Music by The Refusers

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Year 2022 - A Discourse by M.N. Hopkins

This year of 2021 has been a very busy and creative year for me as concerns my blogging.  I decided to translate some of my quotations and poems into several languages. I did not do my Inspirational August event since 2021 become Inspirational 2021.  I am of the opinion in times like these when we are in hoaxes and mass hysteria and people willingly getting on the trains bound for the death camps of mind and body we should concentrate on the opposite.  These are the times in which creativity can flourish and truth can find cracks in which to penetrate closed minds and hearts.  Deep down people know that the path being offered by the powers that should not be will only lead to a total breakdown of community and all that is good in our world.  Eyes begin to see and ears begin to hear and many awaken to see the path being offered is toward a dystopian world of fear and suffering and a Frankensteinian transformation to a non human entity without a connection to Heaven or Earth. The ones who follow the way of the great decept lead by weak, pathetic, pyschopaths will become only sickened or dead and the ones who have eyes to see and ears to hear, strong minds and wills while retaining their original blood and DNA will be the ones left to build a new world after the collapse.  The year 2022 will most likely be a very sad and difficult year and the turning  point back to sanity, love and reason through all the sadness, death, chaos and destruction of all that we considered familiar.  We will be at a crossroads of human evolution in 2022 and the direction we choose to take has yet to be seen and then determined.  Once the choice is made, we will either walk off into the abyss or return to our true natures and begin the rebulding process.

©  2021  M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Poems & Quotations by M.N. Hopkins

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