Music by The Refusers

Monday, January 25, 2016

Now, The Earth Fights For It's Own Survival.....A Discourse from M.N. Hopkins

Now, the Earth fights for it's own survival and if Man continues to threaten Earth's survival, then the Earth will defend itself more vigilantly and Mankind will suffer far greater hardships than those of today.  We only ask that you look upon each other and the Earth with a loving gaze.

For love is the greatest of all survival mechanisms built into the human system. For in love, one acts in a kind and responsible manner that insures the survival of all life forms in your Earth realm as well as the Mother of All Life, which you in your cultural view refer to as, the Earth.

© M.N. Hopkins


Anonymous said...

Nice, thank you

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

You are very welcome Martin. Have a great day.

Kindest regards,

Magnus said...

This was a beautiful and positive writing!
Kindest regards

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Michael. "Right on" as usual.

Maggie Pym

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

You are very welcome dear Maggie.

Kindest & warmest regards,