Music by The Refusers

Friday, April 15, 2016

A Tribute To Those Who Stand For Us - A Discourse by M.N. Hopkins

A Tribute To Those Who Stand For Us

A time of change is soon upon not just you but many, many others.  The old ways are no more.   Now is a time of a great transformation of financial markets and the ways of commerse.

No longer will a few control the many.  For now is the time of co-operation and consensus upon us.

Now, many assemble in the great financial centers.  New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.  Seats of once mighty financial entities, now overcome and defeated by represntatives of the 99 % of humanity.

These way seers and way showers and way doers now gather before the upcoming storm.  Mothers shall weep and fathers shall cry at the injustices done to their own and will arise from their fear and inaction and demand a change of leadership.  True leaders, those of love, those of courage, those who know the way toward a future in which honest attempts are made to solve the problems of community.  The theft of pensions, the theft of our social services, the theft of our medias.  All will come to an end.

Consensus shall show it's head and the head of the snake will no longer direct, since it's body will be cut off.  Those who have signed up to this mass disordering of human community and betrayed not only others, but have betrayed what is best within themselves will lead no more.

No longer will the weak and the corruptable rule.  Now, comes a changing of the guard.  Now, come those of responsibility and compassion.  Now, come the true leaders to take their rightful place amongst their fellows.

The call has gone out and many have answered.  They come together not as victims, but as leaders.  Leaders leading the way back to their roots that were forged in the fiires of a democractic dream.  A dream of Man and Woman working together for the betterment of all within human community.

Now, the bell of liberty rings again but not from a cold metal object, but it rings loud and true with the strength of the human heart.

The young and old unite for a common cause of the re-establishment of the common good.

Yes, Good that will one day be so common amongst Mankind that future generations will wonder how Mankind could have ever allowed itself to fall into such a state of disalignment and disrepair.

Future generations will know directly what is of the Good and live their lives in accordance with not just what is best for their individual expression of their humanity, but what is best for their everyday living in human community.

We salute you all this day and wish to tell you that yes indeed you succeeded with your plans and brought about whole new systems of commerse that were created out of what is best within your humanities.

God's speed and stay the course.  For those of greatness and wisdom from your past and your future have joined together with you in these days and helped direct you back to the path that you left so many countless centuries ago.

They come from the north, the south, the east and the west and join together in a common goal of re-establishing the common good within human communities.  They will come together as one, yet keep their individuality.  United by a common dream, one determined by the human heart.

It is freedom you have sought and it is freedom that has again found you sleeping and rang the bell of liberty.

Fear not.  There is no force that can deter you now from the culmination of your collective dream of freedom.


Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing this

Lux G. said...

This gif is so enchanting. Love the way her hair moves with the wind and the way the water splashes.

What a wonderful, touching tribute too.

Anonymous said...

From your lips to God's ears to the whole of humanity.


Stranger in a Strange Land said...

:) Thanks for the lovely and kind comment Maggie.
