Music by The Refusers

Friday, October 29, 2021

We Are Resolute - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

We are resolute 

Underestimate us not

Your plans will fail

©  2021   M.N. Hopkins

Note:  I was thinking about how far along the evil cult has progressed with their plans to enslave mankind through well planned psych ops and medical tyranny.  Yet, they have chosen the weak, unintelligent, corruptible and most pathetic of human beings as their minions.  It will be so easy to topple their flimsy structures and will not take many.  A few of Light can defeat an army of those off darkness.  All plans of mice aand men do truly go awry in time.  This poem was inspired and written yesterday and published for the first time today, the 29th of October,  2021.

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Poems & Quotations by M.N. Hopkins

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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Spacers Are Not Spaced Out But Connected To The Source - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Drawing by Neutron Boar of the character, Vasilisa who is a Spacer in the Starshatter Series of  books.

Spacers are not spaced out but connected to the Source.

The best visionaries are this way. Very well functioning in reality but connected to the Source of all Life or what I call, The Divine Realm. This is how great advances and inventions and art have come about. They come out of some more subline dimension. I call it the Divine. We are shown things to bring back and share with our own kind to inspire and help speed up the evolutionary process. Any inspired writer or artist or musician does this.

That is my gift. Words just come to me without any effort. They flow in and out of me or through me effortlessly. The Chinese, I believe call this, being in the wu wei.  No one sees the hard work behind this. I worked very hard to learn to write well in school which was my foundation and continued to practice over the years.  I always thought that this was very important for me to develop this skill from a very young age. I read a lot and practiced to write and eventually came into my own style. It took many years of practice to reach a point of effortlessness in my writing.

©  2021  M.N. Hopkins

Note: The above quote was inspired while reading about an alien race called Spacers who are excellent at the navigation of starships.  Vasilisa was the character in the book who is a Spacer.  To learn more about the Starshatter series of science fiction books, please click on the link below.

Monday, October 25, 2021

No Matter How Much We Ask After The Truth - A Quotation by Frank Herbert


Frank Herbert was a critically acclaimed and commercially successful American science fiction author.

He is best known for the novel Dune and its five sequels. The Dune saga, set in the distant future and taking place over millennia, dealt with themes such as human survival and evolution, ecology, and the intersection of religion, politics, and power, and is widely considered to be among the classics in the field of science fiction.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

AI Defined


AI...Artificial Idol created by many useful idiots that the powers that should not be created to fool people into believing that a creation of Man could surpass and take the place of Divinely inspired innovation of the truly intelligent on this planet who have been guided for millennium to help Mankind to evolve. 

©  2021  M.N. Hopkins

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Book Review and Recommendation of Final Liberation, Starshatter Book # 6 by Black Knight


The sixth in a series of science fiction books written by a very talented Indie writer who goes by the pen name of Black Knight.  I have read all six of the books in the Starshatter series so far and have thoroughly enjoyed reading them all.  The setting of this story is a planet enslaved by a race of a human sacrificing, cannibalistic race that worships a Dark God and basically uses the inhabitants of this planet as a food source. An Alliance has been formed by several alien races who see Terrans as a threat and wish to exterminate them all wherever they have colonized.

As in Book, # 5, the crew of the Starship Starshatter sets out to liberate a planet by organizing many Terran militias and liberating pockets of people, then giving them food, medical treatment and helping them form there own militias, training them and having them join the members of Terran military organizations in the liberation of their planet.

In this imaginary reality. alternate time line or dimension that exists in the same time as our everyday reality.  There are protagonists and antagonists whose characters have been well developed in the series, clear lines between good and evil, the age old struggles of Mankind towards freedom and the longing to live a normal life without fear of being conquered, oppressed and enslaved by baddies of other alien races.

In conclusion, this is a very engaging story and read of a brilliantly developed and detailed imaginary world of the Knight. These are the kind of books that I save a place for in my bookshelf to be taken out every few years to be read again,  anew.  I can without any hesitation recommend that you read this book as well as all the books in the series.  If you are a lover of the science fiction and/or fantasy genre of literature, Final Liberation is a must read.

For more information, please click on the link below:

Your Body's Ability To Heal Is - Author Unknown


Note:  I wrote this many years ago and it fits the above meme.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Hiding In Shadows - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Hiding in shadows 

Where all cowards reside

Now, you are exposed

©  2021   M.N. Hopkins

Note:  This is the sixth of a series of poems I wrote inspired by the video, Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry.  It is the ones in the top ranks this poem is for,  not the lower ranking members.  This poem was inspired and written in the haiku style of poetry a few days ago and first published on my blog today, the 22nd of October, 2021.

Walls Of Deception - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Walls of deception

The great satanic reset

Ended by Christ Light

©  2021 M.N. Hopkins

Note:   This is the fifth of a series of poems I wrote inspired by the video, Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry.  It is the ones in the top ranks this poem is for,  not the lower ranking members.  This poem was inspired and written in the haiku style of poetry a few days ago and first published on my blog today, the 22nd of October, 2021.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Dissolved In The Light - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Which craft is witchcraft?

The crafting of deceptions

Dissolved in the Light 

©  2021  M.N. Hopkins

Note:  This is the fourth of a series of poems I wrote inspired by the video, Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry.  It is the ones in the top ranks this poem is for,  not the lower ranking members.  This poem was inspired and written in the haiku style of poetry a few days ago and first published on my blog today, the 21st of October, 2021.

Lost In Deceptions - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

The closer to eye

The further away from I 

Lost in deceptions

©  2021  M.N.  Hopkins

Note:  This is the third of a series of poems I wrote inspired by the video, Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry.  It is the ones in the top ranks this poem is for,  not the lower ranking members.  This poem was inspired and written in the haiku style of poetry a few days ago and first published on my blog today, the 21st of October, 2021.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The One Eye Of Lies - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

The one eye of lies  

Chosen are weak of will

Easily controlled

©  2021  M.N. Hopkins

Note:  This is the second of a series of poems I wrote inspired by the video, Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry.  It is the ones in the top ranks this poem is for,  not the lower ranking members.  This poem was inspired and written in the haiku style of poetry yesterday and first published on my blog today, the 20th of October, 2021.

Unfree Wall Builders - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Unfree wall builders

You are weak in mind and will

Your tools, deception

©  2021  M.N. Hopkins

Note: This is the first of a series of poems I wrote inspired by the video, Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry.  It is the ones in the top ranks this poem is for,  not the lower ranking members.  This poem was inspired and written in the haiku style of poetry yesterday and first published on my blog today, the 20th of October, 2021.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The First Starshatter Anthology, A Mandate Of Sword & Railgun is Now Available!


The first #Starshatter Anthology is now available!

This amazing cover was crafted by @neutronboar

You can purchase the Kindle e-book here: 

Fringe Space... It is where mighty pirate clans, powerful cartels and viciously territorial empires have set up shop. Humanity’s fledgling star state, the Terran Minarchy, colonized a number of “leftover” planets in this expanse. The Humans, their allies, and client races have ventured forth, braved deadly space anomalies and settled there. They terraformed barren wastelands, brought water to the deserts, and transformed even the dead asteroids into tiny copies of Earth. However, their boldness and hard work were rewarded with relentless, unprovoked attacks. Terran settlers were denied the peace and prosperity they sought, and were instead rewarded with slavery and death. Forced to replace their tractors for battle tanks, these farmers now aim to harvest another type of crop – the invaders themselves!

Saturday, October 16, 2021

アジャスト&アダプトできる人 - M.N.ホプキンスの名言


© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

那些能够调整和适应的人--M.N. 霍普金斯的名言


© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Những người có thể điều chỉnh & thích nghi - Trích dẫn của MN Hopkins

Những người có thể điều chỉnh và thích ứng sẽ là những nhà lãnh đạo mới trên Trái đất của bạn. Những kẻ yếu ớt và hư hỏng sẽ không tồn tại được. Chúng sẽ bám vào các cấu trúc cũ và bị chúng nghiền nát.

© 2013 MN Hopkins

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ผู้ที่สามารถปรับและปรับตัวได้ - ใบเสนอราคาโดย MN Hopkins

ผู้ที่ปรับตัวและปรับตัวได้จะเป็นผู้นำคนใหม่ในโลกของคุณ คนอ่อนแอและเลวทรามจะไม่รอด พวกเขาจะยึดติดกับสิ่งก่อสร้างที่เก่าและถูกบดขยี้โดยพวกเขา
© 2013 MN Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Diegene wat kan aanpas en aanpas - 'n Aanhaling deur MN Hopkins

Diegene wat kan aanpas en aanpas, sal die nuwe leiers op u aarde wees. Die swakkes en verganklikes sal nie oorleef nie. Hulle sal vasklou aan die strukture van ouds en deur hulle verpletter word.

© 2013 MN Hopkins

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जो समायोजित और अनुकूलन कर सकते हैं - एमएन हॉपकिंस द्वारा एक उद्धरण

जो समायोजित और अनुकूलन कर सकते हैं वे आपकी धरती पर नए नेता होंगे। कमजोर और भ्रष्ट नहीं बचेंगे। वे पुराने ढांचे से चिपके रहेंगे और उनके द्वारा कुचले जाएंगे। 

© 2013 एमएन हॉपकिंस

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Ayarlayabilen ve Uyum Sağlayabilenler - MN Hopkins'ten Bir Alıntı

Uyum sağlayabilenler ve uyum sağlayabilenler, Dünyanızdaki yeni liderler olacak. Zayıf ve yozlaşmış hayatta kalamaz. Eski yapılara yapışacaklar ve onlar tarafından ezilecekler.

© 2013 MN Hopkins

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אלה שיכולים להתאים ולהסתגל - ציטוט מאת MN הופקינס

מי שיכול להסתגל ולהסתגל יהיו המנהיגים החדשים בכדור הארץ שלך. החלשים והמושחתים לא ישרדו. הם ידבקו במבנים של פעם ויירסקו על ידם.
© 2013 MN Hopkins

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أولئك الذين يستطيعون التكيف والتكيف - اقتباس من إم إن هوبكنز

أولئك الذين يمكنهم التكيف والتكيف سيكونون القادة الجدد على أرضك. الضعيف والقابل للفساد لن يبقيا. سوف يتشبثون بالهياكل القديمة ويسحقون بها.
© 2013 MN Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Friday, October 15, 2021

Azok, akik alkalmazkodni és alkalmazkodni tudnak - M.N. Hopkins idézete

Azok lesznek az új vezetők a Földeteken, akik képesek alkalmazkodni és alkalmazkodni. A gyengék és megvesztegethetők nem fognak túlélni. Ők a régi struktúrákhoz fognak ragaszkodni, és azok el fogják őket nyomni. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Tí, ktorí sa dokážu prispôsobiť - Citát M.N. Hopkinsa

Tí, ktorí sa dokážu prispôsobiť a adaptovať, budú novými vodcami na vašej Zemi. Slabí a skorumpovaní neprežijú. Budú sa držať starých štruktúr a budú nimi rozdrvené. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Kdo se umí přizpůsobit - Citát M.N. Hopkinse

Ti, kteří se dokáží přizpůsobit a adaptovat, budou novými vůdci na vaší Zemi. Slabí a zkorumpovatelní nepřežijí. Budou lpět na starých strukturách a budou jimi rozdrceni. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Tisti, ki se znajo prilagoditi - Citat M.N. Hopkinsa

Tisti, ki se bodo znali prilagoditi, bodo novi voditelji na vaši Zemlji. Šibki in podkupljivi ne bodo preživeli. Držali se bodo starih struktur, ki jih bodo uničile. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Cei care se pot ajusta și adapta - Un Citat de M.N. Hopkins

Cei care se pot ajusta și adapta vor fi noii lideri pe Pământul vostru. Cei slabi și coruptibili nu vor supraviețui. Se vor agăța de structurile vechi și vor fi striviți de ele. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Тези, които могат да се приспособяват и адаптират - цитат от М.Н. Хопкинс

Тези, които могат да се приспособят и адаптират, ще бъдат новите лидери на вашата Земя. Слабите и корумпираните няма да оцелеят. Те ще се вкопчат в старите структури и ще бъдат смазани от тях. 

© 2013 М.Н. Хопкинс

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Те, кто умеет приспосабливаться и адаптироваться - цитата М.Н. Хопкинса

Те, кто сможет приспособиться и адаптироваться, станут новыми лидерами на вашей Земле. Слабые и развращенные не выживут. Они будут цепляться за старые структуры и будут раздавлены ими. 

© 2013 М.Н. Хопкинс

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Ci, którzy potrafią się dostosować i zaadaptować - Cytat M.N. Hopkins

Ci, którzy potrafią się dostosować i zaadaptować, będą nowymi przywódcami na waszej Ziemi. Słabi i skorumpowani nie przetrwają. Będą kurczowo trzymać się starych struktur i zostaną przez nie zmiażdżeni. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Need, kes suudavad kohaneda ja kohaneda - M.N. Hopkinsi tsitaat

Need, kes suudavad kohaneda ja kohaneda, saavad teie Maa uuteks juhtideks. Nõrgad ja korrumpeeruvad ei jää ellu. Nad klammerduvad vanade struktuuride külge ja neid purustatakse. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Tie, kas spēj pielāgoties un adaptēties - M.N. Hopkinsa citāts

Tie, kas spēs pielāgoties un adaptēties, būs jūsu Zemes jaunie līderi. Vājie un korumpētie neizdzīvos. Viņi turēsies pie vecajām struktūrām, un tās viņus sadragās. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Tie, kurie moka prisitaikyti - M.N. Hopkinso citata

Tie, kurie sugebės prisitaikyti ir prisitaikyti, taps naujaisiais jūsų Žemės lyderiais. Silpnieji ir korumpuoti neišgyvens. Jie laikysis senųjų struktūrų ir bus jų sutriuškinti. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

De som kan anpassa sig - Ett Citat av M.N. Hopkins

De som kan anpassa sig kommer att bli de nya ledarna på er Jord. De svaga och korrupta kommer inte att överleva. De kommer att hålla fast vid de gamla strukturerna och krossas av dem. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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De, der kan tilpasse sig - Et Citat af M.N. Hopkins

De, der kan tilpasse sig, vil blive de nye ledere på jeres Jord. De svage og fordærvelige vil ikke overleve. De vil klamre sig til de gamle strukturer og blive knust af dem. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Ne, jotka pystyvät sopeutumaan ja mukautumaan - M.N. Hopkinsin sitaatti

Ne, jotka pystyvät sopeutumaan ja mukautumaan, ovat Maanne uudet johtajat. Heikot ja turmeltuvat eivät selviä. He takertuvat vanhoihin rakenteisiin ja jäävät niiden murskaamiksi. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Coloro che sanno adattarsi - Una Citazione di M.N. Hopkins

Coloro che sapranno adattarsi saranno i nuovi leader sulla vostra Terra. I deboli e i corruttibili non sopravviveranno. Si aggrapperanno alle strutture del passato e ne saranno schiacciati. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Ceux qui savent s'ajuster et s'adapter - Une citation de M.N. Hopkins

Ceux qui peuvent s'ajuster et s'adapter seront les nouveaux leaders sur votre Terre. Les faibles et les corruptibles ne survivront pas. Ils s'accrocheront aux anciennes structures et seront écrasés par elles. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Diejenigen, die sich anpassen können - Ein Zitat von M.N. Hopkins

Diejenigen, die sich anpassen und umstellen können, werden die neuen Führer auf eurer Erde sein. Die Schwachen und Korrumpierbaren werden nicht überleben. Sie werden sich an die alten Strukturen klammern und von ihnen erdrückt werden. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Zij die zich kunnen aanpassen - Een Citaat van M.N. Hopkins

Zij die zich kunnen aanpassen, zullen de nieuwe leiders op aarde zijn. De zwakken en corrupte zullen niet overleven. Zij zullen zich vastklampen aan de oude structuren en erdoor verpletterd worden. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Αυτοί που μπορούν να προσαρμόζονται και να προσαρμόζονται - Ένα απόσπασμα του M.N. Hopkins

Εκείνοι που μπορούν να προσαρμοστούν και να προσαρμοστούν θα είναι οι νέοι ηγέτες στη Γη σας. Οι αδύναμοι και διαφθαρμένοι δεν θα επιβιώσουν. Θα προσκολληθούν στις παλιές δομές και θα συντριβούν από αυτές. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Aquellos que se ajustan y se adaptan.- Una cita textual escrita por M.N. Hopkins

Aquéllos que se ajustan y se adaptan serán los nuevos líderes en la Tierra. Aquéllos que son débiles y propensos a la corrupción no sobrevivirán, ya que se aferrarán a las estructuras de antaño y serán aplastados por ellas.

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

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Aqueles que podem ajustar e adaptar - Uma citação de M.N. Hopkins

Aqueles que puderem ajustar-se e adaptar-se serão os novos líderes sobre a vossa Terra. Os fracos e corruptíveis não sobreviverão. Agarrar-se-ão às estruturas do passado e serão esmagados por eles. 

© 2013 M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link below:

Sunday, October 10, 2021

An Ancient Poem from an Aztec King, King Hungry Coyote (Nezahualcoyotl)

Read by Shane Morris

King Hungry Coyote (Nezahualcoyotl) 1402 to 1472 was an Aztec warrior king, scholar and poet who ruled the city-state of Texcoco in the 15th Century.

Full Translated Poem: 

All the earth is a grave and nothing escapes it, Nothing is so perfect that it does not descend to its tomb. Rivers, streams, fountains, and waters flow, but never return to their joyful beginnings; Anxiously they hasten on the vast realms of the rain god. As they widen their banks, they fashion the sad urn of their burial. 

Filled are the bowels of the earth with pestilential dust once flesh and bone, once animate bodies of man who sat upon thrones, presided in council, commanded armies, possessed treasures, destroyed temples, exulted in their pride, majesty, fortune, praise, and power. 

Vanished are these glories, just as the fearful smoke vanishes that belches forth from the infernal fires of Popocatepetl. Nothing recalls them but the written page.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Defeat - A Poem by Kahlil Gibran

Read by Shane Morris

Kahlil Gibran was the key figure in a Romantic movement that transformed Arabic literature in the first half of the twentieth century. 

Full Poem: 

Defeat, my Defeat, my solitude and my aloofness; You are dearer to me than a thousand triumphs, And sweeter to my heart than all world-glory. 

Defeat, my Defeat, my self-knowledge and my defiance, Through you I know that I am yet young and swift of foot And not to be trapped by withering laurels. And in you I have found aloneness And the joy of being shunned and scorned. 

Defeat, my Defeat, my shining sword and shield, In your eyes I have read That to be enthroned is to be enslaved, And to be understood is to be leveled down, And to be grasped is but to reach one’s fullness And like a ripe fruit to fall and be consumed. 

Defeat, my Defeat, my bold companion, You shall hear my songs and my cries and my silences, And none but you shall speak to me of the beating of wings, And urging of seas, And of mountains that burn in the night, And you alone shall climb my steep and rocky soul. 

Defeat, my Defeat, my deathless courage, You and I shall laugh together with the storm, And together we shall dig graves for all that die in us, And we shall stand in the sun with a will, And we shall be dangerous.