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Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Study Finds GMO Soy Toxic to Kidneys, Liver, and Reproduction by Christina Sarich


New Study Finds GMO Soy Toxic to Kidneys, Liver, and Reproduction 

by Christina Sarich

Natural Society,  2 January 2015

In North America, approximately 75 to 89% of the soy beans grown are genetically modified (GM). One may not realize it, but this is concerning news – especially because recent research found that GM soy is toxic to the kidneys, liver, and more.
There isn’t just one smoking gun anymore pointing at GMO toxicology. There is now an entire arsenal of scientific research proving that genetically modified organisms adversely affect the body. In yet another new study conducted by Egyptian researchers, rats given GM soy were found to have deadly amounts of toxicity in their kidneys, liver, testes, sperm, blood and even DNA.
Is there any question anymore about the true poisons that are biotech’s squalid wares?
The histopathological assessments made by the researchers of the rat’s bodily tissues leave no room for mistakes or misjudgments. You can’t argue over the results as some GMO-supporters have tried to do with other studies (like Seralini’s).  Seralini’s study is one of the most quoted papers on the Internet, yet Monsanto gave a lengthy refutation of its findings.
Seralini stands firm in his findings, with the support of thousands of other scientists around the world. Though you’d think that he was some sort of quack with the comments that biotech makes to try to discredit him. What does Monsanto do when studies like this one, keep mounting? The evidence comes out again and again against GMOs – then what? What happens when research finds GM soy to be linked to sterility and infant mortality?
Just some of the sordid highlights of GMO-fed rats from the study’s findings include:
  • DNA fragmentation increased significantly after the rats were fed GM soy, and the levels of toxicity increased at 30, 60 and 90 days.
  • Glyphosate tolerant enzymes were found in the blood, and as researchers pointed out, “There is a growing concern that introducing foreign genes into food plants may have an unexpected and negative impact on human health.”
  • The kidney’s bio-pathology increased. Blood creatinine and uric acid concentrations increased significantly in rats fed the GM diet for 30, 60, or 90 days.
  • Chromosomal aberrations were observed. There was a “highly significant” number of abnormal cells.
Almost every organ observed, along with the blood and DNA showed damage from the GM diet. The researchers stated:
“The results of all the param-eters evaluated in our investigation were consistent and confirm that the GM diet fed to rats for 30, 60, or 90 days caused significant histopathological, biochemical, and cytogenetic changes in all examined tissues.”
No animals were tested for toxic affects after 90 days – but it didn’t take more than this to see an obvious correlation between the toxicity levels of the rats and their GM diet. The wheat-based control diet did not cause the same results.
So here’s the kicker — the largest U.S. producer of hybrid seeds for agriculture, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, created a genetically engineered soybean which was approved in 2010. Soy is also on the seven most commonly grown GM crops list.
Since that time, numerous food products have been processed and sold on grocery store shelves in the US contain GM soy.
Many people have soy allergies now, too, which are likely due to GM varieties. Symptoms often include:
  • Hives; itching; or itchy, scaly skin (eczema)
  • Swelling of lips, face, tongue and throat, or other body parts
  • Asthma or wheezing, runny nose, cold symptoms
  • Skin redness
  • A tingling mouth
  • Abdominal pains, nausea, and diarrhea
To read the entire article and for other information on this subject, please click on the link provided below:

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