Music by The Refusers

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Our Organizations, Our Workplaces, Our Schools Are Nothing More Than......A Discourse by M.N. Hopkins

Our organizations, our workplaces, our schools are nothing more than a training ground for future generations to maintain and see to the continuation of traditional ways of behaviour. Unfortunately for you all, those with flaws in their character have been chosen to lead. Weak by nature, never given proper instruction in critical thinking. No longer are the Elders respected and sought after for wise counsel. Instead immature and unbalanced individuals who verge on the edge of mental and emotional sickness are chosen and chosen not for their strength of character, but for their many weaknesses that can be used against them as a form of control.

For without Self-control and inner knowledge and wisdom they can be easily manipulated and maneuvered into evil devices that destroy and isolate, rather than being together or united with human community.

Leaders are punished and persecuted for being intelligent and strong and not so easily controlled by forces that seek to enslave all inhabitants of your human community. Always are the inept, the incompetent and the dull of wit and mind chosen so as to teach the youth that these qualities of weakness and corruptibility will be rewarded whereas strength and intelligence will be punished.

There are so many leaders on the fringes of your societies. Many live in poverty or are now, homeless, yet maintain their principles and wait upon the day of transition when their skills and abilities will be needed to organize and rebuild human community.

Through their hardships they have learned to survive on a little, have learned to use their mental resources and initiative to survive in a world that has condemned them to a form of a prolonged prison sentence or death sentence, the only difference is that they are not locked up behind bars.

In a way, they have been in training for the future collapse of human community as we have known it since after the beginning of the industrial revolution that weakened and poisoned not just our human bodies and that of the Earth body, but also enslaved us within a system of commerce.

Gone are the family farms, the clans, the tribal groups that flourished for countless centuries and evolved in the ways of the heart and developed mental powers that cannot even be conceived of by the inhabitants of your world today.

These systems gave Man a sense of pride, freedom and self esteem as well as a reverence for both the Earth and for God.

For Man was in balance and gained from the strength and wisdom of both Realms.

Now, Man has grown dependent on machine and a new priestly class of the Corporation which has created new myths and taken much of the power away from the early priests of the Church.

The new priests of darkness control your governments and in fact, all your institutions. The new mantra is buy, buy, buy. In so doing, have you all said, bye, bye, bye to the better parts of your being.

Emotional and mental illness is as a plague upon the Lands. This is due to unnatural conflicts created when one begins to see reality through a haze of myth and images created and put into human minds by this priestly class.

For, long ago they learned the persuasive power of the image, the attraction of the mind toward fantasy and myth and used this knowledge to serve their own purposes.

Now, after thousands of years, the human systems fail and some begin to see behind the illusionary veil to the heart of what we have become over time by no longer following our God given paths.

Now, we have a creative tension that builds up in your world, ready to explode and destroy the old as it creates anew a new, yet old long forgotten system of evolution of consciousness and the creativity of Man.

After the release of new energies, people will clearly see what they have become and what they can and will become again in time.

For, intelligence and creativity will flourish again upon the Lands and leaders will be recognized from an early age and encouraged and taught to be future leaders.

Men and Women of inspiration, courage, and wisdom listening to their hearts for advise and consul and sharing their knowledge freely with all within human community.

No longer will tyranny of self or others be respected and tolerated.

Man will again enjoy the senses and connect again to God, Soul and Earth. The true trinity. The love of the Mother, the Father and OneSelf.

It is Light you asked for and Light it will be to light our way back to yourSelf and back to the Source Of All Life on Earth and on other worlds, those seen and unseen, still there waiting upon the arrival of not just a few, but of many.

We see a time of a great awakening from a sleep of discord, a sleep of deception and a sleep never more to be for those whom accept the truth of themSelves and accept the offer of a life renewed and energized by the Light and the Love that flows eternal, that flows from another realm to your realm of darkness.

©   M.N. Hopkins

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