Instead of actively joining in a world where the
inhabitants love and care for each other, you have chosen to remain isolated
not only from each other, but from yourSelves.
You have chosen a bitter fruit rather than the
sweetness of Life.
It's no wonder there is a rise in sickness and
poverty. We each feed each other and this helps us maintain and encourage
greater emotional and mental health through our positive interactions.
Instead, we have chosen to fight each other and project negativity upon each
other which has resulted in a world of war, disease, and financial crisises
that are fueled by the greed of a few whose sole aim is to enslave humanity as
they have been enslaved by their own weaknesses and needs for control and power
over others.
It is as if an evil spell has been caste upon the Land
and the citizens are led to their own destruction through the deceptions and
lies of the few who foolishly believe that they can control the many. It
is not one's ego that can control others, but only the Self that can control
the ego. Once under control, then ego and Soul become joint creators of
reality. Any reality that the Soul determines will enhance and enrich the
world around It.
The Soul is connected to God, so it has access to
beauty and balance and That which brings Love, Peace, and Joy into you physical
For, we are the gift givers, not the gift
takers. We shower you with blessings of Light and Love every moment, yet
you stay imprisoned in your own illusions.
We seek those with the courage to step aside
themselves for just a moment and step into themselves and feel the health
giving effects of this relationship between you and your Soul.
We ask you to fear not, but be brave and trust in your
own ability to reach beyond your ordinary worlds to an extraordinary and
magical world from which we come. Once these worlds join then a new
willingness and a new strength will enter your world of darkness and lighten
your burdens that you have carried for so long as you have travelled the pathway
of being a human.
© M.N. Hopkins
"Reach beyond your ordinary world to an extraordinary magical world" I loved that quote Michael. Thank you as always with your insightful sharing.
Michael Sr. :)
You are very welcome Michael.
Kindest regards,
Chosen a bitter fruit, rather than the sweetness of life" so true.
Thanks Mike,
David M.
You are very welcome, David.
Kindest regards,
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