Music by The Refusers

Friday, December 1, 2023

Helping Each Other - A Quotation from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Helping others - useful to them and to oneself

How good it would be if everybody knew how the laws of destiny worked and understood why certain misfortunes happened to them and to others, yet still persevered in the desire to help.  Some people might say, ‘Why should I help them when they are only getting what they deserve?’ First of all, because the efforts you make in trying to help others are never wasted; in certain circumstances, heaven will relent when it sees your sincerity. In the second place, your efforts are also of use to you, to progress. By helping others, you develop something in yourself; your generous, disinterested intentions and actions have a positive effect on you. So help others, and you too will feel better.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


Mathew Naismith said...

It is good to see you still expressing yourself in such a wise and aware way Mike. We don't have to convince people to our way of thinking and doing, all we have to do is be expressive of being wise and aware, for all of consciousness/energy is connected no matter what our convictions may be. By expressing ourselves in this way connects us on a spiritual level of consciousness, where it really matters.

I have been meaning to keep in touch more, it has been a crazy year.

Blessings to you and yours Mike.

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hey Mat,

Nice that you stopped by for a visit. Yes, the latest years have been crazy ones to put it lightly.

Best wishes to you & yours Mat,
