Effort - rather than simply not avoiding it, go looking for it
Those who succeed in offloading tasks onto others that they themselves should carry out may on the face of it gain something, but they lose a lot more. In every situation where they should be the ones making an effort, if they do not do so, physically or psychologically, they are likely to grow weaker. And they become more and more vulnerable: those who do not exercise their faculties lose them, while those who adopt the philosophy of effort learn to tame their will and become stronger. Each day they discover inner potential they were not aware they had, bringing them joy that nothing and no one can take from them. Believe me, the philosophy of effort shows us that joy resides in the effort itself. This is why you must not offload responsibilities onto others that you yourself should take on, and if possible do the work without their help. And furthermore, you should not wait until you are compelled to make efforts, but rather make them anyway.Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov was a Bulgarian philosopher, pedagogue, mystic, and esotericist. A leading 20th-century teacher of Western Esotericism in Europe, he was a disciple of Peter Deunov, the founder of the Universal White Brotherhood. | |
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