Music by The Refusers

Friday, September 13, 2019

Prophetic Merits - A Poem by KiBLS

Prophetic merits The prophet in his own country. Appears outwardly full of shame. The message reaches its recipient. The transmission simply takes a little longer. Words of a very special kind! They open your inner gate. The effect is highly efficient. And at the same time recursive! The intention, it is always the same! This change, it is truly extensive! The moment is being reshaped! Thoughts completely new normed! (written by KiBLS) #poetry #philosophy #poem #free speech #merits Author: KiBLS | Written: ~19.07.2019 | Published: 11.09.2019 | German original: Follow soon! | License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0: | e-Book: New poems in german


Magnus said...

Nice poem there KiBLS!

Keep up the good work and inspiration!

Best regards

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hello Magnus:

I am sure that KiBLS will appreciate your comment.

Kindest regards,

KiBLS said...

Thank you Magnus and I will do so. And of course thank you Mike for publishing my poem :)