Music by The Refusers

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Servers Of The Divine Plan - Free Dounload In Several Languages

Servers of The Divine Plan -  Front Book Cover
MANKIND AND PLANET EARTH HAVE TODAY ARRIVED at a critical juncture in their evolutionary journey. At the close of this 75,000 year major cycle, a New World is about to be born. The memories and higher faculties of certain individuals are just today returning to them, and they are beginning to recall the purpose of their incarnation, their duty to humanity and to planet Earth. They are becoming aware of the close attendance of legions of incorporeal divine Emissaries, the exalted ranks to which they inherently belong. They are remembering that they are an essential part of a vast collective effort and tremendously important task, the scope of which stretches back across millions of years and a myriad of past lifetimes upon Earth and elsewhere, all geared toward the forthcoming and conclusive glory. In their remembrance, they are perceiving that they are about to realise the grand consummation of a vital phase of the Divine Plan for Earth, the solar system and beyond. The Servers are awakening, and they are taking up their positions as agents of the New Spirit in order to play an active role within today's expanding world-consciousness around the planet.
For a free download of this book in English, Dutch, Spanish, German, French or Italian please click on the link provided below:


Magnus said...

Thank you for sharing this book!

I downloaded it and started to read a couple of pages. Then I felt a strong need that I wanted lay down and calm my mind down and meidtate/pray. I have had a voice inside me that has been kind of hard the last time, saying "grow up" so often. But it says it in a way, like a harsh father, so I have felt a troublesome feeling about it. So I laid down, felt a little uncomfortable, but I got into my heart, and asked the quesiton - who or what is this voice. And in a sudden, a knowing in me said "it's not me" with a kind of calm and joyful feeling, and I felt a sudden presence beside me and a like a spark of light (which I can't say was to obvious ;-)) and something more warm. And immediately I felt calm and almost tearful of some kind of peace, and felt, ahh. That is nothing to worry about. Just wanted to share, if someone else might have had some similar experience with "mindtalking" last days ;-)

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hello Magnus:

Thanks for sharing your experience. Sometimes books like this can open one up to better communication to their higher Self.

Good for you,

Aphrodite said...

Mike, thank-you for sharing this...and well all your posts and information. :) I've perused a bit of this book, and feel that yes...I am a server. :) Am excited to read the whole book in detail.


Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hello Dear Goddess:

Nice to hear from you again. I'm glad that you liked the book.

Best wishes,
ps: Yes, you are a Server expressing Love in your way.

Anonymous said...

Oh! :) By coincidence I find the work of my old friend, and people appreciating his work. That is great.
Maybe some things have changed since the early nineties, and so in some respects the chapter about the Harvest might be a bit outdated now, but most of it still strongly stands.
On the wonderful webarchive there is still a copy of the whole former website, with additional works:
