Music by The Refusers

Monday, October 28, 2024

Faith Is About...Author Unknown

Faith isn’t about asking God to stop the storm. Faith is about trusting God to help you through the storm. 

Author Unknown

Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Ego Only Has Access To The Power Of The Earth - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

The ego only has access to the power of the Earth and this has caused Mankind great imbalance. A power without peace, without wholeness, without balance. A power that reigns over and divides and destroys all that gets in its' path. That sets Man against Man and betrays all that is good within our humanity.

© M.N. Hopkins

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Susception And Doubt - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Susception and doubt

The tools of evil control

Fill yourself with Faith

© 2024  M.N. Hopkins

Note:  I wrote this poem a few days ago in the haiku style of poetry a few days ago and published it for the first time today, the 26th of October 2024.  Tools used for thousands of years to throw people off their game. A clear mind and faith in the Divine is your best defense.

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Friday, October 25, 2024

Red Or Blue Abyss? - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Red or blue abyss?

Whom will evil choose this time?

The system is rigged

© 2024  M.N. Hopkins

Note:  I wrote this poem in the haiku style of poetry yesterday and published it for the first time today, the 25th of October, 2024.  The time of Political circus is upon us again.  The system is broken and after four years of investigations, committees, petitions, protests, diversions, nothing has changed, the system is still rigged.

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

What Will Foster Us - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

What will foster us

Gratitude, humility 

Aids us through hard times

© 2024  M.N. Hopkins

Note:  I wrote this poem a few days ago and published it for the first time today, the 23rd of October, 2024.  Today in our world we have an the arrogance and the inflated egos of the weak, inept and incompetent who have been appointed rather than chosen by their pers who are acting in not even their own interests but that of a small, select group whose only goal is the complete control and domination of the worlds population.  They will fail in time but during that time our only hope will be Divine intervention that will aid and foster what is best in our humanity. 

To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Moenie jou geskenke misbruik nie - 'n kwotasie deur MN Hopkins

Moenie die geskenke wat jy ontvang het, misbruik nie. Wees wys en gee vrylik en liefdevol van die Lig van ware begrip en ware verligting. Want die Lig sal kom en ander in staat stel om hul ou wonde te genees en hul wêreld op 'n nuwe manier te sien. Want die gees van samewerking moet bevorder of gekoester word voordat groot voordelige veranderinge kan plaasvind.

© MN Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link provided below:

Yeteneklerinizi Kötüye Kullanmayın - M.N. Hopkins'ten Bir Alıntı

Size verilen armağanları kötüye kullanmayın.  Bilge olun ve gerçek anlayış ve gerçek aydınlanmanın Işığını özgürce ve sevgiyle verin.  Çünkü Işık gelecek ve başkalarının eski yaralarını iyileştirmelerini ve dünyalarını yeni bir şekilde görmelerini sağlayacaktır.  Çünkü büyük ve faydalı değişimler meydana gelmeden önce işbirliği ruhu teşvik edilmeli ya da beslenmelidir.

© M.N. Hopkins

To read the original quotation in English, please click on the link provided below: