.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov was a Bulgarian philosopher, pedagogue, mystic, and esotericist. A leading 20th-century teacher of Western Esotericism in Europe, he was a disciple of Peter Deunov, the founder of the Universal White Brotherhood.


Mathew Naismith said...

During the time of the pandemic, it was the people telling the true facts and figures that were the toxic one's, toxic to a very dark consciousness at play. The difference between toxicity is one is highly abusive and the other nurturing. Of course a nurturing consciousness is going to seem toxic to an abusive consciousness.

In truth though, this dark consciousness is not toxic to me, for it is no threat to my light, however, to this dark consciousness the light is always going to be a threat to it.

Blessings to you and yours Mike.

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Oh, the eternal dance of light and dark. Toxic inversion of truth during those con days.

Stay well and my kindest regards and best wishes to you & yours,