Music by The Refusers

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Gardasil Changed Our Definition of Normal by Francine Pugliese


Gardasil Changed Our Definition of Normal

By Francine Pugliese
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Sane Vax, Inc.,   21 November 2014

Nina is the youngest of my three children. I had no idea a trip to the pediatrician’s office for a checkup and one simple injection could change our lives so drastically. For the last seven years, our daughter has fought to regain some semblance of her normal life.

Spending long hours at the gym watching her play basketball and dreaming of sports scholarships have all been traded in for one simple wish, a pain free day for Nina. I continued to pray that, despite her daily illness, her childhood friends would still find Nina to be that funny, animated girl that could make anyone laugh.
Our story began in late May of 2007. I took Nina to the pediatrician for her 12-year-old checkup. During the visit the doctor recommended that I have her receive the first dose of Gardasil. I immediately told him that I was not well informed about this new vaccine. He reassured me that it was fine and better to get it while she was young. I trusted my doctor.
As we left the office, a strange feeling come over me. I started to question my decision to allow the doctor to administer a vaccine that was new to the industry. My daughter was 12 years old. What was the rush to protect her against a sexually transmitted disease?  Maybe it was mother’s intuition, but I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

Early Signs of Illness Post Gardasil

Less than a month later, early in July, Nina started complaining of her hair falling out. As a mother of three, I often play down any medical concerns my children have until I see a true problem. Nina is a beautiful Italian with long thick brown hair. I put her to ease by telling her that with her amount of hair it is common to see more of it in the shower or on the bathroom floor.
Over the next few weeks Nina started to complain of flu like symptoms. She would wake up very fatigued and nauseous. The symptoms were intermittent, but becoming more regular as the weeks passed.
I did start to notice an abundance of her hair on the bathroom floor. I was becoming concerned.
By August, her complaints were more severe, so I took her to the local Med Express. They told me she was very dehydrated and administered IV fluids. Nina felt great afterwards. I was relieved.
Unfortunately, the next morning the symptoms returned with a vengeance. She missed the first week of the new school year.
The following week I started driving her to school because she was too sick to get on the bus. The school was only five minutes away but by the time we got there she was already too sick to get out of the car.
At first I thought maybe she was having some type of anxiety about starting seventh grade, but that did not make sense to me. Nina had always been a very active child who was constantly laughing and playing with friends. Her relentless love of basketball kept her on the go most of the time. She played on three different teams. School had never been a problem for Nina.

A Mother’s Intuition

She tried to muddle her way through the first semester of school, but was losing the battle. She was becoming ill at all times of the day. She would sleep on the bathroom floor hoping not to vomit one more time.
I made repeated visits to the pediatrician’s office pleading with them to help our child. Questions were running through my head constantly. Why did she become so ill so suddenly? What could have possibly happened? What had she been exposed to that could have caused her mysterious symptoms?
Then I remembered my mother’s intuition moment and realized our world began to change after the Gardasil vaccine.
Her pediatrician was in agreement, we would not proceed with the second dose of the vaccine due to Nina’s illness.

Searching for Help

The next year was filled with illness, doctor’s appointments, diagnostic tests, multiple medications, multiple diagnoses, and many, many disappointments. We were told she was suffering from, Vestibular hypo function, Meniere’s disease, tonsillitis, and last but not least, a mental illness.
My husband and I were baffled. No matter what medicine the doctors prescribed for our daughter, her illness continued to invade her body turning our world upside down.
We finally caved in and took her to see a psychologist. The psychologist commended Nina for dealing with this confusing illness in such an adult manner. She reassured us that Nina seemed well adjusted and saw no reason for any type of treatment.
How could our healthy child who played basketball 24/7 and aspired to play basketball in college dwindle down to a chronically sick child who was now on homebound study without a social life?  Most of her friends had drifted away. Her illness seemed invisible to them. There were no visible signs, such as bruises, broken bones, or blood spouting from an artery.
After nearly two years, we decided the traditional medical community was not helping. Perhaps a naturopathic route could. We were told it was coming form an adrenal problem and were given vitamins, detoxifying footbaths, and massage therapy know as Reiki. All were complementary, but did not give her any long-term relief.
Time marched on. In April of 2009, we stumbled across the television show Mystery Diagnosis. This particular episode described Nina’s symptoms in remarkable detail. It was the first time I had ever heard the word Dysautonomia.
I immediately went to the internet to research this illness and people who could diagnose and treat it just in case that was what my daughter suffered from.
I found no specialists in the Pittsburgh area, so called every specialist within the United States. I then faxed all of Nina’s medical information to their offices. We took the first available appointment from the first specialist to return our call.

Finally a Diagnosis: Dysautonomia

Dr. Hassan Abdallah at The Children’s Heart Institute in Reston, Virginia finally diagnosed Nina with Dysautonomia.  As sad as it may sound, we were delighted to finally have a name for her illness. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together.
Dr. Abdallah started her on blood pressure medication, followed by a vasoconstrictor medicine, followed by a medicine used for people with Attention Deficit Disorder. These medicines all help push more blood to the heart and brain, thus making her illness less violent.
Typically, people with Dysautonomia do not perform well in the morning.  It takes hours for their bodies to function and begin their day.  Even though we had a diagnosis for Nina, we still could not get her back to functioning like a teenager.
We continued our battle by getting a second and third opinion from the Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Medical Center.  It was at Case Western that a doctor finally admitted that they had seen an increase in Dysautonomia since the Gardasil vaccine was introduced.
In addition to her prescribed medications, Nina takes melatonin to sleep at night. She constantly has issues with low Vitamin D, which requires a prescription dose of the vitamin periodically. She takes an anti-nausea medicine as needed. She has recently been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), insulin resistance, and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). She also takes multiple vitamins and natural supplements daily to promote a homeostasis in her body. Her medication routine starts at 7am, continues every three hours, for a total of four prescription medications (14 pills daily), and seven natural supplements (11 pills daily)…
She combats all this by pushing herself to exercise with a trainer who specializes in strength and heart rate monitoring.
Last December, Nina had a procedure performed by Dr. Michael Arata called Transvascular Autonomic Modulation. It is much like angioplasty, but investigates the veins instead of arteries.
It is believed that by looking for venous compression and inflating a balloon at the superior portion of the jugular vein, one will reset the autonomic nervous system. It has proven successful, but turning back the clock of a chronic illness takes time and a lot of life style changes. Nina is still a work in progress.

Seven Years of Post Gardasil Nightmare

Nina was on the homebound program for high school. She never got to play on her high school basketball team. She never got to attend any proms.
Regardless of the adversity she faces, she managed to graduate with a 4.0 GPA and now attends the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg as a full time student.
She struggles through each and every day with the perseverance of a soldier. Her strength, integrity, and relentless desire to live her dreams inspire everyone who has the pleasure of knowing her.
The light at the end of the tunnel is that most people with Dysautonomia will out-grow it. The doctors agree that Nina’s case is severe and it may be much longer before she gets relief from most symptoms.

Questions I have about Gardasil

I have researched Gardasil for a long time and still have these questions:
  • Why was Gardasil developed when 90% of all HPV infections clear on their own, without symptoms?
  • Why would the FDA place a vaccine on their fast track program (which means it only requires six months of research) if this vaccine was being administered to little girls?
  • Why was fast-track approval granted when an already safe and proven effective means of controlling cervical cancer is available in the United States?
  • Why do government health officials constantly ignore the facts posted on websites such as SaneVax Inc.?
  • Do medical professionals truly believe all of the girls with new medical conditions after Gardasil are just complainers and really don’t want to have a normal life?

Lessons We Learned From Gardasil

Gardasil taught our family some valuable lessons.
First, never think your doctor knows everything. They are human. They work for you. If you have questions, never stop asking until you are satisfied. Always trust your gut feelings or mother’s intuition.
Never judge a person with an invisible illness. Everybody carries some type of a burden in his or her life.
We are better people because of this illness. We no longer take life for granted. Lastly and most important, we trust God has a plan and we will continue the battle until his will be done.

Survivantes du Cervarix en République Tchèque par Marcela Jandova

Survivantes du Cervarix en République Tchèque

Marcela Jandova, Liberec, République Tchèque

J’habite la République Tchèque. Comme les vaccins HPV n’ont pas encore été rendus obligatoires dans notre pays, c’est à titre privé que nous devons acheter les vaccins. Quand j’ai eu 15 ans, il y a eu des réductions tentantes sur le Cervarix. Beaucoup de tracts traînaient dans les cabinets de médecins. Ces tracts destinés à la promotion du vaccin faisaient la promotion du vaccin susceptible de protéger contre le cancer du col de l’utérus. Ma mère pensait qu’il s’agissait d’un bon vaccin susceptible de protéger plus tard contre le cancer du col de l’utérus ;

Avant que je ne reçoive le vaccin, j’étais en parfaite santé. Je n’avais aucune allergie et ne prenais aucun antibiotique. Après la troisième dose, j’ai commencé à éprouver des symptômes tels que : pertes de connaissance, raideurs de la nuque, terribles migraines et allergies. C’est à partir de ce moment là que j’ai souvent dû prendre des antibiotiques.

Mes yeux sont devenus sensibles à la lumière et ma vision était floue. Je manquais souvent l’école parce que j’avais des nausées et des vertiges. J’ai dû prendre des médicaments puissants contre mes terribles migraines  et soulager mon inconfort. Aujourd’hui encore, je suis vite épuisée et dois souvent me reposer. A certains moments, mes migraines étaient telles que j’ n’arrêtais pas de pleurer de douleur.

Le type de migraine dont je souffrais était étrange parce que parfois il ne m’était plus possible de voir correctement ; ma vision était trouble. C’était un peu comme quand on regarde le soleil trop longtemps et qu’on ne peut plus voir les choses correctement. Ce phénomène durait chaque fois dix minutes environ, puis j’entendais des bruits bizarres qui étaient le prélude à de terribles migraines. Tout cela compliquait beaucoup mes études parce qu’au cours d’examens, je ne parvenais plus à voir clairement le texte et j’échouais lamentablement. Et le pire, c’est que personne ne pouvait croire que ma vision était à ce point brouillée à ces moments-là.

J’ai dû subir de la physiothérapie pour mes torticolis. Aujourd’hui heureusement la situation sur ce point s’est améliorée par rapport à ce qu’elle était quand j’ai reçu les vaccins.

J’ai toujours ces migraines qui m’empêchent de jouer du piano et de conduire. Je me sens plus à l’aise quand quelqu’un est à côté de moi dans la voiture. Comme cela nous pouvons changer de place quand je suis prise de malaises.

Après avoir lu pas mal d’histoires relatives aux vaccins HPV, je me sens comme étant l’une de ces victimes. J’ose espérer qu’à l’avenir, je n’aurai pas à souffrir d’autres effets secondaires possibles comme la stérilité ou le cancer.

Lucie B., Prague, République Tchèque

Je m’appelle Pavel. Ma fille Lucie a reçu deux doses du vaccin Cervarix il y a six ans. Je pensais faire la meilleure chose au monde en la faisant vacciner pour la protéger du cancer du col de l’utérus. Comme ce vaccin ne figurait pas sur la liste des programmes nationaux de vaccination (j’espère qu’il ne le sera jamais) j’ai dû dépenser des sommes importantes d’argent pour me le procurer.

Après ses 16 ans ma fille a reçu la seconde dose du vaccin. Dans les 48 heures, elle a fait une forte fièvre et a eu de terribles maux de tête. Nous avons dû appeler une ambulance pour la conduire immédiatement à l’hôpital. Le diagnostic a montré qu’il s’agissait d’une encéphalite. Dans la suite, ma fille a définitivement perdu l’audition de l’oreille droite.

Depuis son système immunitaire a été compromis. Elle attrape chaque microbe qui passe et ses ganglions enflent chaque fois. Il lui faut maintenant beaucoup de temps pour pouvoir récupérer et elle a généralement besoin d’antibiotiques. Elle souffre actuellement de migraines et de vertiges permanents.

Je me sens fort coupable de lui avoir infligé pareil handicap permanent à cause de ce vaccin. Je ne puis pas en dire davantage parce que je suis encore remplie de colère par rapport à ce qui est arrivé.

Source: SaneVax

Il est important de souligner que ce vaccin anti-HPV Cervarix de GSK est celui qui a été acheté par la Communauté Française (Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles) en 2011 pour la vaccination scolaire des jeunes filles et ceci dans le cadre d’un contrat de 4 ans. En réalité, le vaccin Cervarix n’est pas plus sûr ou mieux testé que le vaccin Gardasil, plus médiatisé. Découvrez la vidéo d’information que nous avions déjà réalisée en 2011 lors du lancement de cette vaccination scolaire au Cervarix en Belgique, dans laquelle nous expliquions pourquoi nous avions décidé d’écrire à toutes les directions d’établissements et aux associations de parents. Et ci-dessous, encore un Xème cas dramatique après le vaccin Gardasil…

Témoignage d'une maman au sujet du Gardasil et de Necker...


C'est en tant que maman que je vous envoie ce mail de colère contre ce vaccin qui aurait pu tuer ma fille.

Sur les recommandations de mon gynécologue et médecin, j'ai fait vacciner ma fille de 15 ans avec le vaccin Gardasil en pensant que c'était bien. Malheureusement, au bout de la deuxième injection dans l'épaule, ma fille a commencé à se plaindre qu'elle avait mal dans tout le bras droit et les douleurs descendaient dans la main au point de ne plus pouvoir écrire.

Elle avait atrocement mal et personne ne comprenait. Elle fut paralysée des deux bras et mains et le pire c'est que lorsque nous sommes allés sur l'hôpital Necker ils n'ont pas expliqué ce phénomène et nous ont laissés démunis sans aide. Ma fille n'avait pas le moral et a passé son brevet des collèges sur ordinateur. En tant que parent ça a été très difficile et ne sachant plus que faire nous sommes allés consulter un ostéopathe qui l'a remise sur pied avec des compléments alimentaires qui viennent d'un laboratoire de Montpellier. Elle est suivie tous les 6 mois et elle réécrit. Par contre, elle a toujours le vaccin en elle.

J'en veux à la terre entière, aux médecins qui n'ont pas su soigner ma fille et à l'hôpital Necker.

Ne pas vacciner ses enfants même si votre médecin insiste.

Mme D.

28190 Fontaine-La-Guyon

Sources : oncologieinté & Institut pour la Protection de la Santé Naturelle


Cervarix Survivors in the Czech Republic by Marcela Jandova


Cervarix survivors in the Czech Republic

by Marcela Jandova
Czech Republic

Sane Vax, Inc.   15 November 2014

I come from the Czech Republic. We have to purchase HPV vaccines privately as this is not a mandatory vaccine in this country yet. When I was about 15 years old there was a tempting discount on the Cervarix vaccine in our country. There were plenty of leaflets lying around in doctors‘ surgeries promoting the vaccine to protect against cervical cancer. My mother believed that this was a good vaccine to get to protect me from cervical cancer later in life.
Before having this vaccine I was in good health. I did not have any allergies and did not use antibiotics. After the third dose I started experiencing symptoms such as fainting, stiff neck, terrible migraines and allergies. I have been using antibiotics very often from this moment on.
My eyes became sensitive to light and my vision was blurred. I had to be excused from school on a regular basis because I was nauseous and dizzy. I had to take strong medication to ease the discomfort and terrible migraines. Even today I still get exhausted quickly and have to rest often. My migraines were so strong at times that I was crying from such pain.
It was a strange migraine because at times I was unable to see properly as everything was blurred. It felt like when you look into the sun or a light bulb and then you cannot see much. It lasted for about 10 minutes then I had strange sounds in my ears and a big migraine followed shortly afterwards. It made my studying complicated because when this happened during an examination I could not see the written text properly and subsequently failed exams. Nobody believed me that my vision was blurred during those exams.
Nobody knew what was wrong with me. I was treated by doctors for migraines. I was being seen by a neurologist regularly until I was 18. The tests came back normal but I was still suffering. Nobody would blame the vaccine at the time.
I had to undergo physiotherapy for my stiff neck. It is getting better now as it has been 6 years since I had the vaccines.
I still get the odd migraines and this has affected my ability to play the piano and drive. I feel safer if someone is sitting next to me in the car so we could swap if I feel dizzy.
After reading more stories relating to HPV vaccines I find myself to be one of the victims. I hope that I will not suffer from more side effects such as possible infertility or cervical cancer in the future.

Lucie B; Prague, Czech Republic

My name is Pavel and my daughter Lucie received 2 doses of the Cervarix HPV vaccine six years ago. I thought I was doing the right thing in having her immunised to protect her from cervical cancer. As this vaccine is not on the national programme as yet and hopefully never will be I had to pay for it privately and it was quite expensive.
After she received her second dose at age 16 she developed a high fever within 48 hours and a very strong headache. We called an ambulance that took her straight into hospital.  The diagnosis by the doctors was encephalitis. She subsequently lost hearing in her right ear indefinitely.
Since then her immune system has been compromised. She seems to be catching every “bug” now and ends up with raised lymph nodes. It takes her a long time to recover from illnesses and she usually needs antibiotics. She has developed permanent migraines and dizziness.
I feel great guilt in causing her lifelong disability because of this vaccine. I cannot comment any further because I am still very upset about this incident.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Ce que le Gardasil m’a apporté par Alicia Koeppel

Gardasil changed my life completely

Ce que le Gardasil m’a apporté :
 le syndrome de tachycardie orthostatique posturale (STOP) et un pacemaker !

A 20 ans, je travaillais dans une pharmacie. J’étais en parfaite santé, j’étais très active, je faisais de l’athlétisme  et je voyais le futur avec enthousiasme.

Le Gardasil a été approuvé par la FDA en juin 2006. En décembre, une semaine avant mon 21ème anniversaire, j’ai reçu la première des trois injections de Gardasil. Depuis, je n’ai plus jamais été la même personne.

Mes premiers symptômes: fatigue, vertiges, douleurs thoraciques. Un mois après avoir reçu la première dose (janvier 2007), j’ai dû être transportée aux urgences pour des douleurs thoraciques. Je suis finalement rentrée à la maison et trois jours plus tard, je me suis évanouie pour la première fois de ma vie. J’ai dû retourner à l’hôpital. où je suis restée 5 jours. Le premier test de la table basculante s’est avéré positif. Mes symptômes ressemblaient à des attaques de panique : accélération du rythme cardiaque passant de 80 à 160 battements par minute. J’avais des nausées et des bouffées de chaleur.

Après le premier test, on a procédé à un examen au cours duquel des électrodes étaient implantées dans le cœur. Les résultats de ce dernier test se sont avérés négatifs. Cependant, au cours de la soirée qui a suivi ces tests, je me suis à nouveau évanouie.

Je suis rentrée à la maison avec un diagnostic possible du syndrome de tachycardie orthostatique posturale (STOP). Une augmentation exagérée de la fréquence cardiaque est souvent accompagnée d’hypotension, de vertiges, de nausées, de palpitations, de bouffées de chaleur et de fatigue surtout dans la position verticale.

On m’a mis sous médicaments et conseillé d’augmenter ma consommation de sel.

Un mois plus tard (février 2007), j’ai reçu ma seconde dose de Gardasil. Jusqu’alors, je m’étais évanouie 3 fois au cours du seul mois de janvier. A peine 5 jours après avoir reçu la seconde dose du vaccin, je me suis à nouveau évanouie. Le jour suivant la même chose s’est reproduite.

Bien que j’aie suivi les recommandations du cardiologue par rapport aux médicaments et à la consommation de sel, je continuais à m’évanouir environ tous les quinze jours. Ces évanouissements me provoquaient des contusions faciales, des commotions et des blessures aux épaules. Après m’être encore évanouie en rentrant à la maison, je fus à nouveau transportée à l’hôpital pour observation. Le cardiologue essaya différents médicaments et je pus rentrer à la maison après 5 jours.

En mai, je m’étais évanouie 9 fois. J’ai donc été consulter un neurologue à la clinique Mayo de Scottsdale qui me fit passer un électro-encéphalogramme, ainsi qu’un autre test. Les deux examens se sont avérés négatifs.

Cependant, on m’a conseillé de ne pas recevoir la 3ème dose de Gardasil et on m’a précisé que tous mes symptômes pourraient être dus à la vaccination contre le HPV.

Au 1er juillet, je m’étais évanouie 13 fois. Je consultai à nouveau un cardiologue à la clinique Mayo qui me fit subir le test de la table basculante. Cette fois, le test s’avéra encore positif. J’ai ensuite dû porter un moniteur cardiaque (24 heures), ainsi qu’un autre moniteur. Une arythmie fut détectée…

Le 30 août 2007, je m’étais évanouie 22 fois. La dernière fois, je me suis cassé le poignet. Le lendemain matin, le cardiologue décida de m’implanter un pacemaker. A partir d’alors, ma vie a beaucoup changé. Je devais maintenant prendre 6 à 9 comprimés par jour. Je ne pouvais plus travailler que quatre heures par jour au lieu d’un full time. J’étais à ce point fatiguée que ma vie sociale en fut profondément bouleversée. Je ne pouvais plus aller seule où que ce soit car j’avais peur de m’évanouir et de me blesser à nouveau. Je me demandais si ma vie redeviendrait un jour « normale ».

Tant mon cardiologue que mon neurologue m’ont fait comprendre que le Gardasil devait être responsable de mon état.

Avant le Gardasil, j’étais une étudiante en pleine santé, impatiente de vivre pleinement ma vie. Au lieu de cela, j’ai vu ma vie sociale s’effondrer. Il me fallait renoncer aux projets que j’avais faits, vu qu’il ne m’était plus possible de travailler full time. Je ne pouvais plus rester seule à cause du risque d’évanouissement. Toute ma vie était bouleversée. Suite à toutes les expériences que j’ai faites avec le Gardasil, je ne voudrais recommander ce vaccin à personne. Je dois noter que personne ne m’a parlé des effets secondaires possibles de ce vaccin avant que je reçoive les deux premières doses. Je souhaiterais que personne ne soit obligé de vivre ce que j’ai dû traverser sans être averti et bien informé. Le Gardasil n’est pas sûr pour tout le monde – il ne l’a pas été pour moi.

J’ai maintenant 28 ans. Je suis mariée et ai deux beaux petits garçons. J’ai toujours mon pacemaker.

Mon employeur à la pharmacie a été très compréhensif. J’ai dû abandonner le travail en pharmacie pour tenter de gagner ma vie autrement. J’ai malheureusement dû très vite réaliser que je ne savais pas faire mon travail sans avoir des étourdissements, des vertiges, sans que mon cœur s’emballe d’une manière incontrôlable. Je fus virée après six mois.

Bien que mon nouvel employeur ait été très compréhensif, j’ai malgré tout dû abandonner pour devenir mère au foyer.

Mes deux grossesses ont été difficiles. Pour la première j’ai développé une pré-éclampsie. Les médecins ont pensé que je devais en souffrir depuis un certain temps parce que ma tachycardie (STOP) avait pu en masquer les symptômes. J’ai aussi connu des problèmes de tension. Après cette grossesse, mes symptômes de STOP ont commencé à diminuer. Ma seconde grossesse a été assez différente. Au cours du 3ème trimestre, mes symptômes de STOP sont réapparus. Cela fait huit mois que j’ai donné naissance à mon second fils et les symptômes de STOP constituent toujours un véritable problème. Mon fils Paxton de 8 mois connaît lui aussi des problèmes de santé. Je me demande si des éléments du vaccin ne sont pas restés dans mon corps ; cela pourrait peut-être expliquer pourquoi sa santé est altérée aujourd’hui.

Il y a quelques jours, j’ai lu un article qui parlait des effets que le Gardasil pouvait avoir sur les bébés si la maman avait été vaccinée quand elle était enceinte ; ou peu avant de devenir enceinte. C’était assez effrayant.

Si jamais vous envisagiez de vous faire injecter le Gardasil ou un autre vaccin contre le HPV, je voudrais vous recommander de faire une recherche sérieuse avant de prendre votre décision. Je souhaiterais maintenant avoir moi-même pris ces précautions.

Je vous en prie, rappelez-vous qu’il n’existe pas de médicament qui soit sans danger pour tout le monde.


Rapports d’effets secondaires  des vaccins contre le HPV
VAERS (Vacccine Adverse Events Reporting System)

Mise à jour des chiffres au mois de Septembre 2014

VAERS : Organisme officiel américain de vaccinovigilance qui recueille les rapports d’effets secondaires possibles des vaccins aux Etats-Unis. Il est contrôlé par le CDC et la FDA

N’ont pas récupéré
Frottis du col anormaux
Dysplasies du col de l’utérus
Cancers du col de l’utérus
Cas où le pronostic vital a été engagé
Visites aux urgences
Séjours hospitaliers prolongés
Effets secondaires graves
Effets secondaires

P.S. Seuls 1 à 10% des effets secondaires seraient généralement rapportés

Children Health Summit MP4 with Tom O'Bryan

THOMAS O’BRYAN, DC, CCN, DACBN is a graduate of the University of Michigan and the National College of Chiropractic. He is a Diplomate of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, a Diplomate of the Clinical Nutrition Board of the American Chiropractic Association, and a Certified Clinical Nutritionist with the International & American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists. He is a Certified Applied Kinesiologist as well as a Certified Practitioner in Functional Biomechanics from the Motion Palpation Institute. He is a member of The Institute for Functional Medicine, the International & American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists, the American Chiropractic Association, the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, and numerous other professional organizations. Dr. O’Bryan is a practicing graduate of The Institute for Functional Medicine’s hallmark program Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP). Using the tools of applied kinesiology, laboratory, and functional medicine, Dr. O’Bryan assists patients in reclaiming their health with an emphasis on diet and nutrition. This provides a motivating and successful game plan for patients who previously suffered from debilitating symptoms, high risk for disease, and frustrating medical problems. Dr. O’Bryan has been a Visiting Instructor at Northeastern Illinois University, where he taught “Applied Nutrition for Health and Performance.” He is a Visiting Instructor at the National University of Health Sciences. He is the Vice President of the Illinois Chapter of the International & American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists. He is listed in Who’s Who in International Medicine and the International Directory of Distinguished Leadership for Excellence in Education. He is a triathlete and a second-degree black belt in Aikido. Awarded Chiropractor of The Year (1988) in Chicago, Dr. O’Bryan is the past President of the Chicago Chiropractic Society and a past Director of the Illinois Chiropractic Society. 

See more at: 

Functional Medicine Org

What Gardasil did to me: POTS and a Pacemaker by Alicia Koeppel

Gardasil changed my life completely

What Gardasil did to me: POTS and a Pacemaker

By Alicia Koeppel
Tucson Arizona

When I was 20 years old, I was working as a certified pharmacy technician. I was very healthy, athletic and active. I looked forward to my future.
Gardasil was approved by the FDA in June of 2006. That December, one week before my 21st birthday, I received my first of three injections. I have not been the same person since then.
My first symptoms were fatigue, dizziness, and chest pains. One month after the first dose (January 2007), I was transported to the local emergency room for chest pains. I was released, but three days later I fainted for the first time in my life.  This resulted in another trip to the hospital; this time from my place of work.
I was admitted to the hospital for the next five days. While there I had a tilt table test that was positive. My symptoms resembled panic attacks: racing heart (increasing from aroung 80 beats per minute to over 160, feeling nauseous and hot. I did not actually pass out though.
Immediately following the tilt table test, I had an electro physiology study done. This is a special catheterization test during which flexible insulated wires with metal electrode tips (electrode catheters) are inserted into the heart in order to study the cardiac electrical system. The results from that were negative. However, that night after the tests were performed, I fainted again.
I was discharged with the possible diagnosis of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). POTS is defined by symptoms of orthostatic intolerance associated with an increase in heart rate from the supine to upright position of more than 30 beats per minute, or to a heart rate of greater than 120 beats per minute within ten minutes of head-up tilt (HUT). An exaggerated increase in heart rate often accompanied by hypotension (low blood pressure) in association with dizziness, nausea, palpitations, heat and fatigue in the upright position.
I was put on some medication and advised to increase my salt intake.
A month later (February 2007)  I received the second dose of Gardasil. Up until this point, I had fainted 3 times, all in the month of January. Only 5 days after receiving the second dose I fainted. The very next day, the same thing happened again.
After following my cardiologist’s orders as far as medication and increased salt intake, I was still passing out every two weeks or so. These fainting episodes resulted in concussions, facial bruising, and shoulder injuries. Once after driving home at night, I passed out in my driveway. The next morning I was admitted to the hospital for observation where my cardiologist tried different medications. I was released after another 5 days.
By May, I had fainted 9 times so I was sent to see a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona. While there an EEG was done, as well as an autonomic reflex test. Both turned out negative. However, I was advised not to receive the 3rd Gardasil vaccination and was told that all of my symptoms could be due to the HPV vaccinations.
By July 1st, I had passed out 13 times and was referred to a cardiologist at the Mayo Hospital where another tilt table test was done. This one also came out positive. By now, I had to wear a 24-hour heart monitor as well as an event monitor.
The 24-hour monitor showed my racing heartbeat and the event monitor showed an arrhythmia. We were not able to record a fainting episode because when I passed out either the leads became unhooked, or the impact from the fall would disconnect the power cord or cause the batteries to fall out.
As of August 30, 2007, I had fainted 22 times, the last episode resulting in a fractured wrist. My cardiologist decided to implant a pacemaker the very next morning.
This changed my life dramatically. I was taking from 6 to 9 pills per day. I was only able to work four hours a day instead of full time. I was so fatigued all the time that my social life declined substantially. I was unable to go anywhere by myself for fear I would pass out and injure myself. I wondered if life would ever be ’normal’ again.
Both my cardiologist and neurologist suggested Gardasil is to blame for my condition.
Before Gardasil I was a healthy, independent student looking forward to life on my own. Instead my social life became almost non-existent. My future plans diminished due to my inability to earn a full-time wage. Fainting episodes meant I could not spend any time alone. My entire life was altered tremendously.
Based on my horrible experiences after receiving Gardasil, I would not recommend this vaccine to anyone. No one explained possible side effects to me before I took two of the three shots. I do not want to see anyone else going through similar circumstances without being warned. Gardasil is not safe for everyone – it was not safe for me.

Fast forward seven years

I am now 28 years old, married with two beautiful boys. I still have my pacemaker implanted.
My employer at the pharmacy where I worked when I got the Gardasil injections was very understanding and accommodating. I left work there to pursue other opportunities. It was not long before I found myself unable to perform the job requirements without getting lightheaded, dizzy and having my heart race uncontrollably. I was fired after only six months.
My next employer was wonderful and much more accommodating, but I left to become a stay at home mom.
Both of my pregnancies were difficult. The first one, I developed pre-eclampsia. The doctors believe I had it for some time before I was diagnosed because my POTS masked the symptoms. What would be normal to high for a regular person was my blood pressure, but they didn’t realize I had started with such a low blood pressure reading so ’normal’ for me was much lower than other people.
After this pregnancy, my POTS symptoms diminished.
My second pregnancy was completely different. By the 3rd trimester the POTS symptoms returned with a vengeance. It felt like I was 21 again. It has been eight months since I gave birth to my second son and POTS is still a substantial problem.
My 8 month old boy, Paxton, is facing many health issues right now as well. Part of me wonders if something in the vaccine was still in my body and is now affecting him. I read an article the other day regarding the effects Gardasil may have on babies if a mom was vaccinated while pregnant, or shortly before becoming pregnant. It was quite frightening.
If you are considering Gardasil, or any other HPV vaccine, please do some research before you decide, I wish I would have.
Please remember – no medication is safe for everyone.
