Music by The Refusers

Sunday, December 30, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 - From The The Fantastikids Of France

29 December 2012

THE FANTASTIKIDS & Monsieur Nô wish you "HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013"

This english children choir is made up 20 pupils from ERMITAGE, International School of France and sing to help PLAN INTERNATIONAL FRANCE:

Welcome on andyou can see many video-clips on YOUTUBE --THEFANTASTIKIDS

Merci aux enfants de partir ERMITAGE, Ecole Internationale de France pour leur chanson.

Thanks to the children  from ERMITAGE, International School of France for their song .  

Saturday, December 29, 2012

What’s in Your Milk? 20+ Painkillers, Antibiotics, and More by Lisa Garber

What’s in Your Milk? 20+ Painkillers, Antibiotics, and More

by Lisa Garber

Natural Society,  28 December 2012

With the aid of innovative and highly sensitive testing, Spanish-Moroccan scientists determined that there could be up to 20 painkillers, antibiotics, and growth hormones in a single glass of milk. The researchers say that the traces are so small that consumers need not worry about adverse effects, so we’ll just have to take their word for it, it seems.

The scientists analyzed 20 samples of milk—cow’s, goat’s, and human—bought in Spain and Morocco, and found a chemical cocktail of ingredients added to the animal’s diet prior to milking or contamination through feed or on the farm. Some of the contaminants found in trace amounts include triclosan (an anti-fungal), 17-beta-estradiol (a sex hormone), and florfenicol (an antibiotic).

It’s worth noting that the image provided by the University of Jaen lists the anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac twice in error. Their findings were published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Advances in Food Safety

University of Jaen’s Dr. Evaristo Ballesteros marveled over their technique, which could be used to assess the food safety of other products. “We believe the new methodology will help to provide a more effective way of determining the presence of these kinds of contaminants in milk or other products.”
“Food quality control laboratories could use this new tool to detect these drugs before they enter the food chain. This would raise consumers’ awareness and give them the knowledge that food is…harmless, pure, genuine, beneficial to health, and free of toxic residues.”

While all types of milk tested contained chemicals cow’s milk was most contaminated. This is not surprising, seeing as cows are routinely given antibiotics, growth hormones, and fed questionable GMO feed. Unfortunately, you will probably be picking up some of these chemicals each time you purchase milk from big-time and conventional supermarkets.

What Milk Should You Buy?

If you do drink milk, there is always a better option than traveling to your nearest grocery store. Organic milk is superior to conventional milk, as the cows won’t typically be on an antibiotic, growth hormone, and GMO corn feed diet; they will likely be grass-fed and graze freely. But there is an even better milk than organic.

Raw milk, like organic, should not come from antibiotic-fed, hormone-injected cows. In addition, raw milk is not pasteurized, a process that destroys beneficial bacteria, transforms proteins, and ruins many of the other vitamins and nutrients found in the milk. It’s always smart to go one step further when buying raw milk to ensure safety, finding out a little bit about the farm and farmer the milk come.


Detoxing Your Body and Environment

Toxic residue in food is hardly limited to milk. The Daily Mail writes about earlier studies that have found fish with altered brain chemistry and sexuality thanks to caffeine, antibiotics, and hormones from contraceptive pills and HRT that survived treatment from sewage plants.

While some scientists say these trace amounts aren’t enough to affect people, many of them are stored in our bodies for great lengths of time, which can become problematic with frequent consumption. To this end, it’s important to limit our exposure to environmental toxins and poisons found in conventionally grown and prepared food and water. You can also take steps to detox your body naturally.



Natural Society

Friday, December 28, 2012

My Family Vaccination Survey

My Family Vaccination Survey

North American and International  
Comprehensive . Independent . Objective

Register here or below

Not affiliated with any federal or state agency, university or their partner non-profit associations and consultants.

About the Survey

Anyone can take the survey. Parents, grandparents, couples without children and singles. You must register for the survey so that we can update you and provide you with reports.

Source and Information Page:

Take This Survey Now

FDA Approves Neurotoxic Flu Drug For Infants Less Than One Year of Age by Sayer Ji

Tamiflu Side Effects
Graph from the Daily Mail, August 11, 2009

FDA Approves Neurotoxic Flu Drug For Infants Less Than One

by Sayer Ji

Green Med Information,   27 December 2012

Whereas the flu is self-limiting, the FDA's capacity for bad decisions is not...
The recent decision by the FDA to approve the use of the antiviral drug Tamiflu for treating influenza in infants as young as two weeks old, belies an underlying trajectory within our regulatory agencies towards sheer insanity.
Tamiflu, known generically as oseltamivir, has already drawn international concern over its link with suicide deaths in children given the drug after its approval in 1999. In fact, in 2004, the Japanese pharmaceutical company Chugai added "abnormal behavior" as a possible side effect inside Tamiflu's package.  The FDA also acknowledged in its April, 2012 "Pediatric Postmarket Adverse Event Review" of Tamiflu that "abnormal behavior, delirium, including symptoms such as hallucinations, agitation, anxiety, altered level of consciousness, confusion, nightmares, delusions" are possible side effects.[i]
Recent animal research on Tamiflu has found that the infant brain absorbs the drug more readily than the adult brain,[ii]  [iii]lending a possible explanation for why neuropsychiatric side effects have been observed disproportionately in younger patients.
The very mechanism of Tamiflu's anti-influenza action may hold the key to its well-known neurotoxicity. Known as a neuromindase inhibitor, the drug inhibits the key enzyme within the flu virus that enables it to enter through the membrane of the host cell.  So fundamental is this enzyme that viruses are named after this antigenic characteristic. For instance,  the "N" in H1N1 flu virus is named for type 1 viral neuromindase.
Mammals, however, also have neurimindase enzymes, known as 'sialidase homologs,' with four variations identified within the human genome so far; NEU1,NEU2,NEU3 and NUE4.  These enzymes are important for neurological health. For example, the enzyme encoded by NEU3, is indispensable for the modulation of the ganglioside content of the lipid bilayer, which is found predominantly in the nervous system and constitutes 6% of all phospholipids in the brain. 
It is therefore likely that neurimindase-targeted drugs like Tamiflu are simply not selective enough to inhibit only the enzymes associated with influenza viral infectivity. They likely also cross-react with those off-target neurimindase enzymes associated with proper neurological function within the host. This "cross reactivity" with self-structures may also explain why the offspring of pregnant women given Tamiflu have significantly elevated risk of birth defects (10.6%) relative to background rates (2-3%), according to a 2009 safety review by the European Medicines Agency.
Beyond the recognition of Tamiflu's intrinsic toxicity, there are two additional problems with the use Tamiflu in infants:
1.   Infants do not yet have a sufficiently developed blood-brain barrier capable of keeping the chemical out of their rapidly developing brains
2.   Their detoxification systems are not sufficiently developed to remove the chemical rapidly enough to prevent harm
The FDA's decision to include infants under one as treatable with Tamiflu is all the more disturbing when you consider that a 2010 study published in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal found that of 157 evaluable infants (mean age 6.3 months) treated for influenza with Tamiflu, complications due to the medication were found in the majority (54%) of the treated group.
According to the study
Complications were recorded in 84 patients (54%), the most serious of which were meningitis in 1 infant (1%), pneumonia in 9 (6%), and otitis media in 2 (1%).
Are meningitis, pneumonia and otitis media (ear infection) acceptable risks for treating influenza? Apparently for the FDA, it is.
How about death? Is that an acceptable risk of Tamiflu treatment for flu, a self-limiting disease?
In 2011, the International Journal of Vaccine Risk and Safety in Medicine published an article titled, "Oseltamivir and early deterioration leading to death: a proportional mortality study for 2009A/H1N1 influenza," described 119 reports of Tamiflu-induced death. According to the study:  "of 119 deaths after Tamiflu was prescribed, 38 deteriorated within 12 hours (28 within 6 hours)."
The study concluded:
These data suggest Tamiflu use could induce sudden deterioration leading to death especially within 12 hours of prescription. These findings are consistent with sudden deaths observed in a series of animal toxicity studies, several reported case series and the results of prospective cohort studies. From "the precautionary principle" the potential harm of Tamiflu should be taken into account and further detailed studies should be conducted.
So, how did the FDA justify its decision to consider Tamiflu safe in infants under one year? Did it use controlled, randomized, placebo-controlled trials to ascertain safety?  Of course not. Testing drugs on infants is unethical, and no parent in their right mind would enroll their newborn in such a trial. Lacking definitive evidence of safety, the FDA's expanded approval in children younger than one year was based on extrapolation of data from previous results in adults and older children.[iv]  This, of course, is inappropriate as it denies the aforementioned differences in the susceptibility to drug toxicity and neurotoxicity between infants and older individuals.  It also avoids proper consideration of the studies in the biomedical literature indicating its potential for severe, if not life-threatening toxicity to infants, children and adults alike.
Another concern, not addressed in the FDA announcement, is that as of Dec. 15th, 2010, the World Health Organization has acknowledged that, based on over 300 tested worldwide samples of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 flu, resistance to Tamiflu is growing.[v]  Therefore, treating an infant with Tamiflu-resistant influenza would not only do nothing to combat the infection, but would poison that child and further disable their natural immune response.
The clear winner in the FDA's decision will be the bottom line of Roche, the manufacturer of this patented chemical.  How much longer can the FDA continue to expect those subject to its regulatory decisions to maintain the illusion that it is interested in the public welfare? 
We must remember that infants do not get sick from the flu as a result of Tamiflu deficiency, or flu vaccine deficiency for that matter.  They do get sick from the immune-disrupting effects of synthetic chemicals completely foreign to human physiology (such as Tamiflu), and lack of vital hormone modulating compounds that result from adequate sunlight exposure (vitamin D3), and good nutrition.
For additional information on this topic view our research on natural anti-influenza agents.

Green Med

Thursday, December 27, 2012

7 Methods for Detoxing and Cleansing Your Body of Toxins by Jan Edwards

7 Methods for Detoxing and Cleansing Your Body of Toxins

by Jan Edwards

Natural Society,  26 December 2012

With the myriad of toxins we’re exposed to in modern society, we’re faced with an increasing burden of unnatural substances that invade our bodies, from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides to air and water pollution, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals in our food, and the list goes on. Our current unhealthy living conditions call for a few radical corrective measures, if our goal is to maintain any level of healthy lifestyle. One of those corrective measures is to partake in a holistic detox.

The following is a list of various recommendations to effectively lessen your internal toxin levels, which can be done in any combination for increased effectiveness. For optimum results, these should be applied on a regular or seasonal basis, and at minimum once a year.

1. Include Plenty of Deep Colored Vegetables, Herbs and Algae in Your Dietary Arsenal

Cilantro, parsley, alfalfa, and a blue-green algae, chlorella, are three extremely powerful chemical and heavy metal chelators. Dark green vegetables and herbs alkalize and purify the blood, making it easier for the body to rid itself of wastes with less discomfort or “healing crisis” (when the loosening of toxic debris causes a sick or flu- like reaction). You can juice these, include them in salads, and/or mix powdered forms into water or juice for a quick and effective dose.


2. Try Fasting with Lemon Water, Cayenne Pepper and Maple Syrup

This is a radical, but very effective method of giving your digestive system a much needed break from the constant intake of less than optimal foods and flushing out harmful substances. A period of 3 to 7 days, 3 to 4 times a year is a sufficient and proactive strategy. (Use as much lemon as possible, with just enough maple syrup to make it palatable.) Drink as much as desired throughout the day.

Of course lemon water anytime has great benefits.


3. Fast with Juice! A Grade-A Health-Boosting Method for Health

Devote 3 to 14 days (or more for the advanced juice faster) to consuming only fresh, organic, unpasteurized vegetable and fruit juices. Kale, celery, cucumber, beet, carrot, lettuce, ginger and lemon are all excellent choices for neutralizing acidity in the body, increasing our nutrient levels, and flushing our systems of unwanted materials. Remember to actually juice real foods, and not buy bottled juices from supermarkets.

4. Apply a Series of Enemas, Professional Colonics, or a Colon Cleanse

Every substance that goes into our mouths ends up in our colons, where our bodies absorb nutrients, as well as any pollutants that came along for the ride. Though enemas and colon cleanses may seem uncomfortable or strange, cleaning the colon on a regular basis is considered by many experts to be an essential action to take in maintaining an internally clean, healthy environment. Colonics may not be for everyone, so a high-quality colon cleanser could be the preferred choice.


5. Eat a Diet of Predominantly High Water Content, Ripe Fruits, Green Leafy Vegetables, and Juiced Vegetable

Try this: Eat only fruit and/or vegetable juice for breakfast, and as much as desired. Again for lunch have as much fruit and juice as desired, followed by a large colorful salad with any dairy free dressing. For dinner, eat more fruit if possible, followed by another large salad consisting of as many vegetables as desired. Top it off with a baked sweet potato, yam, or red/purple potatoes, and add spices (preferably low salt). Heavier foods like meat, dairy, beans, and even most grains will slow down, or even stop the detoxification process, so be conservative with these foods if you really want to experience results.

6. Sweat it Out!

Detoxing your body naturally through sweating is very important. Through moderate amounts of cardio exercise, wastes is removed through pores on the skin. Aim to sweat at least fifteen minutes every day. You can even follow up with a detoxifying brushing of our skin from head to toe with a boar bristle brush to remove dead skin cells that clog the pores.


7. Get Plenty of Sleep!

Sleeping causes your body to go into a state of cleansing and regeneration. Without proper and sufficient sleep, detoxification organs don’t get the full recharge they need to function at optimal levels. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, in a dark, noiseless environment for optimal results.
In addition to applying these seven steps to detoxifying from hazardous foods and environmental substances, it’s important to remember to hydrate and cleanse your body by drinking plenty of mineralized purified water daily (half of body weight in ounces).

We should be cautious and conscious in our daily lifestyle choices. Consuming safe, natural, and nutrient rich foods, beverages, supplements, and body products, as well as cleansing, hydrating, and detoxifying are the foundation of a proper chemical balance. A higher awareness of our internal and external environments is key. It’s much easier to prevent toxification and maintain a healthy body than attempt to clean up damage that’s already been done. As in life, being proactive beats being reactive by a long shot.

Additional Sources:

“The Detox Miracle Sourcebook” by Dr. Robert Morse ND.


FDA: Drug Companies Faked Thousands of Drug Documents by Lisa Garber

or:   Fraud & Death Administration

FDA: Drug Companies Faked Thousands of Drug Documents

by Lisa Garber

Natural Society,  22 December 2013

According to the Food and Drug Administration, a major drug research contractor has been found faking documents and manipulating samples. The firm, Cetero Research, has tested medicines for major drug companies that are now being forced to reevaluate their products in response to warnings issued by US regulators.  The news may be from 2010, but is an example of pharma corruption nonetheless.

Absentee Lab Technicians, Fixed Studies

North Carolina-based Cetero performs early-phase clinical research and bioanalytics for many pharmaceutical companies, which use the results to receive FDA approval for drugs. Exactly which companies used Cetero’s services for FDA drug approval remains unclear, though such companies are being asked by the FDA to come forward.

A series of investigations—two 2010 inspections, an internal company investigation, and a third-party audit—uncovered “significant instances of misconduct and violations” at Houston’s Cetero facility.  The FDA adds that “the pattern of misconduct was serious enough to raise concerns about the integrity of the data Cetero generated” between April 2005 and June 2010.

In those five years, laboratory personnel supposedly busy conducting studies were revealed in the investigations as not even being present in the Cetero facilities—in 1,900 instances. The FDA also suspects that Cetero “fixed” studies to skew outcomes or failed to mention others in their reports.

The regulators say that the investigation’s scope is “too narrow to identify and adequately address the root cause of these systemic failures.”

Root cause? Maybe greed is a good place to start.

Widespread Fraud in Big Pharma

Greed seems to be a common denominator between Cetero and Roche and Genentech, a Swiss-based pharmaceutical company and its US affiliate, which were probed by the European Medicines Agency and found to have failed to submit 80,000 reports of products marketed in the US that left 15,161 patients dead. Your doctor could be one of the may paid to falsify data to get published. Even the Mayo Clinic has stated that the last 10 years of cancer research is useless due to widespread fraud.
Additional Sources:



Natural Society

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas & A Very Happy New Year 2013 To All Whom Find Their Way Here

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas & A Very Happy New Year 2013.

To all those who are regular readers here, a special greeting and my very best wishes for a truly peaceful and joyful Christmas and a year 2013 with many pleasant moments.


Friday, December 21, 2012

4 Herbs for Diabetes Management by Elizabeth Renter

Source of Picture:

4 Herbs for Diabetes Management

by Elizabeth Renter

Natural Society,    21 December 2012

Over 26 million Americans have diabetes and more than one-hundred million have pre-diabetes or are at a heightened risk of developing the disease. The problem with how the majority of these people manage their disease is that they are strictly following the sole advice of their doctor or endocrinologist – always in reactionary mode, testing their blood sugar and taking the correct amount of corresponding insulin. There are numerous experts out there that say diabetes, and especially the preventable Type 2 diabetes, is not only naturally treatable but even reversible. There are many dietary and lifestyle changes that can be made, as well as many herbs for diabetes management.

Getting a handle on the disease involves far more than blood tests and insulin injections. Treating your diabetes (whether Type 1 or Type 2) almost requires a holistic approach. This means that what you eat, when you eat, and what you do to manage your blood sugar will need to change. Fortunately, there are herbs that can help.


1. Herbs for Diabetes – Cinnamon

Cinnamon is perhaps the most widely recognized herbal diabetes treatment. This common spice is believed to act as an insulin sensitizer. In one study, 60 adults with Type 2 diabetes who regularly took cinnamon found a drop of 18 to 29 percent in their average blood sugar levels. A quick survey of online message boards and blogs also reveals that many diabetics have experienced a similar drop simply by adding cinnamon to their daily regimen. Sprinkle it on an apple or add it into soup—there are many easy ways to use cinnamon for diabetes.


2. Fenugreek

A seed often used in Middle Eastern cooking and found in many curry dishes, fenugreek is also among the beneficial herbs for diabetes. According to Reader’s Digest, the seeds have been shown to reduce blood sugar, increase insulin sensitivity, and even reduce high cholesterol. A study found that 60 people who took 25 grams of the seed each day found “significant improvements in blood sugar and post-meal spikes.”


3. Ginseng

Ginseng is a root that’s easy to find in supplement form, or you can make a tincture of it. It is said to have both immune-boosting and disease-fighting benefits. Scientists say that the herb slows carbohydrate absorption, improves the body’s use of blood glucose, and increases insulin production in the pancreas. A University of Toronto study found that ginseng capsules can lower blood sugar by 15 to 20 percent.


4. Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema Sylvestre is native to India and has been connected to many metabolic disorders, including diabetes. It is said to work to reduce blood sugar by blocking “sugar binding sites” in the cells, not allowing the glucose to accumulate in the body. Other research also says it may increase insulin production.
Although complex, diabetes is a disease that is highly manageable. Understanding its complexities will help you understand the need to approach it from a holistic standpoint—employing “alternative” healing to manage and even help reverse it in the case of Type 2 diabetes. Try out some of these herbs for diabetes and see what works, and doesn’t work, for you.

Additional Sources:


Thursday, December 20, 2012

The World Will Not End Tomorrow - A Poem by M.N.Hopkins

The Morning Dream.

The world will not end tomorrow.

Ask me how I know?

Because Love yet lives in our world of Man.

As long as Love lives.

Life will continue.

As long as Light lives.

The darkness is kept at bay.

Fear not.

For tomorrow, comes with the dawn.

© M.N. Hopkins

Infants as Medical Guinea Pigs? by Elizabeth Renter



Infants as Medical Guinea Pigs?

by Elizabeth Renter

Natural Society   19 December 2012

When Big Pharma wants a drug approved, ideally they should go through several stages of trials and tests, where the drug is tested for effectiveness and side effects before being approved. But what happens when the intended audience of the drug is children? Many children have been victimized by doctors prescribing adult drugs without knowing their effects on smaller and younger people, and it’s because of this that some are calling on drug companies to run more trials—this time on infants.

Newborns, according to experts, are a “underrepresented population” in the world of clinical drug trials. While pediatric drug studies are becoming more common, testing newborns remains rare for a variety of reasons -at least as far as the general public knows. And according to doctors of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, the University of Cincinnati, and likely many more, this should change.

The idea behind drug trials is to test a pharmaceutical drug for dangerous side effects before it is approved. These tests are carried out in order to ensure prescription drugs are as safe as possible. That’s the ideal situation. But, as we’ve seen, these tests aren’t always done properly, nor are they always analyzed and reported accurately. For example, last year the Department of Justice fined GlaxoSmithKline $3 billion for misreporting safety issues and illegal advertisement of some of their drugs. Among other things, the pharmaceutical giant didn’t disclose that their diabetes drug Avandia significantly increased the risk of heart attack.

According to Natural News (and anyone who spends anytime researching medical journals and reports), inaccurate and downright fraudulent medical studies are at “epidemic” proportions.

And now they want to subject infants to these flawed studies and hastily concluded drug trials.

“Of over 120,000 studies at the National Institutes of Health clinical trials repository, only 0.6% involves neonates; in total, only 3.4% of all registered pediatric studies involve neonates,” according to the Journal of Pediatrics. So, in their mind, the number of infants being used as lab animals should increase.

Yet another example of children being used as guinea pigs can be seen in the case involving Oxycontin, a heavy duty narcotic painkiller. Primarily to keep it’s drug patent, the maker of Oxycontin, Purdue Pharma LP, decided to test the drug on children as young as six years oldBy starting new trials on children, Purdue Pharma is able to extend their patent by six months.

If you’re someone to give your baby pharmaceutical drugs, even in the face of all the dangers associated with the creations, it would probably be best to have pharmaceutical drugs that were actually ‘proven safe’.

And in order to prove these drugs safe, they would need to have been tested on children under similar circumstances. This is one reason why some individuals see drug-testing on children and infants as a ‘rational solution’. However, it’s clear this is just one morally questionable debate to add to those surrounding Big Pharma’s takeover of public health.

What do you think?

Additional Sources:


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Predictions Confirmed: Shooter Adam Lanza Was on Violence-Linked Anti-Psychotic, Fanapt by Anthony Gucciardi

package insert

Predictions Confirmed: Shooter Adam Lanza Was on Violence-Linked Anti-Psychotic Fanapt

by Anthony Gucciardi

Natural Society,  19 December 2012

The ‘Connecticut Shooter’ Adam Lanza has now been reported by mainstream media to indeed be taking the violence-linked anti-psychotic drug known as Fanapt, a prediction I made after the news of the shooting broke. And as I explained in my previous article regarding this drug by name, Fanapt has a very disturbing history of FDA testing and approval. It also has a long line of side effects that echo reports that drugs of this nature ultimately lead to suicidal behavior and increased overall aggression — side effects covered up by Big Pharma corporate scientists.

As Business Insider now reports in an article that is going viral across the web, Adam Lanza was indeed taking Fanapt — a drug with ‘troubled history’ as the article details.

Knowing that virtually every major shooter of similar circumstance and scenario had been on similar drugs including the Columbine shooters, Ted Kaczinski the Unabomber’, and many others, it was easy to see that Adam Lanza fit the bill as well. Of course this prediction was met with opposition stating that Big Pharma’s anti-psychotic and anti-depressant drugs were ‘perfectly safe’ and I was simply assuming things based on no evidence. Of course the reality is that the very creator of Prozac, Eli Lilly & Co., actually kept the link between suicidal behavior and Prozac consumption a secret to protect their own interests.

This link was cleverly hidden for years until it broke back in 2005, yet still many are unaware of the real dangers.

But what about Fanapt, the drug Lanza was taking? The drug itself has an even more troubled past. After initially being rejected by the FDA for ‘severe problems’ in patients, Fanapt was eventually approved after a disturbing lack of study. Fanapt was only tested on around 500 people before going on sale to the almost 300 million citizens inside the United States for widespread ‘treatment’.

But what’s even more concerning than the shoddy trials of the drug is the side effects listed on both the package insert for the drug and various online medical sites. These include:
  • Hostility
  • Aggression
  • Mania
  • Confusional state
  • Impulse-control disorder
Many of which are listed as ‘frequent’. It should come as no surprise then to find out that Fanapt was initially thrown out by its first producer, grabbed by a later company, rejected by the FDA, then only later did it meet the mass market. Ultimately, however, it ended up prescribed to Adam Lanza and many other individuals who are being ‘treated’ for the very issues that the drug has been shown to cause.

So why is hardly anything being said about Fanapt and the potential connection to the violent outbreak that thoroughly encompasses these side effects? Why is there no serious mention of how virtually all previous killers were on similar medications?

The fact is that no one wants to talk about how Big Pharma’s concoctions are damaging our bodies and warping our minds. Instead, doctors will continue to prescribe Fanapt and other drugs to young children and teens without considering the severe repercussions. That is unless the alternative news and informed individuals pushes the issue into the forefront as has done many times before.

There is no reason that drugs like Fanapt need to be pushed on young children who are already struggling with serious mental battles. Half of all United States citizens will be classified as ‘mentally ill’ and drugged up with antidepressants, anti-psychotics, and so on. But perhaps the Big Pharma drug system is truly mentally ill?


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Do You Know the 5 Powerful Psychological Triggers Your Doctor Uses to Vaccinate Your Child?

Do You Know the 5 Powerful Psychological Triggers Your Doctor Uses to Vaccinate Your Child?
by Jeffrey John Aufderheide
VacTruth,  18 December 2012
If you’ve ever been in a doctor’s office with a child, you know what I mean.

Doctors are well known for applying psychological pressure to parents questioning vaccines. Maybe you’ve experienced this pressure?

Here are five psychological triggers doctors use against you, the parent, and some of the suggestions you can use to overcome them.


This is one of the most powerful psychological triggers, as you will see.

Doctors are in a position of authority – they went to medical school. (You didn’t.) This fact alone puts them in a unique position and you are paying for their advice.

Society in general makes assumptions that doctors know the absolute best information for your health relating to all topics – especially vaccines. Often, doctors repeat the information given to them by the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration.

The doctor’s assumption is this: if the FDA approves a drug and the CDC recommends it, it must be safe.

Maybe they haven’t heard of 100,000 DEATHS yearly from adverse (FDA-approved) drug reactions? [1]
Taken to the extreme, some doctors abuse their power in a predatory fashion. The nature of their authority takes on a bully-like quality.

Should you listen to them about vaccines? After all, they are wearing a white coat.

Examples of the Power of Authority:
  • “According to Professor [Michael] Cohen, “in case after case, patients, nurses, pharmacists, and other physicians do not question the prescription.” “A physician ordered ear drops to be administered to the right ear of a patient suffering pain and infection there. But instead of writing out completely the location “right ear” on the prescription, the doctor abbreviated it so that the instructions read “place in R ear.” Upon receiving the prescription, the duty nurse promptly put the required number of ear drops into the patient’s anus…Yet neither the patient nor the nurse questioned it.” [3]
What You Can Do…

Realize the doctor may not have as much knowledge or training on vaccines as you think. The Latin word for doctor is “docere,” meaning to teach. Is your doctor teaching you how to build better health, or are they using their position to convince you to get your child injected?

Doctors only have as much power as you give them – he or she cannot make a guarantee that a vaccine will work, nor can they guarantee that it will be safe.

Recognize the power rests in YOU! The choice is yours to say “YES” or “NO!”


Another common tactic is to make a parent feel bad for even questioning vaccines.

It takes the form of bluntly insulting the parent. It could also be underhanded remarks or comments (passive-aggressive behavior). The predictable result? It fills the parent with guilt or shame for questioning the doctor.

In turn, the parent may have unanswered questions but reluctantly goes along with the doctor’s orders and vaccinates their child.

This is a very powerful psychological trigger when combined with the power of authority in a one-on-one setting.

Examples of Guilt Tripping and Shaming:

Doctors (and nurses) have been reported as saying very cruel things to parents who question vaccines or do not vaccinate, such as:
  • You are a parasite to society.
  • You are being irresponsible.
  • You are a bad parent.
  • You are not a doctor.
  • Your child cannot go to school without vaccines.
  • Your child will die without “life-saving” vaccines.
  • You are free-loading off of society’s herd immunity.
  • You are getting the benefits of vaccination without paying the price.
  • You are an “Internet Mom.”
  • You don’t understand science.
  • You do not care about your child’s health or future.
  • Your ignorance is causing diseases to come back.
What You Can Do…

Recognize this behavior for what it is: a form of passive-aggressive behavior coming from the insecurities of the doctor. It’s pure emotion.

Most mothers attend the well-baby checkups by themselves. Have your husband or a good friend who supports your decision come with you to the doctor’s office.

Here are some suggested questions you can ask your pediatrician. Naturally, use your own discernment:
  • Will you read out loud and review with me the ingredients of the vaccine you intend to inject into my child?
  • How will the combined ingredients in vaccines make my child healthier?
  • If vaccines work, how is my child a threat to vaccinated children?
  • If vaccines work, what is the point of booster shots?
  • Since every child is different biologically, how do you know when a vaccine works and when it does not? How do you test that?
  • What scientific tests do you perform before and after vaccination to rule out my child is having an adverse reaction?
  • If you inject my child with multiple vaccines at once, if there is an adverse reaction, how do you know which vaccine is the culprit?
  • Can you show me the safety studies showing me the effects of injecting multiple vaccines at once?
Note: Your doctor will not likely know the answers to these questions and get angry with you. If they get angry, you may experience psychological trigger #4 immediately!!!


If you are not prepared, this particular psychological trigger will catch you by surprise. Here’s how…

When you are in a medical setting – doctor’s office, birth room at the hospital, emergency room, etc. — doctors will use this setting with emotionally charged language to get your child vaccinated.

One caveat: Nurses can be very aggressive in this manner as well.

Nurses may inject a baby at any opportunity after birth – in the mother arms without asking (happened to me), while the baby is being “washed up,” or while the baby is being circumcised.

Example of Sense of Urgency:

One of the most outrageous examples I have been told is from an acquaintance of mine. Let’s call her Angie.
Angie’s child almost had his finger cut off in a freak accident at home. With the child’s finger dangling and needing to be addressed, the emergency room doctor started to pressure the mother into getting her child vaccinated on the spot!

If he didn’t get vaccinated right then and there, he was in imminent danger of getting a “life-threatening disease!” Can you believe it?

She stood her ground and told the doctor her son has already been through enough.

What You Can Do…

Why do you have to get a vaccine right on the spot? If you ask questions and want to find out more information about the toxic chemicals and dangerous biological agents a doctor injects into your child, you should have that right.

Recognize your doctor may use emotionally charged language. Here are some of the psychological keyword triggers to be aware of when your doctor refers to vaccines:
  • Referring to vaccines as being “life-saving.”
  • Referring to vaccines as being “safe and effective.”
  • Referring to vaccines as being “no-risk” or “very little risk.”
  • Using “death,” “debilitating,” and “deadly diseases” while referring to “vaccine-preventable diseases.”
  • Using the terms “vaccines” and “immunization” interchangeably as if they had the same meaning.


Fear of loss has recently become a hot favorite for pediatricians.

This relatively new tactic is called “Firing Your Patient,” originating from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Here’s how this psychological trigger works.

If a parent questions vaccines or what the doctor says regarding vaccination, the doctor simply tells the parent he/she will no longer be the family’s doctor.

This method works extremely well because it puts the mother into a stressful fear-based state. She is being told to vaccinate her child on the spot or lose her doctor. Fortunately, there are answers and this is just another manipulation tactic.

Example of Fear of Loss:

This mock conversation between a doctor and patient is inspired by a comment left by Shawn Siegel on a recent article and illustrates the point beautifully.

Pediatrician: We’re done measuring and weighing your son. The nurse will be in shortly with the vaccines.
Jenny: Before she comes in, can I ask you a few questions about the vaccines? I’m a little nervous.
Pediatrician: Of course. What are you worried about?
Jenny: I’ve been doing research on the ingredients in vaccines and…
Pediatrician: Where did you look for this information?
Jenny: On the Internet …
Pediatrician: You can’t trust everything you read on the Internet. There’s a lot of bad information out there. The ingredients in vaccines are in such small amounts, you have nothing to worry about. Do you think the FDA or Centers for Disease Control would allow anything dangerous to be put into the vaccines?
Jenny: I don’t know – my neighbor’s son became autistic right after being vaccinated. She swears it was the vaccine and…
Pediatrician: Vaccines do not cause autism! It has been scientifically refuted. Life-saving vaccines are protective. Not vaccinating your child is irresponsible. Now if you have no further questions, I’ll send in the nurse.
Jenny: But all of these vaccines at once? Can’t my son just have one today? I’d like to investigate these other vaccines a little more before he has all of them at once. I’ve heard we can do an alternative schedule.
Pediatrician: There is nothing else to talk about. If you do not protect your son according to the recommended guidelines, I am going to ask you to leave my office right now. If your son dies from a deadly, vaccine-preventable disease, I will not have that on my conscience.

What You Can Do…

First, be aware of your options!

What do pediatricians do? They measure and weigh your baby – and vaccinate them! Do they teach you about nutrition or good health practices? Have you ever tried to ask a pediatrician to give you sound advice on nutrition? If not or you don’t think so … read on.

We “fired” our pediatrician when we realized what they actually did. Now we see a “friendly” family doctor, a chiropractor, nutritionist, naturopath, and even a doctor of osteopathic medicine (D.O.).

Dr. Robert Medelsohn has written a fantastic book to help you overcome many of your fears and worries, entitled How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor. [4]


Doctors frame vaccines as a ‘preventative measure’ for disease while completely ignoring the major roles better nutrition, food storage and handling, sanitation, and hygiene have played in decreasing disease in society.

They want you to believe injecting vaccines laced with formaldehyde, aluminum, MSG, and viruses cultured off of animal tissue will protect your child from disease.
It really is a promise of false hope. Here’s why …

Doctors apply the same “answer” (vaccines) to every child expecting the same result. Parents know not every child is biologically the same – do doctors?

Example of The Promise of Hope:

You may hear analogies to how vaccines work. One of the recent favorites is comparing vaccines to seat belts. Doctors will tell you that if you get vaccinated it will be like protecting yourself as if you were wearing a seat belt and got into a car crash.

They say vaccines work in the same way – they protect you from any future “crash.” After your child is vaccinated, they are protected.

Here’s the rest of the story …

What You Can Do…

It seems like common sense and deserves repeating: good health does not come through the end of needle!
Let’s go with the seat belt analogy from above. Seat belts are not worn just once or twice. To be effective, you must wear them every time you get into the car. Similarly, good health requires your regular attention.
Here are some common sense suggestions you can take right now and “wear your seat belt” every day:
  • Wash your hands 5-6 times a day – especially after going to the bathroom or before preparing food.
  • Drink clean water
  • Eat or juice organic raw foods
  • Properly store and prepare your food
Here are some of my favorite resources regarding the topic:


Doctors push vaccines – and many do use a combination or all of the five psychological triggers mentioned above. Some are unaware of their manipulation – and unsuspecting parents are even more vulnerable to this pressure.

Lastly, the only way not to be affected by these psychological triggers is to be an informed parent – read books and vaccine package inserts. This information will give you the confidence and courage you need to stand up to an emotional doctor.

I haven’t covered every single psychological trigger used – so if you know of more or have a story to tell, share it in the comments section below.
