Music by The Refusers

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Choir Singing All Together In Harmony - The Wisdom Of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Choir - the effects of singing all together in harmony

Learn to sing together in harmony, with the awareness that you are working on yourselves, of course, but also on the whole world. For the harmony you create gradually spreads outwards and influences every creature in space. Can you form a whole choir with your individualistic philosophy and your personal quests? No! You are singing a solo. Whereas when there are several of you, you form a choir. It is not enough to work alone and only for oneself. Of course, everyone must work individually, but such work must be done for the good of the collectivity, because the collectivity must be formed of well-developed individuals. So we must do more than seek selfishly to improve ourselves – we must also think to help the collectivity. This new philosophy does not reject the old way of concentrating on individual self-perfection; rather, this self-perfection must always serve the good of the whole. This is what we learn when we sing together in a choir.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov was a Bulgarian philosopher, pedagogue, mystic, and esotericist. A leading 20th-century teacher of Western Esotericism in Europe, he was a disciple of Peter Deunov, the founder of the Universal White Brotherhood.


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